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Showing revision 14
Piers James Hylas Fingal O'Flahertie Pisky Von Tinkle Van Peterson-Landt, Baron of Your Mother.
But you can call him Piers.

Born a very dull "James Lant" into an equally dull money-bothered family, Piers was treated, upon coming of age, to the prospect of taking over the family business (a form of accountancy) and leading a fantastically dull life heading a fantastically dull job and married to an obnoxiously dull wife. It is not surprising, therefore, that the day before his birthday, Piers stole his inheritance and ran away, overseas. He travelled down the country from the North where he landed, gathering money, reputation and names, until he finally settled in Grantabrugge.

Having made a name for himself in the somewhat disreputable social circles of Grantabrugge, Piers took his magpied wealth and set up camp as a "laundress", dealing in the two things he appreciated most: men and money. Moved by both restlessness and reputation (this time not his own) to the Wessex Arms, Piers is only just starting to sample exactly what it means to be a regular there. He holds common courtesy and manners in high regard, despite appearances, and if pissed off, oh man, does he ever hold a grudge. Has acquired a recent dislike of swogs and a Fae domain (the Barony of your mum) for a potentially hazardous price.

Or "Piers's Notebook"

- Sex. - Mmmm, dark elves.
- More money. (see above) - Mmmoney.
- Find the bastard Dave the Swog-catcher.
- Inflict the terribles on him. - Will probably involve his testicles and a large mallet.
- Write more Gossip columns.
- Collect more names. - aquired: "Pisky Von Tinkle van".

Just out of interest, seeing as he was presumably something other than a True Elf until two years ago, what happened? (actually, I could see him being born human and then deciding elves were Interesting...) --Pufferfish
I genuinely hadn't given this thought. I think he may have been a Kender. I'll ask.
Erm... is that possible? --Entimix
According to what we were told at the time of the 3ygb in question, you could turn into any of the six remaining basic races (humans, true elves, dwarves, true dragons, uruk, and vani, daedra having been destroyed) or anything you used to be or that one of your ancestors had once been (so elemental elves could choose any colour from their ancestry, kender and other corrupted races like durgar and orks could return to being that race, beastkin and their decendants could be restored, etc). This may have changed. Dragons all flew off to Atlantis with any Vani that turned up on their backs. --ChessyPig


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Edited October 23, 2007 3:59 pm by Lupie (diff)