Timothy Draklonixath (Some people call me Tim)
He is now dead, very dead.
Yes, he was an evil Vivamortian who participated in lots of 9:15 raids to keep up a certain other necromancers grand tradition.
If anyone bothered to look behind the fireplace in his burnt out shop, they would have found a lovely bloodsoaked temple to the great V :)
Sorry to Virgil for his untimely death - Wrong place wrong time
- So how many people actually realised it was me in Virgil's clothes?--Brightlance
And one last thing: I'LL BE BACK! MOUHAHAHAHAHA! *evil cackle fades off into the wind*
- So... How *did* he get around the truth miracle? --I
- You might have noticed Maz's Comedy Astalonian explaining how they screwed it up... --ChessyPig
- He misheard his god telling him 'yes', as 'no'? Either way, not being there, no I didn't... --I
- So what did happen? I'm all ears. -- Jacob
- Weird freaky stuff of flange probably. --Brightlance
- MOUHAHAHAHAHA --TimothyDraklonixath?
- Mostly what happened was Maz. --ChessyPig
- There could have been a distinct element of Mazziness in the air. --Brightlance