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There exists an ancient and solemn tradition, that on January the first, after the excesses of New Year's Eve are complete, a teaparty is held, that the festive season may be enjoyed to its fullest and most civilised extent. In honour of this tradition, revellers are invited to the Dwm Bunkar for tea, cake, board games and other such pursuits. In consideration of the more drunken celebrations of the night before, festivities will commence at two o'clock in the afternoon and latecomers are welcome.

We have several kinds of tea and cake. More cake is always welcome. We will have Munchkin, but if people brought board games that would be good. Some kind of veggie catering will happen in the evening. If you could all head home by, say, 10pm, that would be lovely. If you don't know where the Bunkar is, ask on channel.

Some idea of who is coming would be nice:

  1. Bunny
  2. dwm
  3. Pufferfish expects to show up for a couple of hours
  4. Maybe Jim
  5. Badger
  6. Corin
  7. Canashir probably
  8. Entimix
  9. Freddie - we have lots of loose leaf teas inherited from Arnthor, prod me if you want me to bring them! And I'll see what I can do about cake.
  10. kelpie

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Last edited December 31, 2012 4:20 pm by (diff)