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Italics are the answers of Vampire Molly post 3ygb

1. Who are you?

Black Molly, More formally Captain Molly Morgagni of the Merry Mermaid, Mistress of the poorhouse, Constable of the City Militia, Enemy of the Faith
Captain Black Molly Morgagni of the Merry Mermaid, terror of the seas of Wallachia, vampire in the service of Vivamort

2. Do you have any brothers or sisters?

I have a younger sister, she's far too curious for her own good.
Somewhere on land I have a younger sister. I hope she knows what became of me, she'd probably think it was great and have far too many questions

3. How old are you?

26? Something like that.
Got to 26 before getting killed, never thought I'd see that old, hoped I'd see longer.

4. What's your height?

5'2" or, if you believe the stories, 10ft tall with eyes of green fire.

5. Are you a virgin?

That's a bit of a personal question!
Just because I'm dead doesn't give you the right to ask personal questions

6. Who's your mate/spouse?

I believe tradition dictates I answer "the sea". But quite frankly being married to the sea would be awful. I did have one once... He's still on my crew but... not what I look for in a partner. Uncharitable types would say I currently court scandal
"The White Terror" aka Lawrence, my First Mate

7. Do you have any kids?

No. Absolutely not. I am not the mothering type and children on a ship full of skeletons? In the middle of the sea? You see this ending well? Well, none of my own anyway.
Had 9, now have 8. Adopted, you've got to look after those lower in the hierarchy than you. Or crush them into the ground, one of those two. They are a bit far away now, but I am informed they are being well looked after. Apparently I also mother any abomination I come across

8. What's your favorite food?

No, not the blood of the innocents, whatever you might think, something sweet, perhaps a nice cake. Oh gods... definately not blood.
Having sampled a variety of blood including human, animal, demon and insane world destroying fae, I can safely say I hate it all, but I live with it. However, food is less of a requirement when you're undead.

9. Have you killed anyone?

Yes. Mostly being a necromancer and calling yourself Black Molly and occasionally lapsing into manic laughter scares most off. But there's always one or two with something to prove... Some deaths were worse though.
Yep, most of them probably deserved it. Been tending to avoid it recently, can't see the point if I'm honest, most are more useful alive than dead and usually don't deserve it.

10. Have any secrets?

Actually no. You don't acquire many by spending years at sea with undead.
Nope, try not to keep secrets beyond a few jam tart recipes, learned from my mistakes there, if you are nto entirely truthful from the offset then you just end up in an awkward situation later when you get found out.

11. Do you love anyone?

I did once.
Lawrence. Still not the sort to declare "I love Vivamort", respect him yes, but anyone who says they love him is mad

12. What is your job?

Trader, Captain... well... that's if I still have a ship to get back to! Made ends meet for a bit by doing accounts at the temple of St John. Currently Mistress of the Poorhouse and Militiawoman.
Pirate captain or the Merry Mermaid, Necromancer at Arms (if I have them), Vampiric Scourge of the Seas of Wallachia.

13. Boy or girl?

I'm female. It should be quite obvious really!
Still female. Calling me "it" will get you cursed

14. What do you do to relax?

Sunbathe on the deck of my ship. Which is rather difficult at the moment owing to it being a rather long way away.
Sunbathe on the deck, I'm not nocturnal

15. There's a person who's teasing you; what could you do?

Laugh and throw back a few choice insults. Also cursing. I like cursing.
Eventually I will retalliate for Lawrence's squid herding, I just need to think of a way... But in all other scenarios I think the question is "what couldn't I do?" Think I'd take a leaf out of that Johnite angel's book and do a bit of agressive blessing. I say blessing, I actually mean cursing.

16. Let’s say you have a person who you really care about but she/he doesn’t know about your feelings. How do you tell her/him?

Just tell them! Might as well! You never get anywhere in life by mooning around tragically.
Depends on circumstances, most of the time just get on with it and tell them instead of moping about

17. What do you regret most in life?

Currently I quite regret agreeing to help Count Dietrich, as this had led me to be rather isolated from my ship and hence my belongings, crew and source of income. *looks like she is about to say something else* no, regrets are pointless. No use dwelling on the past.
Being killed, not because of the whole vampiric thing, but because of the people and responsibilities I had to leave. Further to this not coming clean about being a vampire, made everything temporarily better at the cost of making everything worse later on. Alternatively letting people know about my fear of squid.

