Currently the groups at Odyssey that have members from CUTT in them are listed below. If members of the groups want to add more details or what their recruitment policies are then that might be helpful.
- Based on the historical Sacred Band of Thebes (, the group is planning to start up at the next event (June 2014) with the key aim of being more Greek than the entirety of Greece put together and being *epic* whilst doing it. Planning on gaining a lot of favour with gods like Aphrodite through the fact that the group will be made up of lovers and really running with the whole four types of love thing that is in the Odyssey Greece brief and with Nike by being awesome and honourable in arena battles. For more details, poke Biscuits.
- Not Barbarians. Not Pirates. The Pillars are a desert warband from the interior of Carthage. We like blue robes, drumming and killing Romans. We dislike religious backsliders, Romans and Romans. Last event we saved our home city by means of performing a pair of bawdy plays, including once in the arena. We managed to avoid Death By Archery-Based Heckling :D.
- CUTT members include Jim, Pufferfish, Rakdos, MorkaisChosen, and Nyeti.
- Bees 'n' shit.
- The guardians of the Gates of Hell, loyal followers of Pharaoh. The Khemenethorus (literally 'the ones joined with Horus') are heavily devoted to their patron deity, although there are followers and priests of Thoth, Anubis and even Sutekh now. Their homeland, Aswan, is the furthest extent of Pharaoh's realm, beyond which monsters and savages lurk. Thus far they have a patchy record of victories and defeats in the arena, largely because of their habit of taking on the hardest fights. In battle they aim to be brave and uncompromising while remaining respectful of their opponents. Outside of the arena they have a reputation for sneaky shenanigans by night. For example disguising warriors as dancing girls to sneak into Cathage's camp, or stealing a huge sarcophagus from the heart of the Greek camp. For those who actively enjoy being asked to do the impossible.
- CUTT members include TimB, Andy, Tristan and Dave P.
- Devoted followers of Anubis, god of the dead. A small war band that consistently picks fights with odds of up to 10 to one. Famously took on more than 20 Greek hoplites with just 2 people. The Greeks obliging faced each Egyptian in a succession of single combats, which led to more than half of them being downed before the final Guardian was defeated. Also featuring occasional ushabti armies and an exceptionally high rate of Temple Guard deaths.
- Current members are Malselene, Taxellor and Khimera of varying degrees of CUTTness
- Followers of the Lady of Slaughter, the Court are identifiable by frequently blood spattered robes and cries of 'Blood! Booze! Sekhmet!'. Group with a high proprtion of Temple Guard and devotion to fighting(wild charges a speciality/holy duty) lead by the heir to Memphis. Lots of wandering between camps telling stories about the Lioness of Ra etc, getting involved in quests and arena as much as possible, with plenty of space for more of the same or finding other ways of making the Princess facepalm(all avenues of character welcome!)
- (Has members from oxford/cardiff/elsewhere: Kelpie is no longer in group but happy to froth about and throw inquiries to the relevant people.)
- This contains Drac and Steph from Cambridge + Conrad and some more oxfordites and a few glaswegians. Previously kicked out of Persia for being too dodgy (/walking out on our boss), we are now back in after said boss suffered an unfortunate accident. The groups favourite hobbies are stabbing Greeks, attending Ejyptian sleepovers and pissing off at least one diety an event (often at the same time).
- Includes Geoffrey, Clare, and Tom Garnett (Immortal, Vizier, Immortal) Notable for having a particularly shouty Shah, picking fights with bloody great monsters, and doing surprisingly well on quests. Famous for having Rik (playing Akash) providing very tasty Persian themed food, which has been parleyed into military aid, alliances, and many new friends. Also featuring an awesome (and updated) map of the gameworld, and awesome-but-not-quite-as-awesome-as-the-map banners for arena and tent, all of Clare's manufacture. The group has a warleader, 6 or so champions, 2 priests, 3 viziers, and no attendants. New members/players welcome in almost any category (ie, not warleader).
- The group Entimix is in???? (Temple of Vesta - a bit specialised! --Entimix)
- TheKremlin is playing in Rome
- House Scaurus, a patrician family fond of adopting waifs and strays, such as Quintus of Iberia, now Quintus Hersilius Scaurus. Mercury is the house patron, although Jupiter and Mithras are also held in great esteem.
- Chevron is in Rome and able to give people advice or put them in touch, but is a special snowflake so can't help with shared background.
More generally: if you are thinking about a particular /class/ or wondering what exactly to play and would like someone to froth at you about game X, talk to these:
- Porange has played the priest game with great enthusiasm and can froth at great length about it
- With regards to the side of the philosophy game that revolves around the World Forge, metaphysical investigations and puzzle-solving, talk to salavant who does a lot of this and is happy to enthuse about it! (Or read