These Are All Implemented
1. Clarify: Whether [MODIFIER] NOTHING breaks halt
Punted to EGM, will look up later.
2. Unify breaking HALT and interrupting casting rules.
Passed, despite motion 1 being defered. oh the humanity.
3. Proposal: Unify armour physrep rules DONE
Change the armour physrep rules to unify so that specifically:
1-2 point armour can have the same physrep - predominantly leather/fur/padding (anything that shows you're making an effort).
3-4 point armour can have the same physrep - predominantly metal: either plate, chain or ringmail.
This does not change the fact that 2 point armour is considered to
have enough metal to be a suit of studded leather and have the usual
effects on casting, etc.
Old rules
Physical Armour
Armour physreps come in four levels of protection, these are broadly divided into 2 categories: light and heavy.:
- Level 1 - light leathers and furs
- Level 2 - heavier leather, usually studded or riveted
- Level 3 - chainmail and ringmail, also very heavy leathers with good coverage at ref discretion
- Level 4 - full metal plate, also high coverage, good quality mail at ref discretion
A piece of armour worn provides a number of hitpoints to the location(s) that it covers equal to its level. For example, a chainmail vest (armour level 3) gives you three extra hitpoints to your torso location while it is worn. You cannot stack two different kinds of physical armour to gain the protection of both types; only the one providing the most protection will count. For the purposes of simplicity, if armour covers more than 50% of a location, it is assumed to cover it all, and if you mix types of armour on a location then the number of armour points granted will be determined by a Ref for you (it will be an average of the types of armour worn). Poor quality physreps will see a reduction in the level of protection that they provide. Plastic 'Plate Armour' from a joke shop will not gain you 4 points of armour.
Armour counted as 3 or 4 points is deemed, regardless of appearance, to contain too much metal to be safely useable by mages and elemental elves.
Each character can wear only a certain number of armour points at any one time. You calculate the number of armour points you are wearing by adding up the number of armour points worn on each location. So, light leather trousers (two locations at 1pt each) and a chainmail vest (one location, 3pts) will be 5 points of armour. A starting character with no armour skills can wear a total of 3 points of armour, and the ability to wear more can be bought in the Warrior, Wilderness and Subterfuge classes.
New Wording
Armour physreps are divided into 2 categories: light and heavy:
- Light armour is predominantly leather, fur or padding.
- Heavy armour is predominantly metal: e.g. chainmaille or plate.
Light armour physreps count as armour of level 1 or 2. Heavy armour physreps counts as level 3 or 4 armour.
A piece of armour worn provides a number of hitpoints to the location(s) that it covers equal to its level. For example, a chainmail vest that the wearer wishes to count as level armour level 3 gives you three extra...
(rest unchanged except):
- Replace: Armour counted as 3 or 4 points is deemed, regardless of appearance, to contain too much metal to be safely useable by mages and elemental elves.
- With: Any armour providing greater than 1 level of protection is ruled to contain enough metal to be affected by metal limits for mages and elemental beings, metal limits are explained in detail for those character in the magic rules.
4. Proposal: Brawling to become a General Skill DONE
This passed and is as simple as moving the rule across and removing pre-reqs. Is superseeded by EGM motion below.
5.Proposal: Introduce Brawling into the Wilderness tree
Skipped due to 4.
6. Proposal: put buckler-use into the Subterfuge and Wilderness trees
7. Proposal: broaden Staff Use for Wilderness characters DONE
Pass, will update text accoridngly.
= 8. Proposal: Replace DETECT DISEASE at FA 3 with RECOGNISE DISEASE DONE=
Motion passed. Will update skill wording.
