Vote away, people!
"What's that Lassie? Timmy's a Vivamortian?" Award for most likely to be an undercover priest. )
- Guy Northgate, Tax Accountant. --Zebbie
August and Alistaire award for most likely to kill another PC
- Elijah --Locksmith, seconded by Zebbie
- Brother Fall --Zebbie
Rasputin Award for most likely to somehow survive an impossible situation
- Marcus, Molly and Fyodor are all doing well so far --Zebbie
- Marcus --Porange
- Charles --Locksmith
Remember Wainton award for most likely to commit an atrocity in the name of a cause
- Elijah or Marcus. --Locksmith
- Seconded --Porange
Hazel Award for worst dress sense
- Rosamund's dress looks pretty awful on her, but I'm not sure it's worthy of an award...
Skraal Award for dodgiest bastard
- Mickey. Or Molly. They're both dodgy as hell. --Locksmith
Comedy Vivamortian award for lowest life expectancy
- Rosamund --Locksmith
- Seconded --Porange
Carla Webb award for biggest plot-hound
Brother Gilbert award for stupidest ritual or rite
- Professor Greenheel's Surprise Nightmare Possession Surgery on Rosamund... --Locksmith
Luthos Award for scariest bastard in the bar
- Kiram is still around... --Zebbie
- Lawrence and Elijah are both pretty scary
Moreton-Karchev award for sleeping around
- I haven't really noticed much of this this year so far. --Locksmith
Fomkin Award for shameless preaching
Rec Poison Award for paranoia
Still Do I Sing Bonny Boys award for driving the other characters up the wall
- Professor Greenheel. --Locksmith
- Rosamund nominates Molly...
- Galwyn and the Green Cross Brigade? --Zebbie
Best NPC award
- Pete Scratchitt, played by Winterlove. Wonderfully creepy... --Locksmith
Jonah Award for the character most dangerous to be in a linear party with
Elizabeth --Porange
- Seconded. --Locksmith
Cannon Fodder Award for character most likely to die for their cause/for another character.
- Marcus --Porange
- We have a winner! --Locksmith
Fuzzball Award for the fluffiest bugger in the bar
- Greenheel.
- Thomnasia actually has a fluffy tail.. :D --Zebbie
- Greenheel
- Lucius
"I am the Lord of the Nether Hells!" Award for the best quote
- Marcus: "I can fix that! WIDE PURGE 8!" --Chevron
- I think Lawrence's "It's just so satisfying saying "boobies" in tengwar!" is funnier :P --Locksmith
- It was technically in 2010 though, not that I'm biased or anything :p --Corin
Black Molly "Legless" Morgagni Award for most impressive injuries sustained
- Clearly Molly, who is currently on a lost leg count of 5, gets the first nomination.
- 5 in 5 weeks even!
- Barring Molly herself, Marcus has managed quite impressive injury in the bar and 'survived'... --Locksmith
- Fyodor lost all four limbs in one go... --Zebbie
- Rosamund, who has been nightmared and had rather impressive surgery... --Porange