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Bartimaeus of the Order of the Scorpion, Paladin of Sordan. Wandering mendicant with a habit of telling people that one fable about the Scorpion and the Frog.

1. Who are you?

Bartimaeus of the Order of the Scorpion

2. Do you have any brothers or sisters?

Whether you mean of the blood or of the Order... perhaps. I don't know.

3. How old are you?

I was one of the older children of the street five years ago. We didn't count that carefully.

4. What's your height?

Five feet and ten inches.

5. Are you a virgin?

There's little time for that in a life like mine.

6. Who's your mate/spouse?

I'd name the Lady of the Sting in the Hooked Tail, but I am under no illusion of her faithfulness.

7. Do you have any kids?

Not yet.

8. What's your favorite food?

The first food after days of hunger.

9. Have you killed anyone?

Far less than the number of my enemies whose lives I have failed to save.

10. Have any secrets?

11. Do you love anyone?

I loved my master Ishmael... in a way.

12. What is your job?

The life of the paladin is a vocation, not a job.

13. Boy or girl?

Is the beard a clue?

14. What do you do to relax?

Watch the people of this city - there's always something to see.

15. There's a person who's teasing you; what could you do?

How much do you want to find out?

16. Let’s say you have a person who you really care about but she/he doesn’t know about your feelings. How do you tell her/him?

That depends on the circumstances, and is not something I care to tell about.

17. What do you regret most in life?

That I did not find the path to the Lady sooner.

18. Do you like your maker?

The Lady of Hooks did not make me - that was the work of humans, who I barely remember.

19. What do you fear?

I don't know.


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Last edited March 3, 2013 4:30 pm by MorkaisChosen (diff)