Humact's mighty sword of smiting: a song sung by drunken idiots. Please feel free to add more verses.
Warning: Singing this will likely result in smiting from any Humacti who hears it.
- Oh, Humact's sword of Smiting, it’s a very mighty rod! If you want a sword with which to smite, then Humact is your god!
- When he was a young god, it wasn’t large at all, but then when his power grrrew, it got wide and tall!
- The ladies think it massive, big and thick and long, and the Mallanites are glad to hear, it’s also nice and strong!
- He showed his rod to Morvana, who didn’t like it much. She thought it crude and vulgar, and so refused to touch!
- Oooh, Luca tied some ribbons around its mighty tip! So now every time he moves his sword, you can hear them rip!
- The sword was stole by Viva-mort, which was a mighty strain! Now every time you lick it, his sword doth rise again!
- Justice saw it swinging, and found it past belief. She walked over and demanded, it stay within its sheath!
- Humact likes to smite undead, he never gets enough! He also really likes it, when you start getting rough!
- But that old bastard Sordan, he really went too far! He plunged it deep inside himself and made Humact scream "ARGH!"
- He showed it off to Bast who said the weight was nicely matched; but then he took it off her- to avoid it getting scratched!
- St. John once saw it in the street as he was passing by; Humact caught him staring- he could not turn a blind eye!
Any curses, death threats, poisonings, hate mail/spirit speech, or indeed smitings should not be directed at this wiki page, but instead at Corin