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Name: Ceyl Fen

Age: 19

Paladin from the Church of Justice. Only a recent arrival in the city and travelled light to get there she is currently borrowing a uniform from the Church. This will change when she manages to get her act together and go to a clothes shop without interrogating the owner about every possible suspicious person they ever met.

Previously lived in a small village in the depths of the fens. When she was little she was always the one either complainig loudly that "it's not fair" or the one bossing the others around trying to get them to conform to her version of right and wrong. Her parents quickly despaired of ever managing to get her interested in either of their trades and focused their attention on her other siblings and let her run riot around the village. This led to her getting in quite a lot of fights with other children who she thought were doing the wrong thing. Unfortunatley this led to her upsetting a lot of people. Thankfully a retired priest of Ishmund took her under his wing and gave her a good grounding in when it's okay to attack people as well as giving her a few lessons in the better ways of doing it.

When Ceyl spiritually awakened to Justice she decided to move to Grantabrugge and join the Temple of Justice in the city. Her partents did give her a rather nice cloak before she left but otherwise probably didn't notice.

Ceyl frequently gets severe headaches. She has tried various methods of getting rid of these with no success.

Likes - Purple, open and shut cases, simplicity, people who obey the law, cooking her own food and is developing a soft spot for kender even if they go after her cloak.

Dislikes - People that talk in services, people that don't obey the law, cold and wet (she really really really hates the cold), answers that aren't understandable, complicated stuff that brings on her headaches. Most of the people who visit the Wessex arms - some of them more than others. Hypocrites really really make her annoyed.

Since arriving in Grantabrugge and definitely since she started drinking in the Wessex arms she has been to undergo a very steep learning curve.

She has learnt:

Ceyl went through a bit of a rough time. Thankfully she emerged with her sanity intact (just about) but became utterly convinced that she was a complete and utter failure in the eyes of her god. She had sworn to bring Alric and Evangeline to Justice for their murder of Celandine and moved through several plans of actions in an attempt to achive this. These all backfired or simply failed spectacularly eventually resulting in her spending a week semiconscious in the dreaming and being slightly nightmarefied as well as hardly contributing to Alric's and Evangeline's deaths and therefore saw herself as failing to fulfill this oath. There was also an incident in which some criminals got away. Her belief that she was failing her god and a few other factors that were weighing her down sent her into a bit of a depression.

Justice however appears to think that she's actually doing well if the angel that turned up and hugged her is any indication. As doubting her god is something Ceyl would not allow herself to do she tried to put her past failures behind her and to continue to serve him as best she can. Her success rate hasn't exactly increased and she's finding herself on the verge of losing her temper even more frequently than before.

Spent a while trying to resist the temptation to campaign for making being stupid against the law. And not simply because she'd have to arrest herself.

Eventually got killed over the body of someone she hated. Was sent back as an angel by justice with a specific mission and manage to fail spectacularly in her usual fashion.

Picture - Also thanks to the amazing ability of porange -


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Last edited July 12, 2013 11:36 am by (diff)