:Being a warrior requires that you by the warrior skill which is the pre-requisite for all others, it represents your basic training as a martial combatant. Once you have "bought in" the skills are broadly divided into 2 categories: hitting other people and surviving being hit by other people. The melee skill should be your first port of call, at low levels it gives you increasing range of weapon styles, at high level it increases your damage. In surviving being hit category fortitude and fitness combine with health (from general skills) meaning you can almost get a round of hits every level. Armour becomes fantastically useful on linears, because armour is easy to repair, while hitpoints are hard to get back so a warrior with lots of armour can afford to get hit a lot more than everyone else because they can repair the armour after each encounter. Combat Awareness grants DAC, meaning you can dodge blows, but won't give anything until level 4, so you probably want to hold off buying any until the end of level 3. |
:Being a warrior requires that you by the warrior skill which is the pre-requisite for all others, it represents your basic training as a martial combatant. Once you have "bought in" the skills are broadly divided into 2 categories: hitting other people and surviving being hit by other people. The melee skill should be your first port of call, at low levels it gives you increasing range of weapon styles, at high level it increases your damage. In surviving being hit category fortitude and fitness combine with health (from general skills) meaning you can almost get a round of hits every level. Armour becomes fantastically useful on linears, because armour is easy to repair, while hitpoints are hard to get back so a warrior with lots of armour can afford to get hit a lot more than everyone else because they can repair the armour after each encounter. Combat Awareness grants DAC, meaning you can dodge blows, but won't give anything until level 4, so you probably want to hold off buying any until the end of level 3 - spend the xp on things that will benefit in the here and now. |