The Church of Gordian has never declared much about him other than his commandments and that he wishes the world to be a better place. They believe that only by following Gordian’s light can they fight against the Demons, which will come when all the Portals are found and lie open an uncontrolled, be won.
The earliest stories hint that Gordian created the Sun and watches mortals from it, but this has little outspoken following. To commit to a position on Gordian’s existence without evidence would be contrary to his wishes. As such, it is generally accepted that this is a secret Gordian wishes the clergy to shine his light upon- there are sects of clerics who spend their time interrogating Demons about the nature of the Realm and the Beyond.
The Inquisition is concerned wholly with the Truth. An unverified confession would shame the interrogator, of corse. It is rumoured that the Inquisitors write books about heretics onto the skin of their back. Inquisitors view heresy as openly preaching Gordian’s fallibility or attempting to weaken the political power of the Church. They are of the opinion that without the Church and its Inquisition to shine light on the world when the End of Times comes, there will be no hope. A few dead heretics is a small price to pay for hope. Their greatest enemies are those "heretics" outside of areas where the Church holds dominion, and the Inquisition is known to employ bounty hunters for this purpose, to skirt the letter of the Treaty,
Certain Inquisitors hunt down Revenants for destruction. This is seen as going above and beyond the call, but it is known that Gordian favours destruction of both Revenants and Necromancers. Long ago the Ozgur Tork Lightbringer was inspired with the ability to cast out Demonic posessors by Gordian for his work in destroying a cabal of necromancers when the Hegemony seemed content to not advance into their land.
Virgus, God of Power and Perversion. The Hiding Dark (And the Undead)
The Church of Virgus has existed in some form as long as history allows. Virgus has been linked to necromancy since the very beginning, and cults of necromancers existed before most cities. It is theorized that their source of cheap labour is what led to the creation of the first cities. Of all the Gods, Virgus is the one who detests demons most vehemently, and is also the most militant about conversion. The Inquisition, pre-Treaty, was known to raze villages who refused to say a prayer in Virgus’ name or who were thought to be harbouring Demons. Since the signing of the Treaty, there have been no such open acts of aggression from the Church.
Inquisitors of Virgus often do double-time as Watchmen. They believe that assaulting the weak or hoarding food others will die for want of are some of the highest of sins, and will attempt to right these crimes wherever they occur. Virgus is a supreme being in the eyes of his followers, who is trying to help those of the Realm worship him and through that seek perfection. His follower’s believe that although they will never become perfect, that upon death they will be able to gaze upon perfection, at last, and that the more they improve themselves and exalt Virgus in this world the closer their view of him will be. Clerics of Virgus are always striving for more. They want to approach perfection in this life, that they may be with a perfect God in the next. They speak out against pushing anyone from this path.
Aurelia, God of Passion and Mystery
The Church of Aurelia has no real consensus on exactly Aurelia’s wishes. They believe that Aurelia is an ineffable being, and that how they will her to be will affect how they see her when they die. They do not believe they will ever understand all of Aurelia’s wishes but hope to learn more about her and come to an understanding which will safeguard their soul in the Beyond and lead them to her after Death
They know that she wishes her Dedicated and others remember her at birthdays, weddings and funerals, and likes to see those that do not celebrate these punished. The Inquisition therefore seems like more of an event-organizing group. Different areas can expect different results from ignoring this service. in most areas disgustingly dressed and loud people will gatecrash any such event, whereas there are rumours that sometimes couples go missing on their honeymoon if no prayers were given on their Wedding day to Aurelia.
There are a few things which unite the Faithful of Aurelia. Her clerics detest those who abuse their loved ones, they detest slavery and imprisonment, and they believe Demons to be pitiable creatures whom deserve redemption from their state. Betrayal of someone you have ever called a friend is a Sin in the eyes of the clergy, although whether it’s better to lie and get away with it or be honest is a matter of dispute. Groves with Dryadic trees are just as common as luxurious temples as places of worship to Aurelia. The thing that unites them is that they are places of sensation. Aurelians enjoy tactile delights, believing that sensation is a gift. There is no branch termed the “Inquisition” but Aurelians are known to have a talent for getting others to see their way by bower or by bow.
Skepta, God of Community and Loyalty. The Perfect City (And Slavery)
The Church of Skepta dates to the beginnings of the Human Empire. It is believed that Skepta helped communities form during this time, and that when those communities who worship Skepta pass through this world join together again in the next one. Skeptan Churches have no laws against slavery, but are less open about keeping their slaves after the Treaty, because keeping a member of another Faction captive in such a way may be seen as criminal.
They are certain the Skepta favours a strong, hierarchical community. She wants them to be strong enough to withstand outside threats, to weather storms and profitable enough to make merry during the Winter. The clergy support proud communities, who protect their own and suffer no insult to even the smallest of them and theirs. They should proclaim Skepta and all her glory, by word, by deed, by example, by choice.