Surely this is currently Glenn and Ari....? - Zebbie
August and Alistaire award for most likely to kill another PC
Taf. or Gerof. - Zebbie I think Glenn and Ari might have this one as well considering... -Drac
Rasputin Award for most likely to somehow survive an impossible situation
Taf. or Gerof. (again) - Zebbie Gerof. Some how, some way. -Porange
Remember Wainton award for most likely to commit an atrocity in the name of a cause
Aloysius? Or Thunderheart. - Zebbie
John, for all the right reasons -Porange
Hazel Award for worst dress sense
All the Kender, with a special mention for Emily's character who is occasionally mistaken for one based on her clothing. - Zebbie
Skraal Award for dodgiest bastard
Natterscrat. - Zebbie
Comedy Vivamortian award for lowest life expectancy
Jacob, came into play one interactive, executed by PVP in the next. See also Kingshaped.
Carla Webb award for biggest plot-hound
Apodidae. For physically eating the plot. --Ahdok
Brother Gilbert award for stupidest ritual or rite
Apodidae. "I know what we should do! Drink bits of crackbeasts!" --MorkaisChosen
Luthos Award for scariest bastard in the bar
Abel or Ari and Glenn. Argghhhhhhh -Porange Agreed - ZebbieAbel. -Locksmith
Moreton-Karchev award for sleeping around
Fomkin Award for shameless preaching
Justin - Zebbie
Rec Poison Award for paranoia
Still Do I Sing Bonny Boys award for driving the other characters up the wall
Best NPC award
Jonah Award for the character most dangerous to be in a linear party with
Ari and Glenn - Porange
Cannon Fodder Award for character most likely to die for their cause/for another character.
Fuzzball Award for the fluffiest bugger in the bar
"I am the Lord of the Nether Hells!" Award for the best quote
Glenn. The beautifully simple response to his god asking what he wants from his Ultimate Faith- "I want to KILL THEM ALL!" --MorkaisChosen
Black Molly "Legless" Morgagni Award for most impressive injuries sustained
Finley! - Porange
Worst year of the year award
Meredith seems to be havig some kind of a breakdown... -Zebbie
Award for sheer blind luck in the face of an improbable situation
Monumental Screw Up Award, for those who have truly, deeply messed up
Rothmir and Natil, for helping Ari and Glenn into the Black Library. Oops. --MorkaisChosen
Tears of Morvana award flying in the face of logic, common sense or consequences
Aloysius shoving his miracle ridden arm into a crack in the ground -Porange
Some Vivamortians and some Azraelites went into a Humacti Temple.... - Zebbie Meredith nominates bloody Thunderheart :P
Best soap opera award
The 3ygb. All of it. -Porange
[Kingshaped] award (SFW, rest of the site VERY MUCH NOT.)
Jacob, getting stabbed up for being a fake Azraelite- by Ari and Glenn, with a minor assist from Justin. --MorkaisChosen