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Mercenary, surgeon, orphan, priest of Vivamort.

Nicolaa was raised in the orphanage of Saint Brigid (run by Humacti) after her parents died of some kind of plague.

Later, she left with a group of other Humacti but while travelling, they were all killed by bandits. Nicolaa (semi-accidentally) raised the bandits as undead using a vivamortian artefact sword they'd been transporting and then Awakened to Vivamort. Later she became a mercenary.

Everything was basically fine until Vivamort started noticing her, then He gave her orders that she couldn't really work around or avoid, but did find morally repulsive.

She sacrificed three people to Vivamort before Alferwen found out and convinced her to stop. Everything went very sharply down from there.

Finally she accepted Vivamort's offer to just die already. Unsurprisingly, she then rose as undead.


2. Give a 6-word backstory and/or history for your character, prior to their entering play - it is needed for the character bio on the back cover of this season's DVD.

Mercenary with a heart of gold.

5. What one impossible thing would you most like to have, be, or be able to do, in order to better physrep your character?

The ability to cry on demand. Tears would be an excellent accompaniment to all the angst.

6. Your character is asked by their immediate superior which one thing they would choose to save from their dwelling, were it on fire. Sensing that a flippant answer is not called for, how do they instead answer?

My prayer book.

7. Your character was abducted by Nightmares (or local equivalent) on the way out of the Arms, and wakes up in a sack (just as armed as they left the pub). What do they have in their pockets, and what one further thing do they wish they had also picked up from home this morning?

It'd be nice if I had some way of talking to Maia, but I don't have anything that can do that.

8. Your character's life is flashing before their eyes. Describe briefly any two of the following: Leaving their childhood home. Losing their first love. The first time they killed. The first time they lost a comrade. Another occasion on which they nearly died. A time they lowered their standards. A time they abandoned hope. Something that terrified them.

I'm kneeling in the Wessex arms, Corbin's in front of me. I'm trying to focus on the bone, on saying what I have done but it's so cold, I'm so cold. Like the grave. I can feel my skin rotting and peeling. Any moment now there will be maggots, I've got to get it off, please my Lord, please have mercy.
I've stuck my sword through the bandit's chest, he falls backwards taking it with him. Shit!

9. Your character wakes up in a Militia cell with no clear memories of their last few hours. Given time to think it over, why will they conclude they are there?

Those bodies, they probably got up again.

10. Your character was obliged to leave town. As they fled, they left messages with a trusted friend. Most of them dealt with religious and social obligations, and put in place provision for their return (or otherwise) - but they found time for one quick personal note. Who is it to, and roughly what does it say?

find out in play...

What is your home like?
I've got a couple of rooms next to the merc's guild.

What are you proudest of?
I ain't sure. Maybe, the whole business with Azrael.

What are you most ashamed of or feel most guilty about?
What I have just done.

Under what circumstances is it justifiable to resort to violence?
Maybe when there's no other way to reach your goal that isn't worse.

1. What would your character kill for? What would they die for?
They'd kill to protect themselves or their friends. They'd die rather than break the most sacred oath. There's other things, but it comes down to circumstances.

2. What would you refuse to do under any circumstances? Why?
There is a sacred oath. To break it would be to become evil. It would not simply be an evil thing to do, it would be to become evil. I would not break it.

3. What do they dream about? [Either literal or figurative].
She tries not to think about the future.

4. What is their biggest fear?
At the moment, that her God will do *that* again.

5. What single object would they be most hard pressed to part with? Why?
Probably the prayer book, with her old holy symbol close after. They can't really be replaced.

6. What is their fondest memory?
Maybe getting revenge.

8. What or who was were their most significant influence? Expound.
See below.

9. What do they believe makes a successful life?
Knowing what you want and using everything you have to make it happen.

10. What makes them laugh?
They have a somewhat black sense of humour.

11. What are their religious views?
Broadly consistant with Humacti views, with some exceptions. Also a strong belief in the importance of revenge.

12. What is their greatest strength?
It's supposed to be a determination not to give up. That hasn't completely come across in play.

13. Do they have a fatal flaw? If so, what is it?
The inability to lie to a priest of Humact. Alternatively, their faith.

14. Who is the most important person in their life?
Depends what you mean by important. There's the folks I care about most, that's my friends, Alferwen and Maia and maybe Willow. There's the people who've influenced how I've turned out, how I've grown up as me, I guess that's probably Mother Superior from the orphanage, and Saint Brigid, and my God. Then there's the people who'll control what happens in the future to me.

15. If they died or went missing, who would miss them most?
Prob'ly Alferwen

16. How would they describe themselves?
I've done bad things but I ain't evil!

17. How would others describe them?
Depends on who's describing them. It seems to vary between 'A good person' all the way to 'an evil monster' going through 'useful' on the way.

1. Who are you?
Nicolaa Saint Brigid. Or maybe just Nicolaa.

2. Do you have any brothers or sisters?
I had some, they died in the plague that got me parents. There were the other kids in the orphanage, I guess they think I'm dead, probably for the best really.

7. Do you have any kids?
No, I mean there's these street kids I been trying to bring up better but they ain't mine.

8. What's your favorite food?
Blackberries, it reminds me of... happier times.

9. Have you killed anyone?
Yes, a few. Not nearly so many as others.

10. Have any secrets?

11. Do you love anyone?
Depends really, I love my God, I love my friends, kinda, it's not romantic love, it's more like if they were family.

12. What is your job?
I'm a freelance healer. Used to be a merc before I quit.

14. What do you do to relax?
Just being somewhere with my friends mostly.

15. There's a person who's teasing you; what could you do?
I could try teasing back, or I could get Maia to tease 'em back.

16. Let's say you have a person who you really care about but she/he doesn't know about your feelings. How do you tell her/him?
I'd tell them I want to be their friend, then I'd tell them my secrets. I suppose if there were some reason I shouldn't, like if they wouldn't be my friend if they knew then I'd just try to make sure they were safe.


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Last edited May 18, 2013 8:20 am by Joey (diff)