18. Do you like your maker?

Yes, naturally. I feel somehow that declaring otherwise would cause horrible things to befall me.
Respect and fear more than like

19. What do you fear?

Losing my ship, my crew and octopussy type thingies. Also I hate blood, which, if I'm perfectly honest, is rather embarassing for a necromancer.
Blood. I'm not joking, sometimes faint at the sight of it. Which was embarassing enough when alive... Now it's bordering on shameful. More rationally I'm still wary of squid, very bad omen are squid

1. What would your character kill for? What would they die for?

I would kill in defence of myself. Others? Depends whether they got themselves into that situation of their own stupidity or not really. Maybe they know what they are doing? People so rarely consider that aspect. I wish to destroy every oni cultist I find, raise them and use them to destroy more. It will be beautiful...

Not too keen on the dying part personally.
Would kill for vengence or need, needs vary massively with circumstances but usually involve blood. As for dying, well that's harder now, but apparently I would die because people wanted be dead. That went well for them as you can see

2. What would they refuse to do under any circumstances? Why?

Daft question love, anyone who says they would refuse to do something under any circumstances hasn't thought through all possible scenarios.
Can never say you'd never do something love, you look a fool when you then have to. 'Course there are things I would try by very hardest to avoid doing, like letting harm come to anyone under my care. But sometimes it happens.

3. What do they dream about? [Either literal or figurative].

Not much, just the ramblings of the mind. I prefer to enact things rather than dream about them!
Blood. Oh gods the Blood

4. What’s their biggest fear?

Now what sort of person would admit that to anyone? *grins*
''Blood, yes I am a vampire, yes this is unfortunate, and squid, which are a terrible omen.

5. What single object would they be most hard pressed to part with? Why?

Nothing really, perhaps there are a few bits I'm a bit sentimental over, but I'd part with them if I had to.
I'm rather attatched to my headscarf, proper Wallachian one and has apparently survived years at sea and death largely unscathed

6. What is their fondest memory?

Being spiritually awakened would be the obvious answer, but due to timing, not so much. The Azraelite priest pointing at you, screaming you are tainted by evil? All well and good, you can laugh it off... Unless you are spiritually awakened 5 seconds later. Being made Captain?
I sailed off into the sunset with both the guy and the immortality. That is rather hard to top.

7. What is their worst memory?

My whole crew being killed. Watching someone I loved killed trying to save me. Complying with the wishes of someone... Basically deaths and raisings.
Think watching Lawrence killed in front of me and being unable to do anything about it was pretty bad, I mean, it all turned out fine in the end, but I didn't know what he was coming back *as* or even if he would

8. What or who was were their most significant influence? Expound.

My Lord Vivamort and his wishes, if you're wanting influences from this plane then I'd say the crews I've sailed with, my first Captain perhaps.
Have to do what I'm told love, so that would be Vivamort. From this plane? All the responsibility people kept giving me, changed me, still not sure if it was for the better

9. What do they believe makes a successful life?

Living it.
You're asking the wrong person here... But doing your duty, that's important.

10. What makes them laugh?

Quite a lot, people are amusing and some are rather easy to wind up.
Winding people up and watching them whir off in the wrong direction

11. What are their religious views?

Vivamortian love, Very Vivamortian. But, also feel it is important to take some responsibility for the lower orders, make sure they're doing it right and not putting everyone else at risk.
Johnite. Through and though. And, given you just asked me that question you probably took that seriously. If you want a bit more detail I'd say you take responsibility for those you outrank, guide them on the right path. Spotting those with potential to be suited to the faith is important too

12. What is their greatest strength?

I'm resourceful, it's a rather useful trait, if I didn't have it I'd probably be dead several times over.
Resourceful, backed up by being a vampire. It's a lovely combination

13. Do they have a fatal flaw? If so, what is it?

Nah, don't think i'll be telling you that somehow *grins*
It is possible to ward me off from a dwelling simply by obstructing my path with squid. I suspect there is now a small village in caledonia who nail squid above the doors just in case of vampires...

