Based on geo-political discussions on #larp, the idea of countries run by different TTers is wandering through my brain.
So what would a hypothetical nation be like if run by, for example:
- Weapons would be banned, but everyone would have at least 3 concealle about them at all times. Also everyone would walk crabwise with their backs against walls.
- There would be at least three times as many votes in every election as there are citizens living there.
- And 3 times as many citizens registered as actual people in the country
- There would be central adminstrative office to deal with all the dodgy dealings. It would be the single biggest source of employment in the country. However, working in said office would be highly illegal to keep people on their toes.
- In the short term, a nation ruled by a magnanimous leader with a brutally efficient secret police. Possibly a civil war shortly thereafter.
- It may be worth noting that at the very end of last year this is precisely what happened in Grantabrugge. Keep watching this channel for the secret police and civil war we are due.
- A nation officially ruled by the Queen of the Knife Throne, but actually run by Taxellor's epic civil service, the purpose of which is to funnel all resources and power encountered back to the core for deployment. Slightly like Ancient Egypt.
- Probably plagued by yearly civil wars about the accounts not adding up.
- I see this as a largely peaceful nation, where neighbours never invade because the are either tied into complex treaties they don't want to admit they cannot fully understand, or find themselves embroiled in internal conflicts which can In No Way be traced to this great nation. Of course, they might finally get invaded when the ambassador refers to a rival politician as 'retarded'.
- There would be a lot of fake blood. A *lot*. Perhaps the biggest fake blood manufacturing plant in the known world. And a whole culture built up around it.
- All important decision making would be done by reading the entrails.
- Evil flying castle of doom, more lightning and shouts of "IT LIVES"
- Igors
- Snazzy uniforms with face concealing helmets
- The nation sadly would have a short life. Drac would probably be able to resist hammering the Big Red Button for about 30 seconds, after which it's Global Thermonuclear War.