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:The field of battle There are basically three fighting styles worth using for a front-line fighter (and one that many use, that is less effective). I've listed them in order of what I perceive to be their effectiveness - these I call the 'first-rank' styles, for any one of these may stand in the first rank of warriors to face the foe. # Weapon and shield. The fighter has a shield in their off-hand and uses it actively to block attacks to that side and force the opponent to move and strike within a narrower range. It is wise to wear a helmet when using a shield, for the head is one of the few places it's hard to guard with one. Still fight offensively, but don't be so hasty to break ranks - let the enemy come to you, and be the rock against which they break. This style is strongest in a one-on-one fight, where you can let the shield control the fight and not worry about outflanking. It is vulnerable to being outflanked; a shield also makes you a primary target for enemy spells. # Large weapon. The fighter wields a long hafted weapon, typically approaching their height in length. The correct grip with this is 'overhand' in both hands, with the elbows low and the back hand higher than the front hand. Strike low and quickly, and be mobile; aggressiveness is even more important with the intimidating polearm, but be prepared to back out and let your comrades deal with enemies who wish to close quickly and attack with daggers or claws. This style is strongest in attack, where its improved reach means that the enemy may be menaced without risk to the wielder. It is vulnerable to being rushed; it will get a strike in as the enemy closes, but the polearm is useless up close and personal. # Dual-wielding. The fighter wields two weapons - either a pair of arming swords or a long and a short weapon. This requires skill to do properly, as the optimum strategy is to defend with one weapon and attack with the other. Use mobility to your advantage, and your ability to strike twice as often and from unpredictable angles; dual-wielding is the most aggressive of the styles. The off-hand weapon serves both as shield and weapon - one school of thought says that it should be short enough to pass inside your guard easily, and used mostly to parry and exploit holes in the opponent's guard, while the other says that it should be equal to the on-hand weapon and used to keep the opponent on the defensive. This style is strongest in a general melee or flanking manoeuvre, where it can exploit to the full its ability to strike quickly at all targets within reach. It is vulnerable to polearms and shields, which can strike at it without taking damage in return. # Great weapon. The fighter wields a double-handed weapon, either a large sword, a hammer or axe. This is only barely a useful frontline combat style, and only has a point to it if the fighter is properly trained in getting the best out of a great weapon. Your main defence is mobility; you cannot parry as fast or as well as any of the above styles (in fact, a hammer or axe is better off not parrying at all). Be aggressive and try to be intimidating. Roar and shout and scream warcries; rain blows upon your foe. This style is strongest in a general melee or flanking manoeuvre, where it can exploit its high damage potential without exposing its very weak defence. It is vulnerable in one-on-one combat or any fair fight, where its fewer defensive options leave it somewhat exposed. You will notice the lack of 'single weapon' on that list. This is because aggressively wielding just a single one-handed sword, axe or whatever in a real battle is a sure recipe to get yourself sent to your deity of choice before your desired time of death. The second-rank combat styles - those used in support of the first rank - follow. # Trained wielder of a single-handed long sword (also applies to axes, maces and the like). You have basically the same combat options as a great-weapon wielder, but less damage to do. Void rather than parry whenever possible. Remember that your weapon can be used in two hands; this restricts your mobility but allows surer strikes and parries. Use your off-hand for balance and distraction. Remember that this is not the practice field; do not fence but hack and slash. Be cautious against any of the four styles above, and don't try to take any of them on alone. Be cautious against any dagger-armed foe, for they can and will get inside your guard if you let them. This style is adaptable and useful in most situations, but will lose to any first-rank style. It has no particular strengths or weaknesses, being what all the rest are judged against. # Untrained wielder of a staff or similar weapon. You have reach on most people - use it! Keep them back and menace them - distract and harry your opponent with many strikes, wielding your staff like a polearm. If your opponent closes (and they will), then be ready to use both ends and the middle of the staff while backing off like crazy - you actually have more close-in options than most polearm wielders. This style is weakest against any close-in style, but will beat most single sword wielders back merely by virtue of reach. # Wielder of two short weapons. You have a truly massive damage potential, but very little defence at all. Trust to your armour and your mobility, and do not face any other style one-on-one (you will lose). Outflank and outmanoeuvre, and remember that you do not look nearly as powerful as you are. I rank this so low because alone it is nothing - but if you can successfully outflank or close with an opponent then they are probably dead. Either act like a dual-wielder of long weapons, and strike often and at many different targets, or hunt down individual ones. Choose your moment to strike, and keep attacking and closing until that target is dead. Then move on. This style is weakest one-on-one. Do not attempt to close with a wielder of two long weapons! They will merely smile and cut your arms off while you're still straining to reach them. Any other weapon combination will merely die. A single short weapon, even in trained hands, is not effective enough close-in and has no defence or reach. An untrained sword wielder does not have enough damage to be able to close, nor do they have the reach to strike without fear of reply like a staff wielder may. And archers, while excellent support, should be classified with mages and priests rather than fighters; a bow or crossbow is not fast enough in reloading to be useful at short ranges. Throwing weapons are useful; if you get the time and a decent teacher, learn how to use them effectively. Volleys of throwing weapons are good distraction and might even do some damage. :more possible |