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1. Who are you?

Aloysius of Westmarsh.

2. Do you have any brothers or sisters?

A few, and cousins and the rest of the village of course. Not much difference, you kind of lose track for most of the day-to-day things.

3. How old are you?

About Twenty Summers.

4. What's your height?

As tall as the standard of Crafter, about 6 foot.

5. Have you killed anyone?


6. Who's your mate/spouse?

Don't have one.

7. Do you have any kids?

No, but I have the community to look after.

8. What's your favorite food?

Any food would do fine really...

9. Are you a virgin?


10. Have any secrets?

None that I can think of.

11. Do you love anyone?

I'm meeting plenty of new people, but I do have to keep the community in Westmarsh in mind.

12. What is your job?

At the minute I'm a priest, but i try to help out with what I can in the village.

13. Boy of girl?

All are welcome in the house of Crafter.

14. What do you do to relax?

None of that, there's always something to be done!

15. There's a person who's teasing you; what could you do?

Crafter has given me a range of things I could do, depends on the situation though.

16. Let’s say you have a person who you really care about but she/he doesn’t know about your feelings. How do you tell her/him?

I'd probably have to ask Val, she's got no fear of talking to people.

17. What do you regret most in life?

18. Do you like your maker?

If you mean Crafter, yes of course!

19. What do you fear?

A bad harvest? Undead and goblin attacks are always a source of tragedy too, of course.

20. How do you look different to your player?

Gaunter, dirtier.

21. What are your hobbies or entertainments?

Well in my less sensible days I enjoyed the odd swig of moonshine or pipe tobacco, no time for that now, and there wasn't then either.

23. What is your home like?

Made largely of sticks and mud with a few stones, with a hole in the roof to let the smoke out.

22. How do you support yourself?

We're a community. We support each other.

24. What are your most cherished possessions?

We don't really focus on posessions, though a few more would be nice!

25. What are you proudest of?

Being Spiritually Awakened.

26. What are you most ashamed of or feel most guilty about?

That despite our efforts it's still not close to enough.

27. Under what circumstances is it justifiable to resort to violence?

To protect yourself or the community, or in a less extreme sense to give someone a wakeup call.

28. What you kill for? What would you die for?

I'd rather not kill anything thank-you very much! And I've lived through many hard winters, we stick together and we pull through.

29. What would you refuse to do under any circumstances? Why?

Well several things but they're all fairly obvious!

30. What do you dream about?

31. What is your fondest memory?

32. What is your worst memory?

33. What or who was your most significant influence? Expound.

34. What do you believe makes a successful life?

Hard-earned security.

35. What makes you laugh?

36. What are your religious views?


37. What is your greatest strength?

Crafter and his Community.

38. Do you have a fatal flaw? If so, what is it?

Well, I'm still alive!

39. Who is the most important person in your life?

Godfrey and Val have been great sources of strength recently, but it's important not to focus too much on individuals.

40. If you died or went missing, who would miss them most?

I'm sure everyone would be shocked, but things would fall back into their natural rhythm soon enough.

41. How would you describe yourself?

Tallish, brown clothes, has a banner?

42. How would others describe you?

About the same. Depends on who you ask. Maybe a bit annoying?

1. Your character is being announced at the Royal Ball by the most pompous, enthusiastic and long-winded Master of Ceremonies in recorded history. What do they declaim?

A peasant-priest from outside Grantabrugge.

2. Give a 6-word backstory and/or history for your character, prior to their entering play - it is needed for the character bio on the back cover of this season's DVD.

New priest seeks better community life.

3. However improbable it may seem, your character just won a boasting competition. What was their winning boast?

I'm a priest.

4. Your character loses a hand irrevocably, and is given the opportunity to have something grafted on to replace it. What do they pick?

A Scythe.

5. What one impossible thing would you most like to have, be, or be able to do, in order to better physrep your character?

At-will malnutrition.

6. Your character is asked by their immediate superior which one thing they would choose to save from their dwelling, were it on fire. Sensing that a flippant answer is not called for, how do they instead answer?

The Banner of Crafter.

7. Your character was abducted by Nightmares (or local equivalent) on the way out of the Arms, and wakes up in a sack (just as armed as they left the pub). What do they have in their pockets, and what one further thing do they wish they had also picked up from home this morning?

I don't even have pockets! Wish I had a few sticks, unless the whole banner is in here too.

8. Your character's life is flashing before their eyes. Describe briefly any two of the following: Leaving their childhood home. Losing their first love. The first time they killed. The first time they lost a comrade. Another occasion on which they nearly died. A time they lowered their standards. A time they abandoned hope. Something that terrified them.



9. Your character wakes up in a Militia cell with no clear memories of their last few hours. Given time to think it over, why will they conclude they are there?

Some sort of oppression.

10. Your character was obliged to leave town. As they fled, they left messages with a trusted friend. Most of them dealt with religious and social obligations, and put in place provision for their return (or otherwise) - but they found time for one quick personal note. Who is it to, and roughly what does it say?

Godfrey - Thank-you for writing this note for me! (OK, the only person I know and trust to write a note is the same person I'd send the note to. I don't think there's much to be said yet.)

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Last edited January 30, 2011 5:51 pm by Chevron (diff)