|| Dot Sylke Dot Sylke is an ex-kender True Elf. She has seven siblings: Del, Des, Dekks, Darri, Dahlia, Daisychain, and (of course,) Dash. Dot is the family retainer of Blake duPres. She moved to Grantabrugge from Londinium with Sir. Blake in his bid to recalim the family lands. Blake has returned to Londinium to sort out once and for all the business with the house. Dot is currently doing several housekeeping jobs around the city. ............................................................................................................................................................................................... Despite this and the association of the place with another elf, she still visits the Wessex arms to see her friends, especially Ella and Marcus Dot had been making blood sacrafices to fulfill her end of a Fae bargain, but eventually decided this was a bad idea and decided to take up 24-hour residence in the Temple of the Light instead. A couple of weeks later, Dot had a baby. A very special baby, called Blake. But then the Fae came and took it away. Dot is currently hugely emotionally distraight. In her spare time, she may be spotted staring off into space, or into an empty glass. Should be feeling more proactive in a couple of weeks................................................................................................................. Has unusually large ears. DotMeme Artwork by the fantastically talented porange [[| UseMod Table Formatting]] is a nightmare. || http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v1773/214/90/529266602/n529266602_1667288_1862.jpg || |
|| Dot Sylke <Living Mortal; Slayer of Kings; Pyrokin> "Blake... I know you're growing up, and it's time for you to start making your own decisions. But I'm your mother, and I'm always going to want to help you, and make sure you're going to be ok. I want to... can you let me stay in your imagination, in the book? In Grantabrugge? With the people there?" "I'll always be there for you whenever you need me... you will always be able to find me there..." DotMeme Artwork by the fantastically talented porange [[| UseMod Table Formatting]] is a nightmare. || http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v1773/214/90/529266602/n529266602_1667288_1862.jpg || Character SheetDot's character sheet went through several revisions: />Prototype Cultist Dot.xls(never actually happened!) {Hypothetical Useful Dot.xls(Subter-Alchemy)/ evil kender.txt->Sordanite kender.txt->Dot.txt->Dot.xls-> {Hypothetical Sexy Dot.xls(Subter-Priest) / {Hypothetical Holy Dot.xls(More Priesty) \\ \>3YGB Dot.xls Dot transformed into a True Elf between initial character concept and entering play. The 3YGB build was slightly restatted as the "downtime" subterfuge skills were very unlikely to feature, while IC she had spent many years in arcadia between leaving play and the 3YGB. Her idealised uptime character sheet was as follows: || Skill || XP || |||| Level I || || || ||True Elf|| 10|| || || ||Background Skill: Lockpicking|| 11|| || || ||Subterfuge I|| 26|| ||Alias I (Briar, Alex)|| 36|| ||Street Fighter I|| 41|| ||Literacy|| 47|| ||Numeracy|| 49|| ||Speak Tengwar|| 50|| ||Read / Write Tengwar|| 51|| || || |||| Level II || || || ||Subterfuge II|| 66|| ||Street Fighter II|| 71|| ||Conceal Item I|| 76|| ||Light Armour I|| 79|| ||Light Armour II|| 82|| ||Backstab I|| 90|| ||Agility I|| 95|| ||Agility II|| 100|| ||Health I|| 106|| ||Health II|| 112|| || || |||| Level III || || || ||Subterfuge III|| 127|| ||Forgery I|| 137|| ||Improved Alias|| 142|| ||Light Armour III|| 145|| ||Street Fighter III|| 150|| ||Backstab II|| 158|| ||Conceal Item II|| 173|| ||Throwing Competency|| 173|| ||Agility III|| 173|| ||Health III|| 179|| || || |||| Level IV || || || ||Health IV|| 185|| ||Alias II (Silas)|| 195|| ||Subterfuge IV|| 210|| ||Light Armour IV|| 213|| ||Agility IV|| 218|| ||Street Fighter IV|| 223|| || || |||| Level V || || || ||Spiritual Awakening|| 