9. Proposal: New Wilderness skill: Take Cover
= 10. Proposal: New Wilderness Skill: Surefootedness DONE=
This skill would allow a Wilderness character to choose to call NEGATE
or TAKEN, as appropriate, to a single STRIKEDOWN call of any duration,
once per encounter. The skill would have three ranks, requiring
Wilderness II for Surefootedness I, Wilderness IV for Surefootedness
II, and Wilderness VI for Surefootedness III. Each level would be 5xp,
given the prereqs will prevent double-buying. These effects explicitly
do NOT stack with each other: with Surefootedness III, should a WIDE,
a MASS and a targetted STRIKEDOWN all occur in the same encounter, I
may only choose to call TAKEN (or NEGATE, as appropriate) to one of
Surefootedness I: Once per encounter, you may call TAKEN to one call
of WIDE STRIKEDOWN, of any duration.
Surefootedness II: Once per encounter, you may call TAKEN to one call
of MASS STRIKEDOWN, of any duration.
Surefootedness III: Once per encounter, you may call either NEGATE or
TAKEN, as appropriate, to one targetted call of STRIKEDOWN, of any
duration. This includes STRIKEDOWNs delivered by arrow, thrown weapon,
weapon blow or casting.
Should the call of STRIKEDOWN be combined with any other system call
to which you are not immune, you may call TAKEN to the strikedown, but
should take the other effects of the call as appropriate. eg. with
Surefootedness II, should the call "MASS SPIRIT HEX THROUGH
STRIKEDOWN" be called when I am in range, I may choose to call TAKEN
to the STRIKEDOWN, but my character must still take the SPIRIT HEX
New rules text
Surefootedness 1-3: 5xp, Prerequistes Wilderness 2, 4, 6
This skill allows a Wilderness character to choose to call NEGATE or TAKEN, as appropriate, to a single STRIKEDOWN call of any duration, once per encounter.
- Surefootedness I: Once per encounter, you may call TAKEN to one call of WIDE STRIKEDOWN, of any duration.
- Surefootedness II: Once per encounter, you may call TAKEN to one call of MASS STRIKEDOWN, of any duration.
- Surefootedness III: Once per encounter, you may call either NEGATE or TAKEN, as appropriate, to one targetted call of STRIKEDOWN, of any duration. This includes STRIKEDOWNs delivered by arrow, thrown weapon, weapon blow or casting.
These effects explicitly do not stack with each other: with Surefootedness 3, should a WIDE, a MASS and a targetted STRIKEDOWN all occur in the same encounter, you may only choose to call TAKEN (or NEGATE, as appropriate) to one of them.
Should the call of STRIKEDOWN be combined with any other system call to which you are not immune, you may call TAKEN to the strikedown, but should take the other effects of the call as appropriate. eg. with Surefootedness II, should the call "MASS SPIRIT HEX THROUGH STRIKEDOWN" be called you may choose to call TAKEN to the STRIKEDOWN, but must still take the SPIRIT HEX THROUGH.
11. Proposal: Wilderness Doubles DONE
Weapon Expertise
I would propose a new skill be added to the Wilderness Tree at Level
6. This skill would also have a pre-requisite of Weapon Competence 4.
Cost: 10 XP.
This skill allows the user to call 'double' with any single handed
weapon between 24 and 36 inches long. This does not stack with any
benefits gained from Melee or Street Fighter.
If any AGM motion passes to allow Wilderness characters to use
two-handed weapons as well as staves, this skill would also allow them
to call Double with two-handed weapons of up to 60 inches.
New text
Weapon Expertise: 10XP, pre-requisites Wilderness 6, Weapon Competence 4.
This skill allows a character to call double with any single handed weapon between 24 and 36 inches long or any 2 handed weapon of up to 60 inches long.
12. Proposal: Brawling by Touch
13 Remove hit doubling MOSTLY DONE
Remove hit doubling on the torso and head. People start on 3/3,
progress to 4/4 with the hit skills as usual. Frail people, elves,
kender etc. start on 2/2 and progress to 3/3, etc.
Allow, as part of this motion, the balancing of Direct Damage, against
the new numbers of body hits. There are notes at the end of this list
of motions with some suggestions on rebalancing - these are *not*
intended as part of the motion but a suggested starting point should
the motion pass.
Rules to amend
- Rules: Combat: Hit locations.
