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Racial Player Guides

This years refteam have approved the racial page for approval. It can be found ehre

There is a new website, you are now officially stuck with it.

AGM / EGM 2012 Changes

A list of changes being made is here WebsiteAGMChanges2012

AGM / EGM 2011 Changes

A list of changes being made is here WebsiteAGMChanges2011


Every page is up for debate, pointers, opinions, whining, and "Drac you've done it wrong." This is why I am listing the changes on the wiki, so everyone can see and comment, we have already corrected 1 of my mistakes because of it. In case of rules and setting I will consult with the refs and any particularly thorny things will be clarified at AGM.

Racial Player Guides

This years refteam have approved the racial page for approval. It can be found ehre


Stuff that is here is still to be done. Everything not listed here is considered finished. Please comment on anything that is considered finished.

I am still looking for quick paragraphs on:

Similar to the ones currently present in warrior/magic/spirit skills section that tell a new player what they need to buy.


Character Creation

This means the individual Gods pages are now done, with the exception of the missing descriptions above.



with the exception of pretty pictures the following sections are now done and ref approved:

Still TODO

Calling anybody who reads this for help:

We need some setting fluff / general knowledge / pysrepping about:

A lot of people know various bits of this, if you can write them on the wiki that would be grand - there is a lot of physical writing and then verification here, if you can write it up, I can make sure its right.

The Beastary now has the complete list of things that it is going to get.

Skill and Rules Description Updates

These are all being tracked on the wiki.

The goal with description changes is to INCREASE CLARITY with a side order of removing duplicate information.

The reason changes are being tracked on the wiki is so people can point out if I accidently change the meaning of a rule, and suggest further clarifications. Please do not change the original text or updated text wiki entries, but use the : indentation to add comments beneath.

A lot of my short descriptions are crap, PLEASE SUGGEST IMPROVEMENTS. With the short descriptions I am pruning out "grants" or "allows" as they are simply noise for everything but the buyin skills where granting access is their explicit purpose.

NewWebSite/Racial Packages












NewWebSite/Magic Rules


NewWebSite/Spirit Skills

NewWebSite/Character States

NewWebSite/Clarifications by Refteam 2010-2011



NewWebsite/Costs in the City


All links should now be internal to the new site, if you spot an external / broken link one please let me know.

your favorite page might be missing. It probably exists but i forgot to link it. Please let me know.

I can't find the page that basically had the what spells it might be possible to research with the what different colors were good at/poor at page. I may just be missing it but otherwise can it go up on the website/wiki somewhere as it is quite useful if a little out of date. --Malselene rules->possible spell effects. This is horrifically out of date and the ref team are going to send me a much smaller version. Until then it lives. --Drac

Content has JLIB_HTML_CLOAKING instead of the ref link / address. --Chevron
You have javascript disabled on your browser, it's a defence against spambots stealing embedded emails.

NewWebsite/Gallery is for discussion on the site having its own gallery, overall opinion appears to be yes, the society would like one.

For feedback please suggest an improvement for anything you don't like, criticism with no suggestion of improvement is just whining.


NewWebSite/CurrentPhotos tracks the current photos in use, if any of them are going to be kept permission has to be sought from the people in them.

Artwork needed for:

A lot of the setting docs have giant chunks of text, some artwork to break them up:

Actual photos of:


The refs have gotten back to me with beastary lists. Thus we have a total list of things for the photoshoot:

This is quite a lot of stuff, not including general shots. If there are good photos in anyones albums point me to the URL and I will see how easy they are to crop/manipulate.

Edith usually comes to photograph an interactive in the final term (normally the second iirc), maybe this could be expanded this year for these shots? Location? Indoors or outdoors? I guess if we could have both it would be good! --Chevron

I don't want to combine the photoshoot with an interactive as getting photos of all of these will take a long time, we are talking several hours of getting made up, taking a number of photos, changing makeup etc...

You can edit the content!

yes I mean you!

Joomla has it's own editing framework that does not need an srcf account or knowledge of html. just ask me for an account.

I will need someone from the ref team to help me with various setting bits of "this is accurate" and "this is wrong or FOIP"

Plans and Components

We are running Joomla 1.6.0 with a highly modified template.

Switch editor over to JCE.

Sadly the file manager and other shinies are paid for @ $30. I will see if there is an external component for file managing/linking but it is not looking good. Editor itself is free.

Our template has a custom editor page, which allowed the template to attach to custom css to make it look pretty. I strongly suspect that this will have to go when I move to JCE, eurgh more css changes.

Current version: 2.0 beta 2 is 1.6 compatable.

Gallery : Ignite

Also a commercial component.

Current version: Version has now moved to 3.0 final. This does not have front-end access at present as the guy has to rewrite that completely to use Joomla 1.6

There is now a gallery. It has some stuff. Woo.

WRT the gallery I think we need a serious discussion of whether we want this to be open to all members of the society at all times, or to be a small set collection, periodically updated by the exec/webmaster. Or to put it another way, whether we want this to function as a spot for everyone to upload what they think looks cool, which will eventually grow to be very large, or an advertisement/guide to the society which has been decided on with some planning and consensus. --Chevron

Fine by me, I am totally easy to how it is used. At the mioment it is trialware, I want to see how easy it is to use in anger. --Drac

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Last edited September 6, 2012 1:44 pm by Drac (diff)