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This provides good coverage on porange but apparently no one else
I used white Paradise for Maelstrom after borrowing porange's and it worked out really well. Nice to my skin also. --TimB
Dylan and I used this for Ornithocracy. Good coverage on both of us, though slightly better on me (normal skin) than on Dylan (oilyish skin). Nice matte finish. ~Pia
I used this for a while. Nicest smelling facepaint I've ever encountered, but had trouble getting good coverage. Possibly with more skill or more time (ie. when not rushing for an interactive) could get a better effect. -Hobnoblin
Most people report this as having good coverage but I found it failed almost completely and make my face feel liek ti was falling off -Porange
Good coverage, but doesn't apply evenly. Takes a while to get it the same all over. Slightly shiny finish. It also made my face feel numb, weirdly. ~Pia
Good coverage but foul, absolutely foul. Stuck my hair and hand to my face. -Porange
Absolutely fantastic for a vampiric pallor, also doesn't come off easily. Even with a bath - Porange
Wonderful water-based white, about as good as diamond in my experience. Excellent for quickly making people up. --Tea
Pretty good, covers other colours quite well. Not the best actual coverage as things go but very solid when it goes on. --dp
Have had really good results with this for "deathly pallor" levels of coverage- it went on a lot more evenly than expected with minimal water --Pufferfish
Pretty inoffensive. Had trouble getting good coverage, but then again I'm not good with facepaint; better results with Paradise. -Hobnoblin


This really is fantastic, good coverage and excellent for detail work. Also quite good at not smudging too much, I did a 3 day even with a face and arm heavily detailed with this and didn't have to redo the whoel lot ever, only a little cleanup and touch up needed. Can be a pain to remove - Porange
Wonderful stuff. Give a decent smothering time to dry (0.5hr to 1hr for me) and seal it (talc or hairspray) and it'll last for as long as you want. Works well as a baselayer too - Andy

Smooth, intense black. WILL NOT COME OFF EVER. Take care! --Pufferfish
Pufferfish is not kidding about its staying power, wow. I like this. ~Pia

Work great, will cover anything. If you build up enough on the sponge and use it to do scales, you get an almost slightly 3D appearance - same for a lot of the Grimas actually. --dp
I found it did not pick up well on the sponge, not tranfer well from the spong to the face - Porange


A good red tone, looks brown in pot but really is very red. Smudges little (once again I slept on my hand with this on it and it was fine, though the headscarf smudged the forehead a little). Once again very good for detailing, is brown when painted over black. -Porange

I used Paradise Beach Berry red for a vivd and strong coverage and it is excellent. --Chevron


they do not make a dark green at all, the closest is a turquoise colour. Lighter greens seem to work fine --Pufferfish
Yep, the Grimas greens are pretty good. --dp

Dark green behaves similarly to black (see above) though not as dark as other brands --Pufferfish

Actually not as bad as most other colours, though all but "dark green" leave yellow stains --Pufferfish

The smoothest, neatest, most intense dark green I have ever encountered. It is wonderful, and won't rub off on things. Unfortunately this includes things like "soapy flannels"; the vast majority of people WILL have suspicious green stains the day after wearing this, whatever they do. --Pufferfish
My light green is pretty nice. No complaints. ~Pia

I got this in America, dunno if it's available in the UK at all. The light green is slightly olive-tinted. Appies easily, dries well, stays on well, washes off without too much effort. It feels a bit different to most face paints I've tried in the UK, not sure why. It is definitely water-based, though. ~Pia


I found the dark blue smudged like anything and imprinted onto everything I touched. --Malselene

I've had good results with Grimas 302 (azure blue). It needed regular retouching but held colour for a day without problems. --Bluebottle

Useful backup scales for Eleri. Light blue goes on beautifully and stays pretty well, dark blue is very deeply pigmented, will stain my skin but not with a coat of another colour underneath. Also shown to be UV opaque when I tanned scales into my shoulders... --Pufferfish


Really bright, will cover up the baselayer with a single coat. Haven't found a better water-based yellow. - Andy
Was that what you were using for yellow scales over a black background? If so it was excellent. --dp

Terrible. You can't see it and it will come off if you sneeze. Won't cover anything. Avoid. - Andy
Worked for me: a base layer sponged on lightly so as to let some of the skin-tone show through, then some stripes added with a brush. As for staying on, usually I covered everything with barrier spray, but even without that it lasted for a day without trouble. (It did tend to come off where my hat rubbed, though.) --Canashir


Meh. ~Pia

Light and dark greys: Ok I guess - Porange


colour less than good, not very metallic, consistancy unpleasent - Porange
Does not show up on the skin of anyone we have ever tried it on under artificial light. --Pufferfish