14. Who is the most important person in their life?

There was someone, years back, they're dead.
What life? If you mean my unlife, then Lawrence, if you count undead as people

15. If they died or went missing, who would miss them most?

Not sure many would if I am honest, doesn't bother me too much.
Not sure if the First Mate knows how to steer the ship...

16. How would they describe themselves?

Honest trader, priestess of Vivamort, does a nice line in accountancy...
Pale and interesting. Very pale.

17. How would others describe them?

"legless" rather more often than I would like. Personally I prefer infamous. Dark and terrible queen of unimaginable horrors goes down well as well. I'm a Vivamortian! I have an image to maintain. "Balls of Steel" according to the Angel of St John, I am not sure whether to be flattered or not by that one.
A dangerous creature to be destroyed I suspect, which is daft, If I'd wanted them dead I could have done it while alive, I had access to enough potential bodies. Don't see why just because I'm dead means I'm suddenly any nastier than I was. If you believe the legends then I am 10ft tall with eyes of green fire.

Jacob's Meme

How do you look different to your player?

Slightly older looking, sharper features, slightly sarcastic eyebrows. Frequently has fewer legs. Stockier.
Paler, but much as she did in life. She really should be a good 4" taller than her physrep

What are your hobbies or entertainments?

Sunbathing, just generally relaxing and doing very little.
Doing as little work as I can

How do you support yourself?

Well, theorectically I trade things. Buying, selling etc. However. For that I need my ship. And my crew. Of which I currently have neither. So I would guess I support myself on my wits. I worked in the Temple of St John, accounting... What? Look, if I was trying to bring down the temple and build a throne from their bones on the still smouldering ruins, don't you think I'd be just a little more subtle about it? Everyone always assumes the worst of Vivamortians... Currently I'm employed by the city and the city militia.
Piracy, not that we have any real need to. Undead sailing a self repairing ship of bone? Not much need for anything there

What is your home like?

My ship is lovely! Beautifully clean, with rather colourfully patterned furnishings, rigs, curtains and the like. However, I am rather too far from my ship to be enjoying it. Currently lodging above a pastry shop. Yeah, I know, I'm going to get a lot of stick about that one.
The Merry Mermaid, ship of the Damned. The fae lady called it a "Ship of Bones". This is more accurate than it used to be

What are your most cherished possessions?

My holy symbols
My headscarf

What are you proudest of?

My Crew, they are very good workers, even if I do have to repair them a fair bit... sodding seagulls (mutters under breath)
I did what Vivamort asked of me and managed to ignore the voice in my head tellign me to kill everyone in the process

What are you most ashamed of or feel most guilty about?

Effectivly abandoning my crew and ship. And... No. I chose the right course of action.
Getting killed and abandoning my responsibilities. Lying about the vampirism.

Under what circumstances is it justifiable to resort to violence?

Means to an end...
When it's needed. Protecting others, in pursuit of duty, people stealing my headscarf...

1. Your character is being announced at the Royal Ball by the most pompous, enthusiastic and long-winded Master of Ceremonies in recorded history. What do they declaim?

Captain Black Molly Morgagni of the city militia, Mistress of the poor house, Enemy of the Faith, terror of the seas of Wallachia!
Sadly I suspect it would now be "Run for your lives!", well anywhere outside of Wallachia, there it's more likely to be "the vampire Captain Morgagni of the Merry Mermaid" often with a whispered "I thought she'd be taller..."

2. Give a 6-word backstory and/or history for your character, prior to their entering play - it is needed for the character bio on the back cover of this season's DVD.

Infamous piratical necromancer, now somewhat landlocked

3. However improbable it may seem, your character just won a boasting competition. What was their winning boast?

That I have had the Sword of Humact held to my throat by a god and lived.
I drank the blood of the fae, the Princess of Envy. All of it.

4. Your character loses a hand irrevocably, and is given the opportunity to have something grafted on to replace it. What do they pick?

Skeleton hand. Preferably animate and not in need of constant rewiring.
Skeleton hand would just be embarassing, looking like I was partly rotting. Probably go for something metal, animated by spirits of Vivamort

5. What one impossible thing would you most like to have, be, or be able to do, in order to better physrep your character?

