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Looks like Thea Chalice is back in Grantabrugge - but this time she's got a sword and seems to know what to do with it.

Previous details:

Thea Chalice, Priestess of Morvana

Born in one of the innumerable small farming villages surrounding Grantabrugge, Thea was an easy-going kind of girl, until her parents decided they were going to marry her off at the tender age of 16 to a 40-year-old farmer in the next village who'd been through three wives already. So she ran away from home and claimed sanctuary in the temple of Morvana. Thankfully, one of the House Knights had recently mislaid their Squire (she had the opposite problem to Thea and had run off to get married), so she was taken in.

It was swiftly discovered that not only was Thea not keen on swords, she was also impressively useless with them. On the other hand, she seemed to have an uncommon gift at healing. Her mentor vaguely attempted to teach her to read, but she wasn't really interested, preferring to gather knowledge by quietly listening to people. In a year or two, her mentor declared there was nothing more that she could teach her that she should not learn by doing, and the temple promoted her to a Knight Errant.

She rather enjoys the life of a Knight Errant; she wanders the area around Grantabrugge, bringing healing to villagers and patching up hapless adventurers who always seem to be able to find trouble in the most innocent of places. She finally got around to learning to read, in order to read the Gossip. Her knowledge of the lay of the land around Grantabrugge has proved invaluable, and she has always prided herself on her ability to roam the countryside on her own unmolested, coming up with the 'armed adventurers attract Bad Stuff' theory.

The recent invasion of undead has hit her quite hard, as she considers the villagers around Grantabrugge to be 'her people', and has lost quite a lot of them. It has also somewhat dented her pride, as she can no longer safely venture out alone, and she can barely control her rage at the Morvanites in the temple who would rather sing songs than help her launch rescue missions to villages which might not yet be totally overrun, or may have living survivors. The spirit-wracking of her friend Sesqui has caused her to become rather more cautious and devout towards her own deity, which conflicts with her easy-going nature.

All of these issues came to a head when she quested forth to kill Antenor, along with her friends, expecting not to come back. The ghosts of the villagers along the way raged against and taunted the party for not having saved them, and when Antenor was dead and Thea was still very much living, she decided that she could not deal with the slow rebuilding in this place full of resentful ghosts and unhappy villagers, and asked the temple for an introduction to one somewhere else, anywhere else. She was last seen walking out of the west gate of the city that evening, with a small pack full of provisions and an uncharacteristically determined look on her face. Whether she survived the journey is not known, and what her destination was is hardly common knowledge.


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Last edited May 11, 2009 6:05 pm by (diff)