History of EmpireRecruitment

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Revision 9 . . April 22, 2014 10:12 pm by Geoffrey [Added House d'Acier]
Revision 8 . . April 22, 2014 10:12 pm by Geoffrey
Revision 7 . . April 22, 2014 11:00 am by Nyeti
Revision 6 . . January 31, 2013 11:34 am by Salavant

Difference (from prior major revision) (author diff)

Changed: 13c13
House de Acier (search online or ask Garuda, Biscuits, and others) A noble house in Dawn. Proud, glorious, decisive. For anyone who feels that there shouldn't BE an upper limit on pretentiousness. We currently have knights, wizards, seneschal,lord, bard, and healer, so nothing needed, but everyone welcome. OOC social contract: everyone to have fun, all characters to start loyal to the house.
House d'Acier (search online or ask Garuda, Biscuits, and others) A noble house in Dawn. Proud, glorious, decisive. For anyone who feels that there shouldn't BE an upper limit on pretentiousness. We currently have knights, wizards, seneschal,lord, bard, and healer, so nothing needed, but everyone welcome. OOC social contract: everyone to have fun, all characters to start loyal to the house.

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