243|| ||Subterfuge V|| 258|| ||Backstab III|| 266|| ||Street Fighter V|| 271|| ||Read / Write Quenyar (Tomten)|| 272|| ||Improved Backstab|| 282|| ||Devotion I|| 292|| || || |||| Level VI || || || ||Spiritual Blessing I|| 302|| ||Smite Soul I: Halt 10|| 303|| ||Healing I: Cure 1|| 304|| ||Mind Control I: Silence 10|| 305|| ||Devotion II|| 315|| ||Healing II: Cure 3|| 317|| ||Mind Control II:Induce Emotion|| 319|| ||Smite Body I: Spirit Single Through|| 321|| ||Smite Body II: Repel 10 Spirit Single|| 322|| ||Smite Soul II:Strikedown 10|| 324|| ||Spiritual Blessing II|| 334|| ||Devotion III|| 344|| ||Smite Soul III: Halt 60|| 347|| ||Smite Body III: Spirit Double Strikedown|| 350|| ||Devotion IV|| 360|| || || || || |||| Level VII || || || ||Smite Soul IV: Freeze 10|| 364|| ||Smite Soul IV: Spirit Quad Through|| 368|| ||Spiritual Blessing III|| 378|| ||Spiritual Blessing IV|| 388|| ||Devotion V ||398|| ||Smite Soul V: Mass Strikedown 30|| 403|| ||Smite Body V: Spirit Quad Strikedown|| 408|| ||Devotion VI|| 418|| || || |||| Level VIII || || || ||Smite Soul VI: Wide Halt 60|| 424|| ||Smite body VI: Spirit Hex Through|| 430|| ||***************************************|| 432|| ||Devotion VII|| 440|| ||Smite Body VII: Mass Spirit Hex Through Strikedown|| 447|| ||Smite Soul VII: Freeze 300|| 454|| ||Devotion VIII|| 464|| ||Smite Soul VIII: Meet Deity|| 472|| ||Smite Soul VIII:FLANGE|| 480|| Dot was a delicate flower on 4/2 hits, but she made up for it with 2 points of DAC and 2 points of armour per location, except the head which could have had one. She was capable of calling QUAD THROUGH by backstab with weapons up to 36 inches long. She could weild weapons up to 36 inches in her left hand, 42 inches in her right. She was competent with throwing weapons, and actually used them (in various different ways!) on a few occasions on the 3YGB. She had two alias slots, one of which was recycled over 4 weeks of downtime. She learned to Read and Write Tomten with tuition from Argus Fenugreek, in preparation for a trip to Atlantis, and also because she was interested in her cultural history, and maybe even some other reasons as well. She had all Smite Body and Smite Soul Miracles to Level VII, along with healing and mind control to level II. She had a total of 12 Spirit Points, so learned to bide her time and use her miracles to their maximum effect. Her Level VIII Miracle came in the form of a permanent modification to her being which allowed her to obtain 1 point of Spiritual Authority from Sordan by performing a 10-second maim action on 1 location of a conscious, sentient being. Each such being was good for up to 5 points of spirit, following 50 seconds maiming (in the "best" case scenario). Her maximal theoretical DPS sequence ran: Smite Body IV on a 42 inch weapon for a SPIRIT QUAD THROUGH followed by a Poisoned Backstab with a 36 inch (VENOM HEX THROUGH) then dropping the sword and flowing into into Smite Body VI (SPIRIT HEX THROUGH) for 16 points of THROUGH damage to a torso in 3-4 seconds. |
Dot Sylke <Living Mortal; Slayer of Kings; Pyrokin> "Blake... I know you're growing up, and it's time for you to start making your own decisions. But I'm your mother, and I'm always going to want to help you, and make sure you're going to be ok. I want to... can you let me stay in your imagination, in the book? In Grantabrugge? With the people there?" "I'll always be there for you whenever you need me... you will always be able to find me there..." DotMeme Artwork by the fantastically talented porange [[| UseMod Table Formatting]] is a nightmare. | ![]() |
Dot's character sheet went through several revisions:
/>Prototype Cultist Dot.xls(never actually happened!) {Hypothetical Useful Dot.xls(Subter-Alchemy)/ evil kender.txt->Sordanite kender.txt->Dot.txt->Dot.xls-> {Hypothetical Sexy Dot.xls(Subter-Priest) / {Hypothetical Holy Dot.xls(More Priesty) \ \>3YGB Dot.xlsDot transformed into a True Elf between initial character concept and entering play.
