"What's that Lassie? Timmy's a Vivamortian?" Award for most likely to be an undercover priest
- So does Nicolaa win this now? --Joey
- Depends if anyone expected it... --MorkaisChosen
- The week I thought it might be the case was also the week I found out for sure --IVANS
August and Alistaire award for most likely to kill another PC
- Ailooholt. --Tea
- The Orc (Bralack) --Kelpie
- Althea. Especially if we get a manipulative old man with an adorable kitten. --MorkaisChosen
- Taf --TimB
- I would like to note taht only one of these has murdered someone :P --Tea
- I am not sure thats actually true. :P (Comment made 11/10/2013. Original comment possibly was true when typed) --Corin
Rasputin Award for most likely to somehow survive an impossible situation
- Cedric
- Will. I'm not sure how or why, but I bet he does - Porange
- Dorfs. By blind luck and audacity - Porange
- Taf (again) --TimB
- Porange is beginning to suspect her nominations may be a death sentence'
- Well, there's four nominations here, of whom three are now dead. Cedric and Melissa both made pretty good goes of it though. --Tea
Remember Wainton award for most likely to commit an atrocity in the name of a cause
- Ailooholt --Tea
- What cause? ;-) --MorkaisChosen
- 'Ailooholt' :-P --Tea
- Althea - Porange
- Lyzander - Porange
- Taf and or Yarrow - Porange
Hazel Award for worst dress sense
- Sorrel "Seriously that's like 3 armour point's worth of shinies" Deadwood. --Jim
- What with those orange and blue stripes and that amazingly garish cloak, I'm surprised no-one has gone blind yet from looking at Willow. ~Pia
- \o/ ~Hark
- Bonehead, purely for that yellow fur-trimmed cloak. --Fraser
Skraal Award for dodgiest bastard
- Dennis manages to project this, but there's an honourable mention for Chevron's dwarves --Tea
- Winterlove's tailor --Joey
- Bonehead.
- Any Balance priest --TimB
- Seconded --Nyeti
Comedy Vivamortian award for lowest life expectancy
- Also the dorfs, specifically Lysander, eventually he will poke the wrong thing and ti will go "boom" - Porange
- "Lol" --Tea
- Anyone played by Kelpie :P -Hobnoblin
- Hey! No...wait...totally legit. Oops :P -Kelpie
Carla Webb award for biggest plot-hound
- Nicolaa --TimB
Brother Gilbert award for stupidest ritual or rite
- Alferwen's 'blessing'. --MorkaisChosen
- Worked as intended, entirely and without flaw. Admittedly it could be argued that this is the point :P - Porange
- I feel that the incredibly stupid result being the intended purpose exalts this above cases of mere Be Careful What You Wish For backfiring, yes. --MorkaisChosen
- Keshrel, for connecting himself to the power of the ritual circle as an early warning system --TimB
Luthos Award for scariest bastard in the bar
- Abel. -Locksmith
- Althea. Well, she scares me :P -Kelpie
Moreton-Karchev award for sleeping around
- Leith. Especially after that Laundress encounter -Kelpie
- Thank you so much! :3 --Nyeti
Fomkin Award for shameless preaching
- Oh, Keric. You and your justice. ~Pia
Rec Poison Award for paranoia
- Geoff's crossbow'd chap, with the bunny hunting thing -Kelpie
- Alferwen. Because 'It Might Be Reverse Pschology!' is the very last thing we wanted to hear -Kelpie
Still Do I Sing Bonny Boys award for driving the other characters up the wall
- Alferwen wishes to nominate Melissa and Lyzander, for trying to tip them upside down to read the maker's mark on the bottom.
- Aana would like to second them. They're not bad folks, but they keep getting into the ritual circle...
- Willow thirds this, for Melissa blowing up the bar with a Kobold.
