This is actually the old website now. Its just the backlink for some of the sub pages for the new website doesn't work because Drac sucks at mispelling consistency./ you probably want to be here:
A new website is being constructed at All of the information on the current website is now up there, the last thing to do before it can be declared 'open' is to link everything up. Ack. If you have any suggestions as to how this can be achieved, or want to record any typos/errors/omissions/suggestions, here's the place. -Koryne
- Need to get the Navigate bar showing on every page
- People have asked for an 'index' page that lists all the pages in the same way that the current website does. Nothing wrong with this, it ought to have the 'news' box on it, and will be useful for reference.
- A combination of the Navigate box, and links on pages should provide a vaguely intuitive 'route' around the site
- We want to add a lot of 'flavour' text about Grantabrugge and the world in general, to what extent should this be mixed in with the rules? (e.g. currently has both the list of St John's miracles and a description of the Church in Grantabrugge.
- When website up and running have a Changes section on the front page
- Put the minutes of past OGMs on the website
Divorce the system and setting as far as possible. Miracle lists are not necessarily a good example of this, as they are both IC and OC lists, and the two are rather inextricably linked. Ummm. I suppose I'm saying "Don't put information about the Scouts Guild on the Wilderness skills page". This is really because not all Scouts are Wilderness bunnies, and not all Wilderness bunnies are scouts. Also, we need to make the distinction clearer between 'these are the OOC rules for spell research' and 'IC you get told to only try and research spells if you are at least a journeyman', as I feel I may not have been clear enough in the past that these were two separate things.--Snapdragon
- Yup- that's definitely been my intention- the Magic and Spirit pages ( and ) have separate links to the background, rules, and skills. I'm in the process of doing the same thing to Alchemy, and the rest will follow. --Pufferfish
- I just edit conflicted, is this still valid? --Snapdragon
- An idea for simplifying some of this: could we have a SETTING tag and a RULES tag to go above the relevant pages (or more confusingly, the relevant sections when both are on the same page). Have SETTING defined elsewhere as IC stuff that is believed to be true, RULES defined as OC Mechanics. Examples of where this would be very useful - I like having IC info about Churches and their presence in Granchester on their respective pages, but it then goes into miracles rules which are OC. - Bryony
I will be making some of my IC documents available to add to system background info, I can start converting them to .ps if people want to keep the formatting, or would they prefer plain text? (.pdf also availabe). --Snapdragon
- Yes please. I suspect .pdf is more easily accessible than .ps, though a plain text version as well would be good.
Please, please, please make all of the character creation rules link from one page, similarly link all of the 'general rules' from one page. Linking specific skills pages to the relevant rules pages is very good too. Links from the short summary lists of spells and miracles to the main description whould be super good, but also non-trivial unless someone feels keen with scripts. --Snapdragon
There were some pages that never made the current website, in an OldWebsite? folder. Some of them contained possibly useful info --Snapdragon
- Once again, this is all a case of Great Minds Think Alike, and is what we're planning to do. --Pufferfish
Right then, some bugs, I'm using firefox 1.0.7, in what is as far as I know, a vanilla set-up:
On the magic pages, the 'range' is indented more than the other bits of a spell, I name this a bug, not a feature.
- It appears to be because each spell (or miracle) description is in a paragraph tag, and everyone knows you indent paragraphs. --Snapdragon
The character creation link in the nav bar displays on two lines, overwriting a horizontal line.
- This is a feature of the Navigation bar - I don't know how to make multiplelines on the thing, so the linknames will just have to be shortened. -K
- the link back to the main page from gallery returns to the main page of the old website instead of the new one.
- Necessary only has one 'c'.
- Missing a space in the casting spells section 'orthe metal tips...'
- In Mana Store skill, 'Characters', not 'Charaters'
- Windwords, 'sentence', not 'sentance'
- The link to the pantheon targets the wrong place, and the link text includes the dash.
- The link to the list of miracles targets the wrong place
- The link to Magic targets the wrong place
- The link to 'money' throws a 403 error.
- "This damage be blocked/reduced" under 'Melt' should probably be 'may be' or 'is'.
- The "Racial Packages" link has a space in "charactercreation"
- It says "Links to all the skill trees can be found here" where Here is a link back to /charactercreation, which contains no such list. Should link to /system/ ?
- Blank character sheets link
- The description of DAC doesn't mention that it lets you ignore touch effects.
- It lists flaming and freezing damage as subsets of magic.
- That's not a bug it's a feature. Flaming and Freezing have always been subsets of magic. To change that requires an OGM motion. --Snapdragon
- The "Freeze" spell hasn't been updated in line with the last GM.
- I'd very much like to see a list of back-issues of the Gossip available here - I never read them in uptime, which in practice means I never get to see them. --Jacob
- There was a list it even made it to new website form with new Gossip issues added. I just assume it's not been linked to yet. --Snapdragon
- On the Alchemy Rules page, Vetchling is listed as requiring both Wilderness 6 and 8 to find. --Jacob
- According to the Alchemy rules as written, it should be level 6, not level 8. --Snapdragon
- I promise to spell check my rules in future. Also, I'd like to see a full explanation of the magic secret levelling formula, in the interests of openness and stuff. --Snapdragon
- Magic secret levelling formula? --Koryne
- I think he means when you get 150 and 210xp characters, which is now up there. --Pufferfish
- General point, grey links on purple background don't contrast very well, it can be hard to see where the links actually are.
- General point, as far as I can see visited links don't change colour.
- Broken link under [Herb Lore], to the Alchemy Skills page.