NewWebSite/Racial Packages

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Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 7c7,14
That orcs are recent arrivals.
That orcs are recent arrivals.

Kender =

Edited ===
Old Text: May not learn Magic or Spirit skills, but may worship a god (or anything else) as a lay follower.

NewText?: May not learn Magic skills. May take Spirit skills, or worship a god (or anything else) as a lay follower.
:Kender can now be priests. Gods help us (or possibly themselves)



Beardless dwarves are pariahs



That orcs are recent arrivals.



Old Text: May not learn Magic or Spirit skills, but may worship a god (or anything else) as a lay follower.

NewText?: May not learn Magic skills. May take Spirit skills, or worship a god (or anything else) as a lay follower.

Kender can now be priests. Gods help us (or possibly themselves)

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Last edited May 9, 2011 7:58 pm by Drac (diff)