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Original: For every four levels of Health, Fitness and Fortitude (in any combination) you gain 2 extra hit points on your chest and head and 1 on each limb. This skill may be bought multiple times.

New: For every four levels of Health, Fitness and Fortitude (in any combination) you gain 2 extra hit points on your chest and head and 1 on each limb.

First Aid

Original: This skill may be taken multiple times. Your level in the skill is the number of times you have bought it. At each level you gain the following abilities:

New: At each level you gain the following abilities:


Original: This skill may be bought up to three times, with no double buying penalty at character creation. Your character will receive an extra 5 Shillings at the beginning of each interactive for each time you have bought this skill

New: There is no double buying penalty for this skill at character creation. Your character will receive an extra 5 Shillings at the beginning of each interactive for each level of this skill

Reason: income now explicitly leveled 1-3.

Speak Other Language

Original: The character can speak one other (named) language. This skill may be taken multiple times and is not subject to double-buying penalties.


Reasons: Summer 2010 agm motion that removed literacy and made all characters fully literate unless they didn't want to be.

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Last edited February 25, 2011 5:26 pm by Drac (diff)