So, if your character were a god, or some other being with the capability to enforce strictures, what would they be?
Galwyn actually *has* his own strictures, a watered-down and simplified version of Johnism he's been teaching to the goblins:
- I: This above all: Thou shalt do no harm.
- II: Thou shalt do all the good you can.
- III: "Thou shalt not go near the dwellings of the humans until one marked as Righteous in the Eyes of St John - a priest, or one marked with the Green Cross - has deemed you worthy".
- IV: Thou shalt spread these words among your people, and you shall spread the sign of the Green Cross, until I give you another sign and more commandments, to take the place of these.
- V: Thou shalt not forget the first commandment: Thou Shalt Do No Harm)
- Work hard, play harder.
- Holy war is anathema; strive to prevent it.
- Treat no sentient race as above or beneath any other.
Professor Greenheel
- Don't kill anyone or anything. Even goblins. Unless, of course, they deserve it.
- Try everything once.
- Do everything in the name of SCIENCE!
- Always try to help in any way you can.
- Always wear a hat, it would be improper not to
- Blood Fixes Everything
- Do nothing without consent, save to prevent similar being done to another without consent.
- Always accept new dreams and visions into your life.
- Never give up hope.
- Worry not about yesterday or tomorrow; today has enough worries of its own.
- Let not fear, or ennui, or virtue be your master. Only boring people get bored.
- Do whatever seems like a good idea at the time - chances are that it is your own wisdom speaking to you.
- Worship the great Lord Ariel to ensure your favourable reincarnation.
- Keep yourself pure - do not dabble in magics of other colours.
- Men are for reproductive purposes only - any civilised society keeps them well-fed but caged until they are needed.
- Help the helpless
- Defeat the bad guy
- Kiss the girl
- Note that strictures two and three are perfectly compatible in the case of femmes fatale
- Do not be seen getting your hands dirty
- Style over substance
- Kiss the girl
- Grog
- Yarrr
- Power. In that order.
- Look after yourself
- Don't be afraid to use your power
- It rarely hurts to be nice. (...note that it pays to be able to recognise those times when it *might* hurt to be nice and to be enthusiastically nasty then instead :-p)
- Do not be swayed by shallow compliments. Susceptibility to flattery indicates weakness of character.
- Endeavour to look one level deeper and one step further.
- Excessive trust in anyone is the first step on the road to disaster.
- Trust your head, but do not blind yourself to the suggestions of others.
- Let not fear be your master.
Cinnamon (Jee)
- Be nice
- Let your wisdom not be swayed by social norms.
- Let not important things be suppressed by the merely urgent.
- Be happy and procreate.
- Seek the truth
- Accept all the consequences of your actions or your inaction.
- Don't give up, ever, no matter what happens or what others do.
- Patience almost always beats rushing (There is plenty of time and things are nearly always less urgent in hindsight).
- Make friends you can rely on (There is strength in numbers and the sum of skills is often greater than two working apart)
- Avoid Lies and Secrets (If you carefully build your assumptions from the 'known', it sucks when that turns out to be incorrect)
- Take nae gyp from naebody.
- Doubt not your judgement; if others doubt it, shout louder.
- "Annoying Heresy" is a crime. Let it not go unpunished.
- In the great reckoning, your own transgressions count threefold. Do not forget them.
- Take the consequences for your actions upon your own shoulders.
- What is required must be done. What you desire is irrelevant.
- The law is an ass. Let not the manifold failings of others steer you.
- Protect yourself, protect others. No matter what they say.
- Try every good idea. Then try the bad ones.
- The mind is the most dangerous weapon.
Black Molly
- Be audacious.
- Moping around tragically does nothing. Just go and do something about it
- Turn any situation to your advantage.
- Never underestimate anyone
- Legs are dispensible.
- If you get yourself into something stupid, expect to get yourself out again
- Take life as a challenge to see just how much you can get away with.
- Never admit you're wrong (of course you *aren't* wrong...)
- Accept your responsibilities. If you don't then blame someone else.
- You'll never know if you don't try it.
- Discretion is the better part of valour.
- Thou shalt linear in the dark.
- The kitten's more popular than the character. Live with it.
- PBBs are bad and will get you captured. Die with it.
- The pun is always worth the reaction
- Never aid a demon against a person from the Prime, no matter the circumstance or the crime of the person. This is the One Crime.
- The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one or the few.
- Do what is best for the Family.
Dot Sylke
- Suffering is the highest form of experience. Share it.
- Do nothing solely for your own benefit.
- Never take any one course of action when there is a more machiavelian alternative available.
- Defend your honour
- Defend the honour of others
- Shut up and do as you're told
- *Be A Man
- Stand by your bargain, unless a more favourable one is available.
- Protect the city, nothing else matters.
- Help the helpless help themselves.
- Avoid becoming a bureaucrat. Paperwork is a poison to the mind.
Edwin de Lacey
- The rule of law and its enforcement is our duty.
- Protection of the city is our duty.
- Recording our work in enforcement and protection is our duty.
- All may be redeemed from fufilling one's duty.
- Stand up for yourself because nobody else will.
- A Deal's a deal, once you make it, follow it through.
- Don't kill if you don't have to, but don't be afraid to if it is necessary.
- Look out for you and yours, and to hell with the rest.
- If you are a leader, you have a duty to those who you lead.
Mikron Davis, aka Mickey
- Everything has a purpose. Admire the females, fight the males, and make drugs out of everything else.
- Anyone too sure of themselves is to be wound up till they break and pick a fight.
- Do not back down from a fight.
- Finish a fight, be ready for one, but don't start them.
- Though shalt not get NOTICED by higher authorities. It will only bring grief.
John Forrester (24)
- Care for the people.
- Care of the wronged comes before care for those who wronged them.
- Don't be an idiot.
- When all seems lost, get up and try harder.
Alferwen Bysllywd
- Be nice to people, even in they are mean and take your biscuits and really don't deserve being nice to. Unless they are the Temple of St John, they are very much not nice and St John will be cross at them so you should be too.
- If it isn't nailed down it isn't stealing as if it belonged to someone then they'd nail it down so it can't be stolen.
- Always try to be the best possible person you can be.
- None of the above apply if the person called you a rat.
Bil Harkins
- Be more than folk expect you to be.
- If you can't do something useful, at least do something amusing.
- Your brain's your finest weapon, but failing that, an axe'll do.
- Booze is proof than Bil loves you and wants you to be happy.
Orrin Kent
- Find the opportunity in every problem.
- A greased palm can work as well as a clenched fist.
- Always have another trick up your sleeve.
Ivan (Presumably as some weird sect of Humact)
- Honour, not Chivalry.
- When in doubt, charge.
- Drink wodka
- Seduce vimmen.
- Feast
- Fight
- Smite Harder, Inneudo vorse.
- Take care of your people
- Never back down
- Enjoy the ride
- Make everyone you can your friends, love and take good care of them!
- No sharing secrets, just with your very special friend!
- Make delicious cakes!
- Atone for thy sins
- Only accept what you are worthy of
- Death is not redemption
- Protect your pack
- Know your enemy
- Strive to be about ten steps ahead. One just doesn't cut it.
- Use the resources of the strong to help the weak
- The ends do not justify the means
- Have at least 1 copy of everything you own