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Showing revision 11
Following a dicussion on #ic, we thought we'd compile a list of assorted Blashemies and Curses. Feel free to add more. Lots more.

By the necrotic left testicle of Vivamort

By the swinging cod of St. John

Any reference to Humact's 'Rod of Smiting' or 'Mighty Sword'

"Strong enough to drop Morvana's knickers"

Colder than Morvana's [redacted]/tits/nipples/knickers

Hornier than Bast on heat

By Sordan's spiked codpiece

Dirtier than Crofter's chamberpot

Clammy as a zombie cock

"Glowing like a light-elf's sheet stains"

"Even Humact would stab them in the back"

"May Bast scratch out your eyes, and Sordan piss in the sockets"

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Edited September 21, 2009 12:43 am by Corin (diff)