It's happened twice before, so it must be a tradition by now.
Vote away:
"What's that Lassie? Timmy's a Vivamortian?" award for most likely to be an undercover priest. (Given the lack of illegal gods, this award is changed slightly.)
- I had so been looking forward to putting Eris here... --Chevron
Darcy, clearly. Oh wait... --Pufferfish
- Still voting for Bones. :P --Locksmith
August and Alistaire award for most likely to kill another PC
- Evangeline once again makes an appearance, this time with Alric. --Taxellor
- Alric or Evangeline.
- Elnir --TimB
- Evangeline, hands down. --Jacob
Rasputin Award for most likely to somehow survive an impossible situation
- Nocta, on past performance. --Locksmith
- Seconded --TimB
- Tibbles, for surviving close association with a known Vivamortian in the presence of both Evangeline and Alric. -- SevenSecrets
Remember Wainton award for most likely to commit an atrocity in the name of a cause
- Alric or Evangeline.
- Alric *and* Evangeline --Jacob
Hazel Award for worst dress sense
- Kiki the Kender (I've got used to Ceyl!) --Chevron
- seconded --Darktachyon
- Lucie nominates Charles de Potterne for the Gauntlets of Avoiding Being Touched By Elves :P --Pufferfish
- Satrah. --Jacob
Skraal Award for dodgiest bastard
- The Illusion of Peter Snipe :P --Chevron
- Mikron 'Mickey' Davis -- SevenSecrets
- Elnir. No, wait- Pluena. No, wait- Mikron. Dammit- so many good choices. --TimB
- Definitely Mickey. I think it's the jewellery. --Pufferfish
- Elnir. --Jacob
Comedy Vivamortian award for lowest life expectancy
- Marcus for accidental poisoning or Nocta for summoning a demon or doing something else interesting. --Taxellor
- Nocta -Chevron
- Seconded. --Locksmith
- CONFIRMED --Chevron
- Actually Celandine beat her --Taxellor
- Oh yeah. I omnomnominate Celandine. --Chevron
- Evangeline. Eventually she'll bite off more than she can chew. --Jacob
- Seconded. Doom! -- Bryony
Carla Webb award for biggest plot-hound
- Myrun wishes to nominate herself for eating the Skaven plot on its first appearance. -- SevenSecrets
Brother Gilbert award for stupidest ritual or rite
- Lucanite cake. -- SevenSecrets
- The whole "Lord of the Nether Hells" thing. --Chevron
- A clear winner --TimB
- Nocta's attempt to cure her own insanity by summoning a demon, which possessed her, and then possessed Lawrence.
- Tea party with metal cups in the ritual circle.
- Nocta. --Jacob
Luthos Award for scariest bastard in the bar
- Alric, having recently entered the loose cannon stage --Taxellor
- Seconded --Chevron
- Thirded. --Locksmith
- Kiram, because of just how hard she can hit things. --Pufferfish
- Evangeline, because if one takes certain steps it's usually possible to avoid Alric killing you.
Moreton-Karchev award for sleeping around
- Miriam by her current rate.
Fomkin Award for shameless preaching
- Clamorsius, who cannot conceive of how anyone could follow any god but Crofter. --Locksmith
- Alric. Alric Alric Alric Alric. --Pufferfish
- Alric. --Jacob
Rec Poison Award for paranoia
Still Do I Sing Bonny Boys award for driving the other characters up the wall
- Thirded --Darktachyon
- Fourthed --Malselene
- Fifthed --Jacob
- Sixthed --Fyrheafoc
- Seconded --Pufferfish (and Ariane, who has been a bit "upset" by his inability to see people as anything other than "innocent to be protected" or "great war hero")
Best NPC award, anyone?
- Crimson. Just because.
- Crimson. --Darktachyon
- Isidoro. CUT HIS HANDS OFF! --Pufferfish
- Seconded. :D --Locksmith
- Vivamort. OOC, I was looking at him and St John and thinking "I so picked the wrong God..." --Jacob
- I'm sure St John in ascendancy would look prettier than that. Remember the 2006 3ygb? :P --Pufferfish
Jonah Award for the character most dangerous to be in a linear party with
- Evangeline, has she been on a linear where someone hasn't died? --Taxellor
- The Nightmare Collector linear with Daramin, Betsy and Alan- no-one died on that one --TimB
Cannon Fodder Award for character most likely to die for their cause/for another character.
- Alric --Chevron
- Evangeline. --Locksmith
- Either of the above --Jacob
Fuzzball Award for the fluffiest bugger in the bar
- Eris, actually. She was a really *nice* undercover Vivamortian. :D --Locksmith
- Actually, I take it back. Greenheel. Greenheel Greenheel Greenheel. --Locksmith
I feel we should have a new category this year- the 'I am the Lord of the Nether Hells Award for the best quote'
- naturally, Nocta gets the first nomination --TimB
- Vivamort, for "getting the short end of the stick" from St John (can anyone remember the exact wording?) --Pufferfish
- This exchange from the storming of Windy Peak: "Hello, we're here to destroy you." - Crimson, Lord of the Colour of Spilled Blood, "What a coincidence!" - Elemental guard. --Corin