The 3YGB build was slightly restatted as the "downtime" subterfuge skills were very unlikely to feature, while IC she had spent many years in arcadia between leaving play and the 3YGB. Her idealised uptime character sheet was as follows:
Skill | XP |
Level I | |
True Elf | 10 |
Background Skill: Lockpicking | 11 |
Subterfuge I | 26 |
Alias I (Briar, Alex) | 36 |
Street Fighter I | 41 |
Literacy | 47 |
Numeracy | 49 |
Speak Tengwar | 50 |
Read / Write Tengwar | 51 |
Level II | |
Subterfuge II | 66 |
Street Fighter II | 71 |
Conceal Item I | 76 |
Light Armour I | 79 |
Light Armour II | 82 |
Backstab I | 90 |
Agility I | 95 |
Agility II | 100 |
Health I | 106 |
Health II | 112 |
Level III | |
Subterfuge III | 127 |
Forgery I | 137 |
Improved Alias | 142 |
Light Armour III | 145 |
Street Fighter III | 150 |
Backstab II | 158 |
Conceal Item II | 173 |
Throwing Competency | 173 |
Agility III | 173 |
Health III | 179 |
Level IV | |
Health IV | 185 |
Alias II (Silas) | 195 |
Subterfuge IV | 210 |
Light Armour IV | 213 |
Agility IV | 218 |
Street Fighter IV | 223 |
Level V | |
Spiritual Awakening | 243 |
Subterfuge V | 258 |
Backstab III | 266 |
Street Fighter V | 271 |
Read / Write Quenyar (Tomten) | 272 |
Improved Backstab | 282 |
Devotion I | 292 |
Level VI | |
Spiritual Blessing I | 302 |
Smite Soul I: Halt 10 | 303 |
Healing I: Cure 1 | 304 |
Mind Control I: Silence 10 | 305 |
Devotion II | 315 |
Healing II: Cure 3 | 317 |
Mind Control II:Induce Emotion | 319 |
Smite Body I: Spirit Single Through | 321 |
Smite Body II: Repel 10 Spirit Single | 322 |
Smite Soul II:Strikedown 10 | 324 |
Spiritual Blessing II | 334 |
Devotion III | 344 |
Smite Soul III: Halt 60 | 347 |
Smite Body III: Spirit Double Strikedown | 350 |
Devotion IV | 360 |
Level VII | |
Smite Soul IV: Freeze 10 | 364 |
Smite Soul IV: Spirit Quad Through | 368 |
Spiritual Blessing III | 378 |
Spiritual Blessing IV | 388 |
Devotion V | 398 |
Smite Soul V: Mass Strikedown 30 | 403 |
Smite Body V: Spirit Quad Strikedown | 408 |
Devotion VI | 418 |
Level VIII | |
Smite Soul VI: Wide Halt 60 | 424 |
Smite body VI: Spirit Hex Through | 430 |
*************************************** | 432 |
Devotion VII | 440 |
Smite Body VII: Mass Spirit Hex Through Strikedown | 447 |
Smite Soul VII: Freeze 300 | 454 |
Devotion VIII | 464 |
Smite Soul VIII: Meet Deity | 472 |
Smite Soul VIII:FLANGE | 480 |
Dot was a delicate flower on 4/2 hits, but she made up for it with 2 points of DAC and 2 points of armour per location, except the head which could have had one.
She was capable of calling QUAD THROUGH by backstab with weapons up to 36 inches long. She could weild weapons up to 36 inches in her left hand, 42 inches in her right. She was competent with throwing weapons, and actually used them (in various different ways!) on a few occasions on the 3YGB.
She had two alias slots, one of which was recycled over 4 weeks of downtime.
She learned to Read and Write Tomten with tuition from Argus Fenugreek, in preparation for a trip to Atlantis, and also because she was interested in her cultural history, and maybe even some other reasons as well.
She had all Smite Body and Smite Soul Miracles to Level VII, along with healing and mind control to level II. She had a total of 12 Spirit Points, so learned to bide her time and use her miracles to their maximum effect.
Her Level VIII Miracle came in the form of a permanent modification to her being which allowed her to obtain 1 point of Spiritual Authority from Sordan by performing a 10-second maim action on 1 location of a conscious, sentient being. Each such being was good for up to 5 points of spirit, following 50 seconds maiming (in the "best" case scenario).
Her maximal theoretical DPS sequence ran: Smite Body IV on a 42 inch weapon for a SPIRIT QUAD THROUGH followed by a Poisoned Backstab with a 36 inch (VENOM HEX THROUGH) then dropping the sword and flowing into into Smite Body VI (SPIRIT HEX THROUGH) for 16 points of THROUGH damage to a torso in 3-4 seconds.