"Cecil, do I really have to ask your permission every time I cast Bladesharp?"
"Cecil, please don't do that, it's going to Ignite!"
"Bast, lend a hand and heal this muppet, Cure Serious."
"I really don't like calling upon the Power of Humact to heal myself, Cure Light."
"Hey, Bast, give this idiot a bit of help, Stasis." (The 'idiot' in question was trying to attack a very powerful elemental).
"By the power vested in me by the Lord Vivamort, I now pronounce thee.. a zombie!" (in very stereotypical redneck accent)
"By the power of the element of water, and my wish to escape, glue that girl to the floor." "By the power of all things wet and wonderful I fill that glass."(both on #incharacter)
"I call upon the power of me, and everything that is me, and everything that is part of me, and a little more me, and maybe the winds in this local area, but mostly upon me, and the power that is mine to cast... HEY! what you hit me for?"
"If you're happy and you know it clap your hands! If you're happy and you know it clap your hands! If you're happy and you know it, and you really want to show it, and you've got the power of Air, Wind of Disarming!"
Garuda and Lupie, as a Light and Dark elemental respectively, at exactly the same time: "By the power of light/dark, I cast Flash/Black Flash - OW!"
Dark Elemental:By the power of all that is dark within myself, and the skies above, and the Hells below, I call Black Flash!
Virgil: Argh! I can't see a damn thing!
Dark Elemental: 'Course you bloody can't!
"Mumble mumble mumble purple monkey dishwasher mumble mumble Bladesharp." --Lucie, getting really really bored of casting Bladesharp in an interactive
Famine: Can you feel the hunger eating away inside you, sapping your strength?
Corporal Briggs: No, I feel fine.
Famine: Not any more. Inflict 4 weakness.
(I probably have the text wrong here since I only heard about it second hand.)
Earnest: You don't mind if I check you for magical curses, do you? Ok. By the power of all the elements of magic, I bind you, HALT 5. Right, let's get him.
"In the name of Humact, stand still and let me hit you! HALT 10" --Cornelius, at a demon that kept dodging.
"I call now upon the power of the dark to lay you low and smite your testicles! SUBDUE DOUBLE" - Ned aims low.
Nell: "Dear St John. I haven't got all that much authority, and I kind of just gave Evelyn that spirit. Could I have it back please? Love, Nell." *power melds*
"By the power of anybody who might be listening, Firedart!"
"Single, single, single, single, single, single, single, single, Bladesharp!" - It's worth noting that if those 'singles' are damage calls, it doesn't count, as they are OOC. - Snapdragon
"Luca Luca Luca Luca Luca Luca Luca Luca Luca Halt!"
"Hey you! Look out! I'm about to cast a Firedart"
"One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Trip"
"You know, I think that X would look much better as a Y, don't you? Reshape"
I think we need an amusing one that could possibly have been used by the hydrokin when she glued Matt to the Scouts' Guild. Ideas, anyone?
Valtiel: By the power of the mighty element of Burma Shave, I dispell that beard!
< Jacob> Maybe I should make my "entangle" verbal "entangle entangle entangle Entangle Entangle Entangle ENTANGLE ENTANGLE ENTANGLE ENTANGLE!!!"...
"By the power of the element of Fire, er, burn up lots! RED TRIPLE" --Bluebottle at a weapons practice, failing to come up with a good Firebolt vocal in time.
"By the power of the Light, I do flangey shit! Halt five! " -- Tristan, just after a linear
please add more