- Character Create: Experience System: Generating a Character
- character creation: Racial Packages: All starting hits
- Character creation: General, warrior, wilderness: update health, fitness and fortitude.
- Targeteer - direct damage rebalance
- Spells - direct damage rebalance
- Miracles - direct damage rebalance
- This has been done by Malselene. It is being discussed by the refteam. We will release it, probably allow brief public comment, and then implement it if no gaping holes are shown to exist. --Tea (unofficially)
- This is now appended to the bottom of this document. --Tea
EGM Motions
1. Was new ref tem
2. WTF breaks halt! DONE
Original text: If struck by any damage call apart from NOTHING, this effect is broken.
New Text:
If struck by any effect call or any damage call that is not [DAMAGE TYPE] NOTHING, this effect is broken, unless the [DAMAGE TYPE] causes you to take damage (for example, you are vulnerable to that damage type).
- NOTHING : will not break halt
- MASS NOTHING : will not break halt (damage call is still precisely NOTHING)
- SUBDUE NOTHING : will not break halt (no damage caused)
- MASS RED NOTHING : will not break halt unless you are vulnerable to RED. (Damage is half if you are red vulnerable, otherwise NOTHING)
- MASS RED HALF : will break halt, even on those resistant to RED. (damage call is RED HALF)
- TOUCH : will break halt (damage call is not nothing)
- STRIKEDOWN 10 : will break halt (but you are now under the effects of STRIKEDOWN)
- HALT 5 : will break halt (though you are now under the new halt effect for 5 seconds)
- DETECT HUMAN : will not break halt (not a damage call or effect call)
- REC MAGIC : will not break halt (not a damage call or effect call)
- INFLICT N : will break HALT if it is put on you whilst under the halts duration. It will not break halt if you are already under the inflict as you have not been struck by it (Thus INFLICTs or a pre-existing long running effect call do not provide halt immunity).
- CURE N : will break halt (effect call)
- An effect that would cause you to respond NEGATE or TAKEN will break halt. (as those are effect calls)
3. Motion: Change mechanics of Brawling D0HNE
Replace Brawling (General Skill) with the following:
Brawling (1XP)
Your character has knowledge of one or more forms of IC brawling, be it fisticuffs, wrestling or another appropriate technique. You may brawl with somebody by challenging them in an obvious (eg: You Sir have insulted my honour, prepare for a thrashing!) and refusable (eg: "In this society, Sir, we fight with WIT/SWORDS/ARMIES") manner. At this point you must agree on how you will be physrepping the fight in a manner both parties are happy with (You could choose to mime punches & telegraph massively with the only way to dodge being to lean backwards to a ridiculous angle, first to N hits, first to [bodyhits] in hits etc). You may not involve anyone in your fight unless they openly join (eg: "Break this fight up at once!") and you agree with them joining (implicitly: eg socking them one or explicitly eg: "I'll fight the both of ye!").
Any "damage" done by brawling is non-mechanical, if your character loses and is "knocked out" or such they can be revived trivially and have not taken any mechanical damage by default, they may decide on their that they took damage in which case it is subdual, or may RP that they have a split lip etc.
New text: exactly as above
4. Change default amount of armour a character can wear with no armour skill from 3 points to 4 points DONE
Passed. Update the Armour section of the rules from 3 to 4. Check the Armour and light armour skills in the various class pages.
- Needs an edit to Armour 1. --Tea
5. Remove Frailty as an XP-giving skill
6. Remove Noncombatant as an XP-giving skill
Both of these passed.
New text
Removal all references to giving XP and state these are roleplaying
and system mechanical choices that should be told to the refs on character creation.
- I note that you can agree with the refs to have your character under system mechanical effects, such as Frailty. You merely do not gain bonus XP for such. --Tea
These are the proposed changes due to hit undoubling. They should be considered to override the website in cases of disagreement, and should not be edited by non-refs. The refs are happy to provide clarifications on any unclear features of these by email to the tt-refs@ address.
