New descriptive text:
- Being a warrior requires that you by the warrior skill which is the pre-requisite for all others, it represents your basic training as a martial combatant. Once you have "bought in" the skills are broadly divided into 2 categories: hitting other people and surviving being hit by other people. The melee skill should be your first port of call, at low levels it gives you increasing range of weapon styles, at high level it increases your damage. In surviving being hit category fortitude and fitness combine with health (from general skills) meaning you can almost get a round of hits every level. Armour becomes fantastically useful on linears, because armour is easy to repair, while hitpoints are hard to get back so a warrior with lots of armour can afford to get hit a lot more than everyone else because they can repair the armour after each encounter. Combat Awareness grants DAC, meaning you can dodge blows, but won't give anything until level 4, so you probably want to hold off buying any until the end of level 3.
This skill represents both theoretical instruction and practical experience in melee combat and allows access to combat skills. This skill may be taken multiple times.
- Edited text: This skill represents both theoretical instruction and practical experience in melee combat and allows access to combat skills.
- Removed: Warrior is a required skill for: Armour, Berserker, Combat Awareness, Duelling, Fitness, Fortitude, Melee, Missile Competency, Thrown Competency, Two-Handed and Blind Fighting.
- Reason: pre-requites are shown in both the table and the details, having it a third time is pointless.
This skill can be taken multiple times
Combat Awareness
- Removed: This skill can be taken multiple times
- Removed: all description on how DAC worked and put a link to combat systems. (specifics of non stackability kept)
- reason: DAC is confusing enough without 3 different explanations (1 from combat, 1 from combat awreness and 1 from agility.
- As much as I hate it, I believe that the DAC granted from "agility" and the DAC granted from "combat awareness" are mechanically different, and removing the different descriptions on different pages constitutes a rules change. Specifically, you can't use agility DAC in heavy armour, but you can use Combat Awareness DAC in heavy armour. - Ahdok.
- They grant identical and interchangeable DAC, it's just that one of them only grants it when you aren't wearing heavy armour. Arguably ugly but not as bad as having to remember two different types of DAC separately, I think. --Jacob
- I'm with jacob on this one --Drac
- It's also important to be clear that you can't stack 2 combat awareness and 2 agility to get a point of DAC as well, though that might be in there. --Chevron
- That remains as that is strictly part of the skill. --Drac
Moved :
Calling damage more than 'TOUCH' technically wins the duel immediately, but such base treachery on the part of the duelist woud be beneath anyone trained in this noble art. In general, such a shocking breach of etiquette would lead to the cad being forcibly ejected from the premises by anyone present possessed of a shred of honour. To the dueling traditions page, as it is a "how traditional duels are fought" mechanic not part of the skill.
Fitness and Fortitude
This skill may be taken multiple times
This skill may be taken multiple times
This skill may be taken multiple times