Many members of Treasure Trap play the MMORPG, World of Warcraft.
To enable us to play together (and hit stuff for xp) should we so wish, it might be an idea for us to set up an in-game guild, which would enable tracking of each other within the game.
(I think)
This raises several issues:
1)Should we do this at all? Please state your objections here:
2)Which server? Nominations and why:
3)Which side? Horde or Alliance? Or even two guilds, one on each side? Go on, froth:
4)Name, other than Treasure Trap? Suggestions:
5)Logistics. It might be an idea for those of us with powerful PCs to set the guild up, and for everyone interested to start new PCs, so we can all go a questing at about the same level, reserving the guild PCs for joint play at predetermined times. Is this a good idea? If not, why not?:
6)Character. What do you like, what do you play, how? If we're doing guild evenings and partying, we should probably make complementary characters.
Further discussion moved to WorldOfWarcraft namespace.