Animate skeletons
To be cold to the touch and to be 4" taller

6. Your character is asked by their immediate superior which one thing they would choose to save from their dwelling, were it on fire. Sensing that a flippant answer is not called for, how do they instead answer?

Immediate superior? In which case my answer is "Whatever you want me to"
Still the same answer

7. Your character was abducted by Nightmares (or local equivalent) on the way out of the Arms, and wakes up in a sack (just as armed as they left the pub). What do they have in their pockets, and what one further thing do they wish they had also picked up from home this morning?

Holy symbol, bits of blood stained bandages, a death threat addressed to me. Really wish I has an unlaid to rest corpse though.
Not a lot, pair of gloves maybe. Wish I had a corpse or two though

8. Your character's life is flashing before their eyes. Describe briefly any two of the following: Leaving their childhood home. Losing their first love. The first time they killed. The first time they lost a comrade. Another occasion on which they nearly died. A time they lowered their standards. A time they abandoned hope. Something that terrified them

Molly shoved what little she owned into the rough sack and hoisted it on her back. She had had enough with this village, it was dull, the people were dull and she was sick to the back teeth of the expectation that she should be meek and quiet and do what the priest told her to. She didn't even give it a backward glance as she strode out of the gates
One of the essential pieces of Courtship ettiquette is being aware of the religion of the object of your affection. This applies double if you are an Azraelite and she is a Vivamortian. Those zombies surrounding her? She doesn't need rescuing from them. Chances are if you try you will not be looking in the right direction when that sword flies at you...
The last blow hurt, that was for certain; no last witticisms, no pithy quips... Not how she'd imagined it at all, well aside from the pain, but she'd been trying not to think about that. And then awareness again, a feeling of being no longer there, more than a feeling really, just a slight dent in the grass where she had fallen and a shout of "That was Really Stupid!" remained of Molly... For a few minutes at least...
Molly stared at the rabbit. The rabbit stared back and twitched its nose. "Look love, I'm sorry but I need your b... bl... Stuff... more than you do, way of the world and all that." The rabbit twitched its nose again, dead smelling things were not usually this talkative. Molly carefully picked the rabbit up, closed her eyes, raised it to her lips and bit. A few minutes later she opened her eyes and gingerly sat up. The rabbit was still there, as healthy as ever, twitching its nose and judging her.

9. Your character wakes up in a Militia cell with no clear memories of their last few hours. Given time to think it over, why will they conclude they are there?

So, clearly I am either at work or arrested. Knowing me it's probably for distubance of the peace or something like that.
Slightly concerned as to why they didn't just destroy me. Something gods awful probably planned

10. Your character was obliged to leave town. As they fled, they left messages with a trusted friend. Most of them dealt with religious and social obligations, and put in place provision for their return (or otherwise) - but they found time for one quick personal note. Who is it to, and roughly what does it say?

"sorry love XXX"

    * What would your character's alignment be given as, if they appeared in a pastiche of the Monstrous Manual? Two words only. 

Lawful Neutral verging on Lawful Good.

    * Give one OOC goal you have/had for your first event a this character. 

Get to shout "your mother was a pastry chef" at someone

    * Your character is asked by the second-best friend of their mother, or maybe by their mentor's bridge partner, "So, what is it you do all day?" - how do they answer? 

"Dealing with an unearthly large amount of responsibility for a Vivamortian"

    * Describe a death for this character that you, the player, would consider pure, unadulterated win. 

Falling heavily of the cackling evil side of the good-evil divide then dying in one big act of redemption

    * Under the effects of Compel Truth (which requires them to give full and truthful answers), your character is asked, without context, "Where did you hide the bodies?" How do they answer? 

"Never had to hide any"

    * Your character was voted "Most Likely To (something)" by their class (or equivalent). Most likely to what? 

Amount to nothing, on account of the whole "problem with authority" thing

    * Following a lost bet during a particularly raucous evening, your character is obliged to get a tattoo of something, the following morning. What image or phrase do they pick, and optionally, why? 

"Obliged? Right, that probably means I don't get to choose it myself. Which inevitably means a symbol of St John..."

    * Your character discovers that a parent, superior or local notable is about to visit their dwelling place. What is the first thing they hide? 

"I'll leave that to your imagination..."

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