Getting the ball rolling
Vote away, people!
"What's that Lassie? Timmy's a Vivamortian?" Award for most likely to be an undercover priest. )
- Edwin. All that claiming to be "just plain old human" has to be a front --Drac
- Can Marrick get a special mention for undercover mage? :P --Locksmith
- The actual genuine undercover priest. --I
August and Alistaire award for most likely to kill another PC
- I reckon this goes to Edwin, on the grounds that he's the person most likely to get the backing of the bar to do it. --Jacob
- I win! --Jacob
Rasputin Award for most likely to somehow survive an impossible situation
- Ernest, on previous showing. --Locksmith
- 'Molly seemed good at this trick... If you include "dead but lively with it" under survive -Porange'
Remember Wainton award for most likely to commit an atrocity in the name of a cause
- Ivan or Talis -Porange
- Ivan and Natasha --I
Hazel Award for worst dress sense
- Molly's green dress, oh my eyes, my poor innocent eyes, etc. -Corin
Skraal Award for dodgiest bastard
- "Barney". --Jacob
- Seems that pretending to be an oni cultist really is a way of hiding as a Sordanite. Not a good way, but a way. --Andrew
- Will. Somehow seemingly follows the letter of everything but still seems *incredibly* dodgy with it -Porange
Comedy Vivamortian award for lowest life expectancy
- Brutus. Murder before he became a PC, somehow still alive. I don't get it. --Andrew
- Brutus. I concur. --Delvy
Carla Webb award for biggest plot-hound
- Rosamund, who admittedly doesn't go looking for most of it. --I
- It's amazing how much plot gets dragged to you when you have REC and Talk To calls... :P --Locksmith
- And how much drops on you if you add yourself to my family tree... --Jacob
Brother Gilbert award for stupidest ritual or rite
- I nominate Cal and Edwin, for their "run through the circle in full plate" experiments. --Jacob
- Did either of them actually manage to get zapped though. I raise them a double through and a strikedown 10. -Susann/malselene
- Faye and the ritual which resulted in her death and lightning bolts --Porange
- Seconded (and I don't think the full magnitude of that one has yet to be revealed...) --I
- Thirded by Rosamund. --Locksmith
Luthos Award for scariest bastard in the bar
- Tallis. He appears to have aquired penultimate cosmic power without anyone else noticing, and could probably have the rest of the bar executed. --Jacob
- "Ultimate cosmic power, itty-bitty living space" sadly --Delvy
- Lawrence or Galwyn. --Locksmith
- Posthumously nominating Ivan, for being the one person Molly thought twice about winding up. Or possibly Edwin -Porange
- But Edwin is fluffy and nice! :P --Rosamund
Moreton-Karchev award for sleeping around
- Marrick if I understand correctly is currently ahead in this category. --Delvy
- Seconded --Locksmith
Fomkin Award for shameless preaching
- Lawrence is trying, drat it... --I
Rec Poison Award for paranoia
- I could tell you who is winning this but then I would have to kill you --Delvy
- Greenheel. Greenheel Greenheel Greenheel. --Locksmith
Still Do I Sing Bonny Boys award for driving the other characters up the wall
- Molly wishes to nominate Petru...
- Tallis. Is there a character that hasn't wanted to shout at him?
- Heresy and Rosamund both nominate Molly. --Locksmith
- Talis pips Molly to the post. Just. --I
- Delvy's chap with the lute -- is it Zillis? --Tea
Best NPC award
- Master Fire, Master Tyrus iirc. Never have I have been more nervous inviting someone for dinner. --Delvy
- Ruthilda
- Fliss' Sordanite hostess --I
- Seconded. --Jacob
- Alasdair Truesight. --malselene
- Sebastian or Laertides, both of which had absolutely perfected smug git. -Porange
Jonah Award for the character most dangerous to be in a linear party with
- That's so going to be Rosamund if she survives to go on the PBB :P --Locksmith
- Umm "Alex" and Brutus? --Andrew
- No, that was last year. :) --Locksmith
- Topaz. That was hilarious. Poor Val. --Andrew
Cannon Fodder Award for character most likely to die for their cause/for another character.
- Ivan or Edwin -Porange
- Natasha --I
- Marrick --Locksmith
- We have a runner-up, if not a winner! --Locksmith
- I think technically Fae just won this one... --Jacob
Fuzzball Award for the fluffiest bugger in the bar
- Molly. She tries so hard not to be, it's adorable. --Jacob
- Faye --Malselene
"I am the Lord of the Nether Hells!" Award for the best quote
Black Molly "Legless" Morgagni Award for most impressive injuries sustained
- Blake surely deserves a mention here. --I
- The death of Drac's wargaunt impressed me. --Jacob
- While this is bad form, Ardan appears to have used more blood than the whole monster crew on a horror linear... --Tea
Worst year of the year award
- Larksong. Poor Larksong -Porange
Award for sheer blind luck in the face of an improbable situation
- Edwin and the terms of the Midwife's UF :P --Locksmith
Monumental Screw Up Award, for those who have truly, deeply messed up
- Greeeeeenheel :P
- Faye, rather grimly. --Jacob
Tears of Morvana award flying in the face of logic, common sense or consequences
- Team mercenary, for going back through the teleporter to rescue the drow. Except being unwilling to trust any of the other mercenaries with the treasure, so all of them went, taking the treasure back with them. --Drac
- Rosamund nominates Faye...
- I think the first linear party of Lent, which managed to piss off *both* sides of an incipient civil war with most if not all party members not knowing exactly to what end they were doing so deserves a mention. :P
Best soap opera award
- The trainwreck of Molly, Lawrence and Fae. :D --Locksmith