/YearTen (2012-2013) IC Year 1295/6 -
/YearNine3ygb - In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is King....
/YearNine (2011/2012) IC Year 1294/5 - In which Anhrefnus the Devourer rose and was defeated, along with its Hibernian allies. The oni Fractus attempted to form a plane of magic but was usurped in the attempt and cast down.
/YearEight3ygb - In which the Lady of Envy tried create an Arcadia of her very own, despite the damage to the Prime this would cause, but failed.
/YearEight (2010/2011) IC Year 1293/4 - In which King Samuel and his mother Queen Sheorl had a little falling out...
/YearSeven3ygb - In which Blake the Oni attaches to the Plane of Humact, but is cut free and sent home to his Mum.
/YearSeven (2009/10) IC Year 1292/3 - In which the King dies in Caledonia and war is waged against the Witch Queen of Hibernia. The city awakens, and is subsequently undermined. Marcus of Balance embodies the Pantheonic Treaty amendment until his repeated death - at the very end of the year, the Pantheonic Treaty itself is broken. Oni cultists gather, a new stage of archanophage/oni with insectoid form is discovered. Oni latch onto several planes: Solomon the Lord of Rainbows is removed from the Elemental plane of Light, Anubis joins with Bast but is subsequently killed and replaced by shards of Gedhrent, Crafter manages to fully usurp Crofter and Fractus the Oni remains at large. Seelie Fae Sorrows destroy Kernow and appear in Grantabrugge but are defended against with a Masked Tourney. (Acting Mayor Davina Jameson after Magnus 'vanishes' during the 3ygb, then Mayor Darcy Nottingham)
YearSix3ygb - In which Vani, Morvanian-Lucanite ex-Seekers and Dwarves travel to "an island near Atlantis" populated by sentient bird-people, where a Star has fallen to the ground.
/YearSix (2008/9) IC Year 1291/2 - In which the Pantheonic Treaty is revised, the Mirrorlink network is created, Skaven appear and there is assorted PVP involving Team Smite. Nightmares are often seen around. Arcanophage infect magical beings. (Mayor Magnus Crozier)
3YGB2008 - In which Children of the Light, steampunk elves from the SE mountains, ancestor-worshipping tribespeople from the SW forests, and Team Humact+Orcs of the Sword from Wessex convene in Southern Teutonia, where a magical explosion is about to take place. Conclusion: A large volcano goes off and turns Southern Teutonia into glass (also the tribespeople learn about Vivamort).
/YearFive (2007/8) IC Year 1290/1 - In which there is a sustained problem with Endingbrood and Teutonia gets blown up. The freedom of the city is bought from Wessex. Also the Alchemists discover an easier way of doing things. Bedlam reappears briefly, Arioch causes trouble. (Mayor Peter Snipe)
/YearFourThirdYearGoodBye - FULL OF FAE. In which ?Sword of Humact?
/YearFour (2006/7) IC Year 1289/90 - In which Unity exists. Doppelgangers/Grey? Men are a feature. Also featuring Orcs, more Rockrose, the Sword of Humact plot, and the Star of Akhana. The first of the annual Midwife Moon linears. (Mayor Peter Snipe)
Pufferfish/ArianeHistory is an IC document covering most of the happenings of Years 1-3 in some depth, written from a point near the start of Year 4.
/YearThree3ygb? - In which there is a Tarot card plot for the 3ygb, which creates the new God Unity, destroys the God Triplicity and merges Ishmund/Astalon?-Ziorbiana into the single God Justice.
/YearThree (2005/6) IC Year 1288/9 - In which the UCM is formed, and August & Alistaire commit murders. (Mayor Magical Eric)
/ThirdYearGoodBye2005 - In which there were Blue Hand Elementals.
/YearTwo (2004/5) IC Year 1287/8 - In which the Tormentor and his blue demon minions are thwarted, and the Norscans rule Grantabrugge until they all get sick, after a period of oppression including the introduction of Sword licences and the supression of light and dark magic (with the death of Master Light)... 'Grob' worship, Rockrose addiction, Antenor, Bedlam Boys and Blue Hand Elementals are also a feature. Elven Unity is founded. (Mayor Gundersson)
/YearOne3ygb - In which Time runs backwards and the gods incarnate on newly-risen Atlantis to fight, causing one human champion to take on the role of Humact. Azrael walks, everything dies momentarily, and then time starts back up flowing the normal way just as it always was - except a few people have swapped race and the Dragons are all now trapped on the mountain of Atlantis by high winds sourrounding the island. :p This 3ygb was shared with Durham University Treasure Trap and featured a party from each town travelling to the same location, it was held in the Lake District.
/YearOne (2003/4) IC Year 1286/7 - In which there is a minor civil war, the Changing of the Races/Rising? of Atlantis leadup plot occurs, and the Sword Child is born. There is also much interpersonal angst amongst various High Priests. (Mayor Peter)
If anyone would like to have a discussion on how this ought to be ordered instead, please do so!
The IC years match the OC years. The years given above for OC are the academic time period. The first Treasure-Trap was on 30th Jan 2004, there were no events in 2003. So Year three is really 1288/1289 etc.
So, for a true accounting
OC year | IC year |
2003 | 1286 |
2004 | 1287 |
2005 | 1288 |
2006 | 1289 |
2007 | 1290 |
2008 | 1291 |
2009 | 1292 |
2010 | 1293 |
2011 | 1294 |
And so on...
The information linked off this page has given rise to some (almost certainly inaccurate) TT Stats