- That's not really "Frustrating" so much as "inevitable"... :P --Tea
- Ailooholt, for managing to be described variously as "the mad one" and "the kitten woman," among other things. --MorkaisChosen
Best NPC award
- Swog! ~Pia
- the Wuzziest Necromancer, who just couldn't come to the WA without a few 'guards'-Kelpie
- Alferwen's Mum (She's got it going on) - Porange
Jonah Award for the character most dangerous to be in a linear party with
- So... so... many choices... -Porange
- Ailooholt -Kelpie
- Lyzander! BLOW ALL THE GRENADES -Kelpie
- Taf and Yarrow, surely... "getting Taffed" is a thing these days. --Nyeti
Cannon Fodder Award for character most likely to die for their cause/for another character.
- Althea - Porange
- Kerric - Kelpie
Fuzzball Award for the fluffiest bugger in the bar
- Alferwen for being the mercenary guild's Pikachu, more-or-less. Also, it has a daddy now. D'aww! ~Pia
- They even explode occassionally nowadays... - Porange
"I am the Lord of the Nether Hells!" Award for the best quote
- Will with 'Now for the classic incantation. RISE MY CREATION, RISE!' ~Hark
Black Molly "Legless" Morgagni Award for most impressive injuries sustained
- Bathory's flayed back, anyone? ~Pia
- and the fire...-Kelpie
- Coton linear party collectively. --Tea
Worst year of the year award
- John Forrester. --Tea
Award for sheer blind luck in the face of an improbable situation
Monumental Screw Up Award, for those who have truly, deeply messed up
- It's not a character, but can we give it to the Red College on account of "Lightist Lord Protector"? ~Pia
- Seconded. --Tea
- Alferwen --Ahdok
- The 3ygb linear party. For Reasons -Kelpie
- With the benefit of hindsight, was this the case? --Nyeti
- 'So we'll call one of the Drow Heirs fighty McFightyPants? for now, and they'll be the WORST CHOICE'. 'But what if the players pick them?' 'They won't, they're not 3 dead slugs. And if they do, well, the negotiations are HARD MODE' You made Steph, backed by Drac, into the Drow Queen. This trumps the 'smashing the bottle of cure' on the linear!-Kelpie
- I was under a roleplaying effect when I smashed the bottle of cure, I cannot be blamed for any stupid actions I took at that point. :-P --MorkaisChosen
- <3 you for that reaction to the Voices :D -Kelpie
I Just Shot Marvin In The Face Award for Poor Trigger Discipline
- Justin, for accidentally knocking his mercenary unconcious. (not actually truly deeply messed up, but I felt that this deserved some kind of award) --Joey
- Althea. For that poor Humacti who's only mistake was looking a bit dodgy. --Joey
Tears of Morvana award flying in the face of logic, common sense or consequences
- The Dorfs. You know which ones I mean. --MorkaisChosen
- Team Morvana, for getting a warning from Morvana about their plan and proceeding with something much like it ANYWAY. --Jim
- But...I...yeah. But dead people can't be spirit wracked! --Kelpie
- Bathory, for misinterpreting a vision from Justice that literally gave instructions in 100 foot letters of fire. - Jim
- The City. For electing a kender as mayor. -Hark
- Seconded to hell and back :P -Kelpie
Best soap opera award
- Aana and Will, for the situation with Will and Aana. --ahdok
- This nomination pleases me greatly. ~Pia
- Bathory, Althea and the sequential ultimate faiths and having to explain it to each other... - Porange (who feels the self nomination here needed to be done)
- Seconded with much glee. --Kelpie
- Both of these were such adorable soap opera love stories... Can I vote for both? --Nyeti
- Am not capable of self nomination but I want Iska and Vala to be up here ('Ultimate Faithing and then admitting 'she's the only woman I ever loved' and Vala agreeing to return to the city if only they let Iska live? No?)-Kelpie
- I feel dirty self-nominating but Maia and Leith spent over half an hour looking at the floor and saying "um" to each other. And their players enjoyed it, wtf. --Pufferfish