NewWebSite/Spirit Skills

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Missed the bit from Balances intro text about being in both pantheons.

Changes here all come from ref clarifications

intro text

old text

The Treasure Trap world is presided over by a large pantheon of active and interventionist Gods and Goddesses. There are currently 13 recognised spiritual religions (and rumoured to be one secret cult), although in the immediate past there were many more: Treasure Trap Gods are not immortal (although they are extremely hard to kill) and recent apocalyptic events have destroyed several fairly established deities as well as many fringe religions.

The 13 true religions are divided into two groups: the Gods of the Mace and the Gods of the Sword. On the whole, the Mace Gods are generally considered more "good" and the Sword Gods more "evil", but this is possibly more due to propaganda and society's expectations than any moral superiority on the part of the Mace. The Balance is the only religion to appear on both lists, making an even 7 religions in each group. Faith is a tangible force in the world, with Gods not only answering prayer but often enabling the faithful to perform miracles in their name. Priests live by a set of strictures appropriate to their faith: following the strictures closely and pleasing their God often brings favour but breaking strictures can invoke severe penalties from wrathful deities.

new text

The Treasure Trap world is presided over by a large pantheon of active and interventionist Gods and Goddesses. There are currently 13 recognised spiritual religions, although in the immediate past there were many more: Treasure Trap Gods are not immortal (although they are extremely hard to kill) and recent apocalyptic events have destroyed several fairly established deities as well as many fringe religions. Faith is a tangible force in the world, with Gods not only answering prayer but often enabling the faithful to perform miracles in their name. Priests live by a set of strictures appropriate to their faith: following the strictures closely and pleasing their God often brings favour but breaking strictures can invoke severe penalties from wrathful deities.

Priests are expected to tithe 20% of their IC earnings regularly to their church; this does not include the ten Shilling allowance granted them by the church (or wherever they get their 10 shillings a

Gods - How they are Created and How they Work

old text

A God is a Soul that has died, gone on from the Prime Material but has somehow become sustained there rather than continuing on to Oblivion. (The method by which this sustaining happens is unknown to most characters, but the information is out there. Ask around. You might learn something.) Other races supposedly had Gods until very recently - Goblins certainly claimed to worship a pantheon of their own - but only the more commonly known ones survived the Dragon Lords' attacks.

New Text

A god originates from a soul which has died, gone on from the Prime Material but somehow become sustained instead of continuing on to Oblivion.


It will generally be considered that the Gods cannot read your mind except in very limited, extreme circumstances (for example, at the moment of Ultimate Faith you are close to your God with much of their attention focused upon you for a short duration. At this moment your wishes may be more likely to be heard.) This is because the refs cannot read your thoughts or your characters', so we cannot take these into consideration. What your character does is far more important than what they mean to do or what they think.

Prayer which is silent will not be noticed, however your character may choose to pray silently anyway and this is a roleplay decision. Spoken words may be more likely to be heard, but the Gods will mostly notice your actions, especially when you are on holy ground and/or actively carrying out your God's work.


Old Text

When a Spiritually Awakened priest performs their daily devotions to their God - at noon for deities of the Mace, and at midnight for deities of the Sword - they are granted a certain measure of authority to command that miracles be performed by the Spirits of their deity. This is represented by Spirit points, granted by the Spiritual Power and Spiritual Blessing skills. A miracle costs one Spirit point to cast per level. Note that this is not personal power but authority to command others; it is possible for a sufficiently powerful angel to outrank a priest and have the authority to ask (but not compel) the priest to do things for them. Balance priests can perform their daily devotions at noon or at midnight, but changing from one to the other requires 36 hours.

New Text

When a Spiritually Awakened priest performs their daily devotions to their God - at noon or at midnight (they choose) - they are granted a certain measure of authority to command that miracles be performed by the Spirits of their deity. This is represented by Spirit points, granted by the Spiritual Power and Spiritual Blessing skills. A miracle costs one Spirit point to cast per level. Note that this is not personal power but authority to command others; it is possible for a sufficiently powerful angel to outrank a priest and have the authority to ask (but not compel) the priest to do things for them. A priest may choose when they perform their devotions, but such change requires 36 hours.

Old Text

The vocal must be said at the same volume as the miracle call is made; it is impossible to affect a target ten metres away with a whispered miracle in a noisy room.

New Text

The vocal must be said at least as loud as a clear speaking voice; it is impossible to affect a target ten metres away with a whispered miracle in a noisy room.


If a weapon or effect, or any call strikes you while you are casting, then your casting is interrupted and you must start the vocal over, but do not lose any magic or spirit. The only exception to this is if the call is, precisely, "NOTHING". This is very strict, so a RED NOTHING will interrupt anyone, even a pyrokin, as it is not a "NOTHING" - the reason being that even that effect is distracting enough to break your concentration. This means you are interrupted in all other situations, for example if you DAC a blow, or you have magical armour. You are not mechanically interrupted when someone distracts you, say, by throwing a bucket of water over you, however you should feel free to roleplay losing the spell or miracle and starting over. You can't parry when casting, it's as good as an interruption. You can hold your weapon out in front of you in a vaguely threatening manner, but you can't move it around to parry, or push against an incoming blow, without losing your spell.

Holy Symbols


Body parts do not count as holy symbols unless not attached to a body.



Is this page ref-derived or up for questions? I was wondering whether most people would consider that all gods come from people or whether they are just things which have in some way always been around, perhaps from other planes or something but largely beyond our ken? Esp. wrt The Balance. --Chevron

Hmm. Interesting. Most, if not all, current TT gods have at least one story of their creation/enhancement by ascension of a mortal (or, er, a demon, but shhhh). I'm not aware of another way a god can be created, although followers of Azrael like to *claim* otherwise :-) --Pufferfish

Don't worry, every page is up for debate, pointers, opinions, whining, and "Drac you've done it wrong." This is why I am listing the changes on the wiki, so everyone can see and comment, we have already corrected 1 of my mistakes because of it. In case of rules and setting I will consult with the refs and any particularly thorny things will be clarified at AGM --Drac


Missed the bit from Balances intro text about being in both pantheons.

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Last edited March 30, 2011 1:52 pm by Draconas (diff)