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In which Porange Head Canon on Covens is written

There is a certain type of person in this world who thinks that not onlyare they right but that they are Right. In essence this is the difference between a random gathering of the righteous and a Coven. A Coven, is in effect, a semi organised, semi civil to each other gathering of people who are Right and largely consider it their sacred duty to interfere with everyone else's buisiness because if it is someone else's business it is almost certainly the business of the coven. And the opinions of the people whose business it actually is is irrelevant. This all makes it rather tricky to pin down what a coven actually does, other than "drink tea" and "interfere" which, admittedly, is the majority of it... Thus it is easier to detail what parts of the coven *Do*

Covens consist almost entirely of magic users, with a few priests thrown in for good measure and a little bit of healing. It is not uncommon for members to be quite well versed in alchemical practises. Religion wise the overwhelming majority of priests and lay followers are Morvanites, the cruel amongst you would say this is because they like to say "I told you so." The accurate amongst you would observe that this is correct. More rarely are Crafterites and more recently there have been a few followers of Laeknir popping up. Perhaps unexpectedly Sordan is frowned upon as beign too frivilous and very recently conversion to Kormak has led to a few people having it implied Very Strongly that they are not a good fit with their coven and should perhaps consider going elsewhere. Perhaps unfairly Kormak is viewed as a god of Rash and Poorly Considered action.

Dress: Pointy hats are a Thing, a coven member without a pointy hat is entirely improperly dressed for the occassion.

Witches, for they would be loathe to refer to themselves as mere mages, are the magical types within covens. It is easiest to think of them as non brotherhood warlocks (with no particular learning towards actual combat, prefering instead to use sheer force of will and personaility), in that magic is very much somethign they feel needs protecting and careful guidance. Opinions on the brotherhood and the warlocks range from gentle distain to outright loathing. Ritual magic is very common, fire magics are extremely uncommon.

Hags: These are the priests. A particular kind of priest is the sort that becomes a coven's Hag. They tend to be Practical and perhaps a little callous. But they get things done

Individual covens will often respect each other but it is a little like locking cats in a small room together. There tend to be barbed comments and a little forced politeness. Of course this goes within a coven too. Especially given the nature of a coven is such that there is no hierarchy (except there absolutely is, just no one talks about it or ever mentions what is is, except there are *looks* if it is violated). They will however, tend to know all of each other's gossip.

The one bit of hierarchy that is very obvious is in what is effect an "apprentice-master" relationship. Of course they are *equals* and *clearly* that is not happening, but the more experienced witch or hag will train the less experienced one and generally assume authority. It is not uncommon for them to live together during this period.

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Last edited November 14, 2013 10:33 pm by Jacob (diff)