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Vote away, people!

"What's that Lassie? Timmy's a Vivamortian?" Award for most likely to be an undercover priest. )

Guy Northgate, Tax Accountant. --Zebbie

August and Alistaire award for most likely to kill another PC

Elijah --Locksmith, seconded by Zebbie
Brother Fall --Zebbie

Rasputin Award for most likely to somehow survive an impossible situation

Marcus, Molly and Fyodor are all doing well so far --Zebbie
Marcus --Porange
Charles --Locksmith

Remember Wainton award for most likely to commit an atrocity in the name of a cause

Elijah or Marcus. --Locksmith
Seconded --Porange

Hazel Award for worst dress sense

Rosamund's dress looks pretty awful on her, but I'm not sure it's worthy of an award...

Skraal Award for dodgiest bastard

Mickey. Or Molly. They're both dodgy as hell. --Locksmith

Comedy Vivamortian award for lowest life expectancy

Rosamund --Locksmith
Seconded --Porange

Carla Webb award for biggest plot-hound

Brother Gilbert award for stupidest ritual or rite

Professor Greenheel's Surprise Nightmare Possession Surgery on Rosamund... --Locksmith

Luthos Award for scariest bastard in the bar

Kiram is still around... --Zebbie
Lawrence and Elijah are both pretty scary

Moreton-Karchev award for sleeping around

I haven't really noticed much of this this year so far. --Locksmith

Fomkin Award for shameless preaching

Rec Poison Award for paranoia

Still Do I Sing Bonny Boys award for driving the other characters up the wall

Professor Greenheel. --Locksmith
Rosamund nominates Molly...
Galwyn and the Green Cross Brigade? --Zebbie

Best NPC award

Pete Scratchitt, played by Winterlove. Wonderfully creepy... --Locksmith

Jonah Award for the character most dangerous to be in a linear party with

Elizabeth --Porange

Seconded. --Locksmith

Cannon Fodder Award for character most likely to die for their cause/for another character.

Marcus --Porange
We have a winner! --Locksmith

Fuzzball Award for the fluffiest bugger in the bar

Thomnasia actually has a fluffy tail.. :D --Zebbie

"I am the Lord of the Nether Hells!" Award for the best quote

Marcus: "I can fix that! WIDE PURGE 8!" --Chevron
I think Lawrence's "It's just so satisfying saying "boobies" in tengwar!" is funnier :P --Locksmith
It was technically in 2010 though, not that I'm biased or anything :p --Corin

Black Molly "Legless" Morgagni Award for most impressive injuries sustained

Clearly Molly, who is currently on a lost leg count of 5, gets the first nomination.
5 in 5 weeks even!
Barring Molly herself, Marcus has managed quite impressive injury in the bar and 'survived'... --Locksmith

Fyodor lost all four limbs in one go... --Zebbie
Rosamund, who has been nightmared and had rather impressive surgery... --Porange

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Edited February 21, 2010 5:53 pm by Locksmith (diff)