CUTT ref 2006 / 7. CURS LARP officer. Started LARP in Lent term 2005.
Interested and involved in the SystemReset (which is not a reset, it's a rewrite, dammit.)
/NonCastingSkills is a go at Wilderness, Subterfuge and Warrior. We need a subpage of SystemReset for discussion of swashbuckling.
/Alchemy hurts my brain because there is no functional, simple system in any known roleplaying game for characters who are solely concerned with alchemy. This means our function space of possibility is somewhat large. No suggestion on the page should be taken as my solid opinion - it's flailing in the dark and may contradict itself and stuff.
And in Fashion. No, really.
Silly songs: /RaggedRascal
By the way. For reference concerning ranges, [this] giant squid is 28ft long.