:::::There was a big plot with the 'Cheap Scroll Guys' recruiting PCs to write scrolls for them... -ChessyPig |
:::::There was a big plot with the 'Cheap Scroll Guys' recruiting PCs to write scrolls for them... -ChessyPig :::::: My scroll lore originates in the Richards Era (2 years ago I think?), don't know if this was out of date at the time. --Chevron |
Please note this is the common information, and is subject to change with local conditions, e.g. potion prices go up when the guild of alchemists blows its roof off again.
It is assumed that PC's manage to buy/beg/borrow/steal common weapons and armour.
The guild of alchemists sells common elixirs using a standard tariff based on the number of ingredients used:
Elixirs decay and lose their potency after a week.
Occasionally guild or independant alchemists can be found wandering through the city / visiting the Wessex Arms on a Friday night, they can administer potions directly for between half and two thirds the price of a guild elixir if you are lucky enough to find them.
The colleges of magic sell scrolls of their various spells, these also have a standard price tariff based on the level of the scroll.
The colleges will usually have several scrolls for syllabus level 1-3 spells in stock, with a good chance of a scroll or two of their level 4 spells. Spells above level 4 almost always require arrangement with the college in advance, and the prices vary depending on what mages are available and how much their value their time.