There is a Cambridge Real Ale Festival. It not only serves real ale but wine, mead and Delicious Cheese among other things. Om nom glug.
Because the organisers are sneaky bastards, they've scheduled it to clash with both Maelstrom and undergrad exams in order to keep the rabble out.
Being part of the rabble, I'd like to visit before Strom anyway as to me it's the gourmet event of the year. If you're likely to be going along, it'd be nice to know who might be about.
- Wednesday
- Jim
- Pufferfish, also with Ralph and a couple of other friends
- Corin has told Pufferfish he is coming, should probably confirm himself... YES I SHALL DRINK BEER AND WRITE THINGS FOR NEWREFS. THEN FLEE, GIGGLING.
- Very possibly tea
- Possibly Entimix depending on parental plans
- Potentially kangaroo for a bit, depending on how revision is going
- Pewterfish (after work)
- Ghostpaw (afternoon)
- Saturday
- Pfish Gestalt
- Ghostpaw (afternoon)
(removed Sunday because there is no beer festival that day)