So, after a conversation in the pub post-WP, I think it would be amusing to reprise the set of awards (mostly predictions, really) we ran once before.
So, people, vote away below the entry:
"What's that Lassie? Timmy's a Vivamortian?" award for most likely to follow an illegal god.
August and Alistaire award for most likely to kill another PC
- We have a winner. --Valtiel
- Rupert and/or Lisalotte, depending on which of them gets the other first. :) --Bluebottle
Rasputin Award for most likely to somehow survive an impossible situation
- Matt, from previous record. --Pufferfish
- Seconded --Jacob
- Fizz, Sam, and Daramin tie for escaping the plane of Darkness after everything went demon-shaped. --Valtiel
- Petrof the Dammed --Zebbie
Remember Wainton award for most likely to commit an atrocity in the name of a cause
- If I ever get to play him.... yeah :) --Tristan
- Team Smite! --Zebbie (others would very probably do it *for* a cause, but Team Smite would also clearly explain which one)
Hazel Award for worst dress sense
- Lucie's "Green leggings" episode might be worth an honorable mention... --Jacob
- Sagira (fyrheafoc's kender). Although given 'kender', whether this counts or not is debatable... --Locksmith
Skraal Award for dodgiest bastard
- Will's character from the interactive in Burrell's Field. --Bluebottle
- Peter Snipe, no wait, that's just Flying_O. Can I nominate Flying_O? --Zebbie
Comedy Vivamortian award for lowest life expectancy
- Evangeline or Lisalotte, I reckon - both strike me as likely to try and smite something it was unwise to smite. --Jacob
- lol Petrof. --Valtiel
- How are we defining "life" here? --Pufferfish
- We can't very well have a "lowest undeath expectancy" category. --Valtiel
Carla Webb award for biggest plot-hound
- Rupert and Sir George always seem very involved in Plot. --Zebbie
- Some are created with plot, some hound plot, and some have plot dropped on them from a great height --Tristan
- We like to make sure that every player has just enough plot to hang themselves with. --Valtiel
- Enough plot to hang myself and the rest of the bar, with nice decorative bows around the necks, and still enough left over to distribute as signed souvenirs to the attendant crowd, has always struck me as about right. --Jacob
- Myrun, for hounding the Bedlam plot even after it started hounding back. --Valtiel
Brother Gilbert award for stupidest ritual or rite
- Edgar's proposal to turn off the plane of Fire gets an honourable mention --Jacob
- The Plane of Darkness Ritual Squad gets an honourable mention for not stopping the guy summoning the Demon Lord Arioch. --Valtiel
- Um, to be fair, by the time anyone realised what was going on it was almost too late. --Bluebottle
- That's why it's an honourable mention. No-one was actually being stupid, just too slow to react. --Valtiel
- Or, alternatively, it actually wasn't obvious? (both are possibilities; I wasn't there...) --Pufferfish
- The A-Team's ritual on the Plane of Light. As I recall, it called on Unity, magenta, cyan and possibly even biscuits (though I may be wrong about the biscuits). --Bluebottle
Luthos Award for scariest bastard in the bar
- Lucie, with an option on Sam (but he's so nicely spoken...) --Zebbie
- I find this makes him scarier. (OOC, that is- Lucie thinks he's fluffy, of course.) --Pufferfish
- The utterly amoral Peter Snipe. --Jacob
- Rupert, especially with the lightning-bolt stripes of ANGER. --Bluebottle
Moreton-Karchev award for sleeping around (Does anyone else think that Moreton-Karchev would be an excellent surname? --Valtiel)
- Sarah doesn't :-P --Pufferfish
- Isn't Lucie currently one ahead of Piers? --Jacob
- Piers is a prostitute. --Lupie
- It's his day off on Fridays though. Also, Lucie's only had two in uptime this term :P
- Ellie, probably, based on what happened at Pufferfish/ICParty. Does it count if she asked Daramin's permission first? :) --Bluebottle
- Given that Daramin was there to, er, enjoy the proceedings... yes? Little tart :) --Pufferfish
Fomkin Award for shameless preaching
- I haven't actually noticed that much shameless preaching this year. --Valtiel
- Alric the Liar for attempting to persuade nearly everyone he meets to attend services at the Temple of Humact, including a devout Johnite. --Locksmith
- Yep, my vote is for Alric too. --Valtiel
- Thirding (fourthing?) the vote for Alric. --Bluebottle
Rec Poison Award for paranoia
- Tebah for not even coming to the bar anymore - Joey
Still Do I Sing Bonny Boys award for driving the other characters up the wall
- Lucie nominates Lisalotte.
- Hm. Can I nominate Jacob for the ENTIRE BEDLAM THING? --Pufferfish
- Dion nominates Alric. --Locksmith
Best NPC award, anyone?
- Hmmm. A really difficult toss-up between Crimson, Henry Carrington and Theodore Grace - TheKremlin
- Horace "nauseating little git" Wainscot. Though I do have some love for Henry Carrington. And Ian's interpretation of St John In Disguise... -Pufferfish
- Suffer-Not-The-Ungodly Matthews has to get a mention, just for the awesome name. --Locksmith
- 'Losing' on the Arcadia bash, for comedy genius and sheer enthusiasm. --SevenSecrets
Jonah Award for the character most dangerous to be in a linear party with
- Evangeline, depending on your abomination status. --Locksmith
- Seconded :-s --Jacob
- Nominate iris for number of "other PC deaths" in her parties. --Ahdok
- Statistically speaking the most dangerous (current) PCs to go on a linear with are: Evangeline (3 PCs and 1 Char Ref over 2 linears), Iris (6 PCs and 4 Char Refs over 6 linears) and Sam (3 PCs and 1 Char Ref over 3 linears).
Cannon Fodder Award for character most likely to die for their cause/for another character.
- Alric. Or Iris. --Locksmith