- Removed : Where we have skills that require "Wilderness of equal level", you are required to purchase all levels of that skill, with the Wilderness giving you an upper limit of the number of levels you may have.
- Original text: This skill may be taken multiple times to reflect greater experience of the wilderness, and is a prerequisite for all other wilderness skills.
- new text : This skill reflects greater experience of the wilderness, and is a prerequisite for all other wilderness skills.
- Removed: This skill may be taken multiple times
- Removed: All descriptions about how DAC works. That agility DAC can't be used in heavy armour or stack with CA remains.
Rec Sent
Original text:
The character has an acute sense of smell and familiarity with the scent of a particular race. This is a family of skill trees, one for each race of interest. You may only buy this skill for a particular race if you have had some exposure to a member of that race. For example, a character who's met nightmares, humans and bunny rabbits may buy Recognise Scent Nightmare I, Recognise Scent Human I, and Recognise Scent Bunny I in the same level without double-buying penalties. They would pay double-buying penalties if they bought Recognise Scent Human I and Recognise Scent Human II in the same level, and they would not be able to buy Recognise Scent Undead at all before they encountered some undead.
New text The character has an acute sense of smell and familiarity with the scent of a particular race. This is a family of skill trees, one for each race of interest. You may only buy this skill for a particular race if you have had some exposure to a member of that race and each race counts as a different skill for the purposes of double buying. For example, a character who's met nightmares, humans and bunny rabbits may buy Recognise Scent Nightmare I, Recognise Scent Human I, and Recognise Scent Bunny I at level 1 without double-buying penalties. They would pay double-buying penalties if they bought Recognise Scent Human I and Recognise Scent Human II at level 1 , and they would not be able to buy Recognise Scent Undead at all before they encountered some undead.