:Note that healing miracles are now on a cooldown, not a mana limit, which goes a reasonable distance to mitigating that. But yes, it's not really an ideal linear system. --Tea |
Weapon blows do SINGLE unless a different damage call is made.
Characters have 3 global hits
Characters are incapacitated and bleeding to death when they reach 0 hits, and have a 3 minute bleed count.
Characters may call single with a one-handed melee weapon of up to 36" in length, and wear any armour for one additional global hit.
All characters may speak, read, and write Common and their language of origin, if applicable.
Character generation consists of picking a race, a class, and a quirk. There is no character progression and no multiclassing.
To cast a spell, you must have a hand free and speak (at a reasonable volume) a vocal calling on an appropriate power. You then call or take the effect of the spell as appropriate.
You may cast one spell every ten seconds.
Humans have no special abilities, and no physrep requirements.
Elves have pointed ears. They have two global hits instead of three. However, they may Dodge the first melee blow which hits them in a combat.
Many elves are magical, and have patterns of lines in their magical colour on their skin. This prevents them from becoming a priest or wearing metal armour, but allows their dodge to apply to a spell attack.
Dwarves have horns. They have four global hits instead of three, and may not become priests or mages.
Orcs have orc physrep. They may wear metal armour for two hits without a class which permits this ability.
Skaven have rat noses, and are otherwise identical to humans.
Can make a potion per minute, doing:
Mages may cast an approrpiate subset of the spell list for their colour. Spells include:
Ability to perform rituals.
A priest is a devotee of one of the thirteen gods:
All priests may cast the two basic spells, ranged SINGLE and CURE 1 by touch, and may bestow a blessing of their god's holy symbol onto a consenting target by short rite.
In addition, each god grants to their followers a standard rite, which may be performed regularly by a short roleplayed ceremony of about 10s or so. The effects will generally require a ref. Using appropriate components, holy artefacts, and more priests will increase the power of a rite. Examples include "Speak with Dead" for Morvana, and "Raise Undead" for Vivamort.
Arrow arrow arrow, leather armour for 2 hits, one dodge, one extra hit, any melee weapons no shields.
Lots of dodges, leather armour for 2 hits, backstabs, bucklers and ambidexing and stuff but no polearms.
Warriors have three additional hits. They may wear full leather armour for two additional hits, or full metal armour for four additional hits. They may fight ambidextrously, use shields, and use polearms, all for SINGLE. They may use two-handed weapons for DOUBLE.
You gain the first aid skill to level 4 or so.
You gain a bunch of money.
This quirk represents being trained as a fighter on the side of your other duties. It is intended to permit making paladins or warlock type builds. It is not available for Warriors
When you take this quirk, you may select to either be able to do single with polearms or two-handers, the ability to wield two weapons ambidextrously, or the ability to use a shield.
If you are not a mage, you also gain the ability to wear full leather armour for two additional hits or full metal armour for three additional hits
If you are a mage, you become a warlock, and instead gain the ability to wear full leather armour for two additional hits, and the ability to cast a new spell, "bladesharp", which lets you call double on your next melee blow.
This quirk is only available for Mages or Priests. If taken, it allows them to cast a spell once every 5 seconds, not every 10
This quirk represents being a dodgy and scummy sort.
You gain the ability to conceal a dagger or similarly sized item about your person. You gain the ability to disguise yourself convincingly. You gain the ability to follow tracks, and to conceal your own tracks.
From the point of view of writing linears, I dislike the reduction in hits and damage calls, for a few reasons reasons - it puts a higher lower bound on how easy you can make a fight, it puts a higher lower bound on the power of damage buffs, and it means that a monster doing "more damage than the average warrior with a polearm" is one-shotting non warriors. Also, my impression is that you've scaled down hits more than damage, which I think is a problem. If you're going to a non-level-based system, I'd like to see warriors defaulting to triple or quad, and everything else scaled around that. --Jacob