General Rules Changes D0NE
For every 4 levels of Health Fitness and Fortitude (in any combination) you gain 1 extra hit points to every location.
Racial Packages DONE
Humans, Dwarves, Orcs and Skaven start on 3 hits to each location.
Elves and Kender now start on 2 hits to every location.
There is no change to the xp cost of any racial packages
Character Class Changes
Alchemy DONE
Alchemy Rules
Venom: Venom becomes +1 degree of damage rather than +2.
These potions to be adjusted to the below due to the changes to venom and to hits.
Blade venom - will stay on the blade for up to 5 minutes
Damage only
- R: add VENOM to next 2 blows
- RR: add VENOM to next 4 blows
- RRR: add VENOM to next 6 blows
- RRRR: add VENOM to next 8 blows
Knockout - these will do SUBDUAL damage 5 minutes after application. Intended to be used on those you expect to flee.
- RG: add VENOM to your next blow. After the encounter, the location struck will take a SUBDUE TRIPLE
- RRG: add VENOM to your next blow. After the encounter, the location struck will take a SUBDUE QUIN
- RRRG: add VENOM to your next blow. After the encounter, the location struck will take a SUBDUE SUFFICIENT.
Ingestive poisons - all ignore all types of armour
Enfeebling - these will INFLICT a lessening of your maximum hits on one or more locations. Halving always rounds in favour of the victim. Enfeebling effects do not stack; only the worst applies to any given location
- CB: ingestive SINGLE INFLICT 2 reduce your maximum hits by 1 to each location, minimum of half starting
- CCB: ingestive SINGLE INFLICT 4 reduce your maximum hits by 2 to each location, minimum of half starting
- CCCB: ingestive SINGLE INFLICT 6 reduce your maximum hits by half to each location.
- CG: ingestive SUBDUE QUAD
- CCCG: ingestive SUBDUE SUFFICIENT to all locations
Endurance - grants locational hits for 5 minutes. Not stackable, but may be repaired within that time. Additional hits are lost first.
- BG: Grants +1 hit to each location
- BBBG: Grants +2 hits to every location
Venom resistance - may be used after you take the VENOM, but before onset.
- BR: You have some slight resistance to venom. Any resulting INFLICTs from venoms will only last for 5 minutes.
- BBR: You are resistant to VENOM and take one degrees less damage from it for 5 minutes. You are immune to resulting INFLICTs.
Mage/ Magic Syllabuses
White DONE
The level 7 light syllabus spell Illusory Onslaught to be removed and replaced with
Level 7: Dazzling Glory
- Range: Wide
- Duration: 30 seconds
- Effect: Call "WIDE HALT 30!" as eye wateringly bright light spreads out through the surroundings disorientating those present so they cannot move
Replace the Fire College Syllabus with
Level 0: Ignite
- Range: Touch
- Duration: Instant
- Effect: Lights a candle or sets a piece of paper on fire (or similar actions, but those aren't guaranteed to work). After lighting, the fire is perfectly mundane and will burn on or go out as such. May be physrepped by a cigarette lighter or similar if safe, or by removing the burnt-up item from play (put it in an OOC container or hand it to a ref).
Level 1: Enflame Arrow
- Range: Touch
- Duration: 5 minutes or until discharged
- Effect: Enchants an arrow, throwing knife or crossbow bolt to do +1 degree of damage; also turns all damage from projectile into Red damage. The magic is expended on the first thing the arrow hits.
Level 1: Firedart
- Range: Target
- Duration: Instant
- Effect: Call "Target, RED SINGLE!" as a dart of bright flame strikes them in the chest.
Level 2: Enflame Arrows
- Range: Touch
- Duration: 5 minutes or until discharged
- Effect: Enchants up to three arrows or crossbow bolts to do +1 degree of damage; also turns all damage from projectile into Red damage. The magic is expended on the first thing the arrow hits (it then dissipates).
Level 2: Firestrike
- Range: Target
- Duration: Instant
- Effect: Call "Target, RED DOUBLE!" as fire leaps from your hand to strike them in the chest.
