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1. Who are you?

Seferino Tadi, Light College.

2. Do you have any brothers or sisters?

Back in The Alps, yes.

3. How old are you?

One-hundred-and-twenty-five. I left home shortly after my birthday.

4. What's your height?

Six foot one.

5. Have you killed anyone?


6. Who's your mate/spouse?

I don't have one.

7. Do you have any kids?


8. What's your favorite food?

Ice-cream. Fluffy, but with little gritty bits in it. The less flavouring the better.

9. Are you a virgin?

That's kind of personal...

10. Have any secrets?

I didn't think so until just there now!

11. Do you love anyone?

I miss my family and friends at home, of course, but right now I'm concentrating on my work.

12. What is your job?

Right now I'm a student at the Light College, but I made a little extra recently using my skills to escort a troupe of ladies and gentlemen hunting.

13. Boy of girl?

I'm a boy, I guess...

14. What do you do to relax?

I haven't had much idle time since I came here, but of course I enjoy listening to music or a good story. I enjoy what I do, though it's frustrating at times too. I try to be productive even when I'm not studying magic by practising with a sword. I usually realise I'm letting my mind wander when I notice I'm humming to myself.

15. There's a person who's teasing you; what could you do?

Prove them wrong.

16. Let’s say you have a person who you really care about but she/he doesn’t know about your feelings. How do you tell her/him?

If it was really that important... I suppose writing a few sonnets or a ballad is traditional, though something more novel might work better.

17. What do you regret most in life?

Not a lot, and I hope that it stays that way!

18. Do you like your maker?

I suppose so.

19. What do you fear?

Avalanches, though not round here of course! The city is quite populated, and there seem to be a lot of malcontents at the minute. There are places I wouldn't go, certainly.

20. How do you look different to your player?

Blue, crackling with aetherial energies, more slender but about the same height.

21. What are your hobbies or entertainments?

I like keeping on top of my sword practise, even when it's exhausting. Just the usual things everyone likes, I suppose.

23. What is your home like?

A lot colder than here, it snows at least half the time and usually is light for much shorter as well. Our houses are mostly wooden, and supplies only come up every now and then so it can be quite dangerous if the paths get blocked. In Summer some people get around by cart but most of the time we use sleds and everyone has a couple of dogs.

22. How do you support yourself?

I'm a student so I suppose I don't!

24. What are your most cherished possessions?

The hardest to replace would be my notebook, but I wouldn't like to lose my sword either. It was a present.

25. What are you proudest of?

I guess... my future. I've not achieved it yet, but I've worked hard to stay on track and give myself the best chances. Someday I'll be able to look back and know it was all worth it.

26. What are you most ashamed of or feel most guilty about?

Everybody's got their memories that make them cringe, but I try to forget them. Somehow I feel a little guilty somehow that I've stayed on target while other's haven't managed to - I don't know if it's because I worked harder, or if I was just lucky, or if I missed out on something they didn't.

27. Under what circumstances is it justifiable to resort to violence?

Well, people need to defend their settlements, hunters need to catch their prey, humans need a release for their energies and gardeners need to pull up their weeds... it depends what you count.

28. What you kill for? What would you die for?

Again, it depends. I've killed Silklings. Would I kill a goblin? If it was causing a lot of trouble, I suppose. An elf? Probably not, but it depends on the elf. I'm sure this kind of thing will come up in the course of shaping my destiny, but the reasons behind it are still unclear.

I'm not sure I'd die for anything; I'd like to say family or friends but how can you know?

29. What would you refuse to do under any circumstances? Why?

That just brings up very unpleasant thoughts. I don't know, use your common sense!

30. What do you dream about?

I had a lot of exciting dreams when I first arrived but mostly I don't remember anymore. Home, sometimes, but I'm not sad about it. Work occasionally. In the literal sense... well, it sounds stupid when you say it aloud. You'll see.

31. What is your fondest memory?

There are a few, many of them involve roaring fires, food and good company.

32. What is your worst memory?

Huddled cold and hungry with my family in my thirty-seventh year when the roads were out, and we were suddenly hit with a blast of air as grandma passed away.

33. What or who was your most significant influence? Expound.

This is going to sound vain, but hear me out. So... I'd have to say... my younger self. I don't know anyone personally who has followed this path before, but when I was younger I was so dedicated and sure of what I would achieve. Thinking back to that makes me not want to throw all that committment away - even though it can seem like I'm not the same aerokin I was back then, I don't want to disappoint myself. If I could practise all day in the snow when I was sixteen years old, even though I couldn't feel my fingers anymore, I should be able to spend an afternoon practising Tengwar in a nice warm study even if it's repetitive.

34. What do you believe makes a successful life?

Ask at the Bard's Guild!

35. What makes you laugh?

A well-crafted joke or trick. Nothing nasty.

36. What are your religious views?

Well I know the basics, but it's not my field of study... My soul is already half magic, so when I die I go to Ariel. It's pretty straightforward, not much I could do about that now even if I wanted. There are more pressing matters to spend time on.

37. What is your greatest strength?

My skill with a sword.

38. Do you have a fatal flaw? If so, what is it?

I know I'm nowhere near perfect yet; there are a lot of things I could do which would be fatal.

39. Who is the most important person in your life?

At the risk of sounding selfish, me. Don't get me wrong, I don't try to take things from others or anything like that, but if I want to achieve my goals I need to think and plan carefully how I spend my time, the kind of risks I'm going to take and how this weighs up against everything else. And I'll pay it back in the end.

40. If you died or went missing, who would miss them most?

Wow, that's pretty morbid! Seriously! My family would probably be the most upset.

41. How would you describe yourself?

Committed, hard-working, fit... this feels like my college application.

42. How would others describe you?

:) That remains to be seen.

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Last edited March 21, 2011 9:44 pm by Chevron (diff)