History of Tristan/RupertSalter

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Revision 5 . . (edit) May 13, 2007 10:25 am by Tristan
Revision 1 . . December 4, 2006 9:05 pm by Tristan

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff)

Changed: 1c1
Currently an Apprentice of the Grey College.
Currently a Journeyman of the Grey College. He can be regularly seen in both the Blue and Grey college libraries.

Changed: 5c5,9
He recently conducted a ritual on top of the Fae mound to deny the invading orc army access to the ritual site. This was a complete success, although Rupert now seems to be turning at least partially blue.
He conducted a ritual on top of the Fae mound to deny the invading orc army access to the ritual site. This was a complete success, although Rupert now seems to be turning at least partially blue. He also lead a major ritual to dismantle the Star of Akana, a powerful and very dangerous magical artifact. He has been doing substantial research into creating magical items which can be used to enhance spellcasting.

Rupert is deputising for Master Windkey, Dean of the Grey College in granting licenses for the Wessex Arms ritual circle.

Since the start of 1290 he has been spending a lot of time with Mary, a dark mage who is also a regular at the Wessex Arms.

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