History of Andrew/Talis

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Revision 11 . . September 26, 2012 8:59 pm by Mechanical Roo
Revision 10 . . March 25, 2012 12:29 am by Mechanical Roo
Revision 7 . . May 8, 2011 12:52 am by Mechanical Roo

Difference (from prior major revision) (author diff)

Changed: 1c1,3
Status: Heading back into town. Not sure where everyone's got to.
Status: Partying with Azrael and Cal. Went pretty well, all things considered.

Talis exploded at the end of the '12 3YGB breaking a barrier that was stopping the gods from harvesting the souls of their worshippers. Or something.

Changed: 58c60
Actually did leave town, stormed off in something of a huff. They can sort out their own damn business, thank you very much.
Actually did leave town, stormed off in something of a huff. They can sort out their own damn business, thank you very much.

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