(I was bored at work. This was not written at work)
Keep your eyes and ears open, and score points for anything below! Post your scores!
- Character with lineage (1 per lineage, tick em off)
- Complete set spotted (5)
- A national group stomping about beneath their banner (1 per nation)
- Every nation seen represented with a group beneath a banner (10)
- Bottle of sunscreen (event 1 annually only) (10)
- Warm fuzzy cloak (event 4 annually only) (10)
- Something disturbingly coloured and potently alchoholic being passed around a campfire (1 point per bottle)
- Anyone complaining about historical accuracy (10)
- Army surplus camoflage gear being used as costume. (10)
- IC heavy jewellery (pectoral, tiara, massive earings, etc) (5)
- IC underwear (not yours) (20)
- Senators arguing in Senate during daylight hours (5)
- Senators arguing in Senate between dusk and 2 am (5)
- Senators arguing in Senate between 2am and dawn (10)
- Senators arguing outside Senate at any time (1 per incident)
- One group of 5 or more individuals stomping around in full costume being IC at 10am. (10)
- Referee looking confused (5)
- Referee looking smug (5)
- Referee running somewhere at speed (10)
- Group of 5 or more referees standing in a huddle (30)
- Solemn funeral ceremony (10)
- Raucous funeral ceremony (10)
- "Friendly fire" incident with Imperial Orcs (10)
- Imperial Orc talking about their equipment (5)
- Wintermark being mistaken for Varushka, or vice versa (5)
- Long Wintermark story, 10 minutes or over (10)
- Multiple people dressed as Ned Stark trying not to notice each other (15)
- Dawn being played as noble, heroic and chivalrous (5)
- Dawn being played as bloodthirsty stiffnecked gloryhounds (5)
- Dawnish arguing about heraldy (5)
- Dawnish group wearing armour so polished you can use it as a mirror (1 per suit)
- Highguard being played as morose obsessive moralists (5)
- Highguard with distinctive symbol on every member of the group (1 per member)
- Highguard exarch with a horsetail helmet (20)
- Dawn being mistaken for Highguard, or vice versa (10)
- Brass Coast being played as dodgy camel dealers (10)
- Brass Coast deeply regretting their costume choices given the weather (1)
- Urizen standing around looking mysterious (5)
- Urizen ritualist offers to clean your boots for a mana crystal (1)
- Anyone complaining that an Urizen Torchbearer told everyone their secrets (10)
- Marches looking far too clean (5)
- Marches looking far too muddy (10)
- One Marches group with more than one strong regional accent (5)
- Varushkan refusing to go out after dark (5)
- Varushkan doing something horrible 'for your own good' (5)
- Being sacrificed by Varushkans so that the community might survive (15)
- Horrifying Varushkan story that gives everyone the shivers (10)
- League character in mask refusing to answer to own name (1)
- League dramaturgy troupe casting ritual (5)
- League dramaturgy troupe forgetting to cast ritual because they are enjoying the play (15)
- Being unable to find the Navarr camp (1)
- Egregores (5 points each)
- Whole set spotted (20)
- All ten in view at the same time (50)
- Bad national accents (5 points per distinct example)
- Anybody being chastised for playing off-type too much. (10)
- "Aargh, this costume is too hot!" (5)
- "Aaargh, this costume is too cold!" (5)
- "This is just like [some other system]" (10)
- "This one time in maelstrom...." (5)
- "Shut up, we aren't playing Maelstrom any more" (5)
- "We need more ritualists" (10)
- "That's not a virtue..." (5)
- "I didn't recognise you without your mask/physrep..." (5)
On the battlefield:
- Barbarian Orc (1)
- Big mob of over 2 score barbarian orcs (10)
- Barbarian orcs fighting Imperial orcs in confused melee (15)
- Barbarian orc banner captured by Imperial forces (10)
- Imperial banner captured by barbarian forces (10)
- Mob of Human barbarians (10)
- Ogre (5)
- Group of four or more ogres (15)
- Varushkan Wolf (10)
- Varushkan Sovereign (30)
- Anybody shot in mid-declaration (10)
- That's not a myrmidon, it's a Vallorn beastie... (10)
- Big nasty spell effect (eg Mass Shatter) causes a battleline to shrink back or collapse (20)
- Healing station, of a few physicians and a mage casting Swift heal, as casulties are rotated through (10)
- Looting the bodies of the barbarian fallen (5)
- Looted metal (5)
- Looted wood (5)
- Looted cash of over one throne total (5)
- Looted Illium (20)
Winter Solstice year 1, Garuda scores a total of 108. I got quite a lot on national and went on the Varushkan skirmish :)
- Steph scored 138, and is bitter about the two separate incidents of a group of 4 refs, but never quite tipping to 5.
- Greg thinks he hit 168, though he needs to check; notable incidents being refs forgetting this is a global-hits system and someone doing the Excessionist Heresy in front of me in a Synod meeting.
- SevenSecrets gets 90
- Ivan gets 178 ish. The Amount of heresy and virtue confusion was fun
- Jim gets 139ish, much of this from monstering (I am fudging numbers on Highguard with badges). Confused melee was especially fun as it featured an ImpOrc? who kept using Unstoppable and smacking barbarians before we twigged that one wasn't with us.
- I think by this sheet I got 238. --ahdok
- How the heck did you manage that! You realise each line only scores once, yes? -Garuda
I took the liberty of fixing the formatting a tad. --Tea
I feel a subsection on Individuals could be added. With stuff like "Locksmith Poisoned" --Taxellor
- "IC Underwear" --MorkaisChosen
- I would love to see a healing station burning through mana on Swift heal now, just so I can go over and ask them why they are wasting that in a safe spot :P -Jim
- You should get a lot of points for seeing a Brass Coast person wearing velvet curly-toed slippers. --ahdok