NewWebsite/Costs In The City

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New page, to give a general guide to how much common things cost. Please suggest other common things that PC's tend to buy here. Note there quite a lot of vagueries, this is because it is rule of thumb descriptions only.


This is information on the costs of common adventuring items in Grantabrugge.

Please note this is the common information, and is subject to change with local conditions, e.g. potion prices go up when the guild of alchemists blows its roof off again.

Weapons and Armour

It is assumed that PC's manage to buy/beg/borrow/steal common weapons and armour.

Alchemical supplies

The guild of alchemists sells common elixirs using a standard tariff based on the number of ingredients used:

Size 3 elixirs are usually doable, but they require at least a weeks notice, price to be negotiated.

Elixirs decay and lose their potency after a week.

Occasionally guild or independant alchemists can be found wandering through the city / visiting the Wessex Arms on a Friday night, they can administer potions directly for between half and two thirds the price of a guild elixir if you are lucky enough to find them.


The colleges of magic sell scrolls of their various spells, these also have a standard price tariff based on the level of the scroll.

Acquiring a low level scroll is generally a matter of walking into the relevant college and asking at reception, who will send a porter to fetch one from stores provided you are not on bad terms with the college or brotherhood in general.

The colleges will usually have several scrolls for syllabus level 1-3 spells in stock, with a good chance of a scroll or two of their level 4 spells. Spells above level 4 almost always require arrangement with the college in advance, and the prices vary depending on what mages are available and how much their value their time.

Are these "temporary scrolls" a new thing? I've never heard of them before. All scrolls I've had before lasted forever and were 10 Sh/level. --Chevron
I think there must have been some miscommunication. The temporary scrolls have been around for at least three refteams now... --Pufferfish
Their existance is news to me too. My understanding matched Chevron's for the entire time I was a ref --Malselene
First I've heard of them. Where were they mentioned before? --TimB
There was a big plot with the 'Cheap Scroll Guys' recruiting PCs to write scrolls for them... -ChessyPig

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Edited April 11, 2011 1:33 pm by (diff)