And, considering the relative power levels of the characters, probably carve out a small kingdom. Archenland looks like a good place to start...
"wtf's that? a beaver?" *singlesinglesingle* Zebbie
My thoughts on this, from elsewhere....
"You can see why they succeeded - they were a classic adventuring party.
Peter - Level 8 warrior. Susan - Level 8 scout. Lucy - Level 8 healer.
Edmund - also a warrior, but he betrayed the party and got captured, so missed out on the XP and magic items from the chase bit, so he ends up around Level 6. Of course, despite having betrayed the party, he still gets accepted straight back as soon as he turns up, because he's a PC.
The White Witch is a demonstration of why high-level warlocks are broken - she shouldn't be allowed warrior at that level when she's got magic too.
Aslan is still better than them all, because he's a flange-ass NPC, turning up to deal with the monsters too hard for the party. I wouldn't allow him in a game I was running.
Everyone else is just a mook, and gets commanded by the kids; because even though the army are vastly more experienced than the kids, the kids are the PCs and they're not.
Surely it wasn't just me thinking this?" --Tag
The battle in that film is a great example of how poor OOC fighting skills on the part of a PC fighter can cause problems. The Witch obviously couldn't fight worth a damn, but still managed to get through all the mooks the party sent due to much application of her flangestick. Eventually the party twigged that she had to be faced by a PC - but his OOC skills sucked, and TPK looked imminent. The ref running the adventure panicked and sent in the flangebeast to set the plot right. Bad statting, maybe, but definitely a poor showing from Peter's player. 10xp for this, and the players are lucky it wasn't me running the linear, or I'd have let them twist. --Requiem
Lucy would immediately have started trying to reverse-engineer her healing cordial.
The White Witch would have raised Aslan as a zombie to stop Restore Life working on him.
One of the party would have cast "detect magic" on the wardrobe the first time Lucy came back through it. --Jacob
There would blatantly be some sort of argument over Elven ears and Vulcan ears, but I have no idea who'd win. -Kiyah
This is about the only time perhaps Sarah wouldn't wear a red shirt... --Pufferfish
My characters would be in soft focus --Edith
It all goes well right up until someone explains the Transporter to an Azraelite... -Zebbie
Second Age - The characters are quite capable of carving out their own kingdom. I wondered where Dorwinion came from. But then they'd be over-run eventually by either the Dunedain or Sauron. Actually, whoever was in charge would probably get offered one of the Nine...
Third Age - It's a big continent. A powerful group (by the local standards) such as the PCs could probably do considerable, possibly critical damage, to the established train of events (GMs note: The One ring can and does hide itself).
Come on, I'm sure we can all think of animated versions of our characters.
Requiem/Sesqui? would have spiky hair and a black cloak, though he could retain his height. He'd have one of those standard-issue daiklaves they run around with. He'd also probably be rather prettier, because males with angst have to be bishonen.
Tessa would be significantly slimmer, and her dress would have revealing slits up the side.
Androidkiller/Matt? would be mad ALL of the time, rather than just occasionaly. His madness would also give him super strength.
Given recent events, he could probably put in a bid for angst at some point.
I'll see your angst and raise you a lingering confusion about reality
Borric would be completely armour-plated, with a funnel to pour beer and potions down. He'd frequently try to run through walls, necromancers, etc. He'd probably have a set of reins attached, for the sensible characters to steer him with.
Y'know, that's not a completely daft idea...
Pufferfish/ArianeTallis? would be a mad scientist, her potions having effects mostly involving turning people into their superhero alter egos, or green, or whatever.
Pufferfish/SarahMoreton?... um... Um.
Brother Gilbert, Aellin, Carlos, and any other character played by Jacob would be coarse, brutal and clumsy, and get beaten up by the protagonists in episode three and never seen again... just once, I'd like to see a good guy in anime with a decent non-grey beard.
Eric would be exactly the same, except his spells would ALWAYS result in nearby characters losing their eyebrows. His top-knot would be the size and shape of a palm tree and he may actually be made entirely out of fire from the neck down thus explaining the huge flame shaped scar on his chest.
There was a suggestion last night that Tessa could be a schoolgirl and Sarah a young enthusiastic teacher... in more than one sense...
Elli would wind up the obligatory squeaky-voiced mascot. Sometime at the end of the series/show, she will either a] turn into a starship or b]discover that she's not actually useless at magic after all and make something asplode.
Kiram would have a huge and disfiguring scar down her face of the type that relegates her to sarcastic anti-herodom forever and ever because she's too capable with that damn glaive to ever be a believable Love Interest. If her berserking ever causes her hair to stand up and bleach blonde, please shoot the design team. ^^0
Luthos would be the guy who carries the 50ft long 5ft wide sword of eliteness in one hand.
Szerk-Hae - I don't need to say anything, really. Purple haired randy catgirl. She's from Animeland to start with.
'Brae - The Hentai Nurse. Naturally. She may even have TENTACLE HAIR.
Zak is Vash the Stampede, anyway.
And Mischa would be less priestly and more monkly, with the kicking of the ass.
I worry about the portrayal of *any* elf in anime, but Lucie is already a green warrior woman with a colour-matched sword.. so I guess she'd just have bigger ears and fewer clothes.
Brucal - A fuzzy ball with arms and legs and a hammer, probably running around hugging trees.
Tebah - The mage in Whiter than White, who only shuts up when scribbling in his notebook, and probably has an impractially long and complex spell casting sequence, to minimal effect.
Piers - Clearly a skinnier-than-skinny girly bishounen with a fascination for shoes and his nails. With transparent hair.
Francis would be a clean-cut Corporate-type guy with a Sensible Haircut. And glasses. He'll be the administrative assistant to the big boss of EvilCorp?. At least, that's what he'd want you to think ...
Evelyn would have a leonine mane of grey hair and mad staring eyes.
Hmm. A character whose sentence structure is horribly mangled, wears bright clothes, does things for no apparent reason and seems to have no purpose in the world at all. Panama's anime already.
On the Arcadia 3ygb, Virgil would have had the black gooey stuff with the eyes like Alucard from Hellsing.
Diane would, I'm ashamed to say, instantly develop a crush on Lucius Malfoy.
All of the mages trade in all their sanity for more power or more spells, and go mad.
NOBODY admits to being a priest. Either you get lynched by the sane characters for worshipping a Great Old One or you get silently murdered by the PC Cultists for worshipping an Abomination Unto Cthulhu.
Characters rapidly learn not to hound the plot too hard.
During a time freeze, everyone subtly edges away from the corners of the room.
All the healer types take up psychotherapy.