Good coverage, good sparkle but still nto perfect, though this is largely from copper tones being a bit of a pain anyway and tending to look a bit fleshy - Porange

Good stuff. --Tea
Seconded- actually shows up on Caucasian skin unlike the majority of metallic paints I've encountered. --Pufferfish
Yeah, really excellent. They also provide several types of silver. I used it for my broken bionics makeup job and it worked very well. I think I recommend the darker silver/steel if you can get away with it as it shows up even better. Get a thick coat for best effects - I did mine with a brush. --dp

TimB, was this the silver you used at insurrection? That was really good (and I'm about to order some for my dwarf.) --Chevron

Stays really well, and as a bonus it cleans off without making you too yellow. --Bluebottle

Good coverage, good staying power, decent range of colours with a bit of metallic sheen. (Although only a bit in some cases; the metallic black was fairly matte.) --Bluebottle


I cannot recommend this one too highly. The colours are superb for slightly aged bruises. I have sucessfully colour matched this with a bruise on my knee before, also easy to apply - Porange

Blood and gore

Good colour and finish but a pain to use, dries up in the tub and dissolves too easily in fake blood - Porange

Best. Scabs. Ever. However somewhat difficult to remove... Do not advise doing this. - Porange

Reliably good, will even make smiffy's stuff look the right colour. Also as a happy fun bonus it dries sort of brown! - Porange

Earl grey tea or any lightish black tea, brewed then boiled with corn flour. This dries matt sadly and I haven't tried adding glycerin yet but it really does look like subcutanous fat - Porange

This produces very good results. However is pure evil, amkes everythign sticky and is hard to remove.

Glorious: scabby, sticky, very deep red colour. Consistency is slightly stiffer than toothpaste. Excellent for defining the line of an injury to then put blood from. Dries over time, washes out surprisingly well. --Tea

Colour is perfect, flavour is foul, a touch too liquid. Dilutes well with water or the like, stains and mats into fabric really really nicely, dries quite a lot like real blood. Good if you're just getting 100ml of generic blood. --Tea

Bright arterial. Looks great concentrated on cloth when wet, but spread thinner or on skin it has an unrealistic pinkish hue. Goes pinkish on drying on cloth. Spreads beautifully as long as you don't smear it. One just for fresh bandages. --Locksmith

A line of fake bloods. Available from dauphines, in quantities of either 50g (expensive) or 1kg (incredible value). Basically the standard for bulk blood now. All bloods in this line are basically non drying (taking a few days to dry on skin), wash out well, don't dilute well in water. Flavour is sweet and minty, with a chalky aftertaste, so they consequently tend to be a bit sticky. --Tea

Chocolate sponge crumbled and then set in veggie raspberry jelly. Tear into rough chucks and cover with edible fake blood (we used water, golden syrup, food dye and instant coffee) This looks disturbingly visceral and is delicious. -Porange

Random stuff

Comes off too easily - Porange

When you want a good fake beard or moustache, Grimas make an excellent crepe hair. It comes in long ribbons which you cut into short lengths and apply to your face on top of spirit gum. Takes time to apply well, but results can give a disguise convincing enough to fool even people who know you. --TimB

With two coats of this on top, even a snazz make-up job can last from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon with just the odd tiny bit of touching up. Try to hold your breath while it's drying though, and keep your eyes closed. -Canashir
I found this varied a lot when I used it - sometimes the makeup would hold solid, sometimes it would smudge badly overnight. The alternative I switched to was hairspray, which was just as toxic (definitely do not breathe in while applying it) and held about as well, but came in larger bottles... --Bluebottle

Spirit Gum

this is ok for an interactive and is water soluble. Prosthetic will fall off in hot weather. - Porange
--- 'On a hot and sweaty day, I could never get it to set at all --I
I once thought there was no use for it, then Pufferfish pointed out that it's utter shitness is actually an advantage for elf ears at interactives: the ears don't need much sticking to stay on, and crap glue means you can take them off at the end without losing the top of your ears. For anything heavier I'd avoid like the plague. --Drac
I am picturing that as "extra! the extra ingredient is actual glue!" --Drac
I actually just got some of the "extra" stuff to replace my exhausted spirit gum, decided to get spirit gum remover too, will report how it fares on horns. --Chevron


I use paintbrushes that have becoem a bit too tatty for paintign with - Porange
I got cheap packs of paintbrushes from The Works on Fitzroy Street. --Bluebottle


The best online facepaint source, bar basically none. Lightning fast shipping, decent prices, really good range. --Tea

Good for blood, gore, and some specialist bits of makeup like kryolan foundation powder. --Tea
Also got some good mask prosthetics - recommend the maskworld line. --dp

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Edited April 22, 2014 10:30 am by Pufferfish (diff)