Level 3: Enflame Dagger
- Range: Touch
- Duration: 5 minutes
- Effect: Enchants a bladed weapon of length 18" or less to do +1 degree of damage; also turns all damage from weapon into Red damage.
Level 3: Ricochet
- Range: Target (twice)
- Duration: Instant
- Effect: Call "Target, RED DOUBLE" as flame leaps at them from your hand. From there, it leaps onto another target: choose another target and call "Target, RED DOUBLE" again. You may not target the same person twice with one casting of this spell.
Level 4: Enflame Sword
- Range: Touch
- Duration: 5 minutes
- Effect: Enchants a bladed weapon of length 42" or less to do +1 degree of damage; also turns all damage from weapon into Red damage. (This spell works just as well on appropriately-sized axes as it does on swords.)
Level 4: Fireball
- Range: Target
- Duration: Instant
- Effect: Call "Target, RED QUAD!" as you throw a football-sized ball of fire which heads unerringly for their heart.
Level 5: Heat Metal
- Range: Target
- Duration: 10 seconds
- Effect: Call "DISARM that [item] 30!" as the weapon is heated with fire until it is too hot to be held.
Level 5: Fiery Blast
- Range: Target (twice)
- Duration: Instant
- Effect: Call "Target, RED DOUBLE STRIKEDOWN" as flame leaps at them from your hand. From there, it leaps onto another target: choose another target and call "Target, RED DOUBLE STRIKEDOWN" again. You may not target the same person twice with one casting of this spell.
Level 6: Inferno
- Range: Mass
- Duration: Instant
- Effect: Call "MASS RED TRIPLE!" as columns of fire leap up from the ground around you.
Level 6: Enflame Polearm
- Range: Touch
- Duration: 5 minutes
- Effect: Enchants a bladed weapon of length 42" or more to do +1 degree of damage; also turns all damage from weapon into Red damage. (This works equally well on massive two-handed swords as on polearms and spears.)
Level 7: Fire Storm
- Range: Target (many times)
- Duration: 5 minutes
- Effect: Caster calls a firestorm with 6 charges: each charge may be used to do a RED DOUBLE to a single target by the call "Target, call" with a eight-word vocal, as a blast of fire strikes the target. The firestorm fades away after 5 minutes have passed.
Level 7: Leaping Flame
- Range: Target (twice)
- Duration: Instant
- Effect: Call "Target, RED QUAD!" as your target is suddenly wreathed in flames. From there, the flames leap to another target: choose another target and call "Target, RED QUAD" again. You may not target the same person twice with one casting of this spell.
Level 8 Incinerate
- Range: Target (twice)
- Duration: Instant
- Effect: Call "Target, RED QUAD STRIKEDOWN" as flame leaps at them from your hand. From there, it leaps onto another target: choose another target and call "Target, RED QUAD STRIKEDOWN" again. You may not target the same person twice with one casting of this spell.
Level 8: Conflagration
- Range: Mass
- Duration: Instant
- Effect: Call "MASS RED QUIN!" as the ground around you erupts upwards in a pillar of blinding flame.
Black DONE
The level 6 dark syllabus spell Collapse to be removed and be replaced with
Level 6: Crowd Collapse
- Range: Mass
- Duration: Instant
- Effect: Call " MASS SUBDUE TRIPLE" as ambient darkness collapses on the heads of all those around.
The level 8 dark syllabus spell Fainting to be removed and be replaced with
Level 8: Collateral Darkhammer
- Range: Mass
- Duration: Instant
- Effect: Call "MASS SUBDUE QUAD!" – all those around find their consciousness being driven from the bodies by darkness.
Replace the Air college syllabus with
Level 0: Windermere's Fan
- Range: Special
- Duration: 30 seconds or until released
- Effect: Caster may use a small hand fan or other sensible physrep to simulate a light breeze.
Level 1: Gust
- Range: Target
- Duration: 5 seconds
- Effect: Call "Target, REPEL 5!" as a sudden gale-force gust strikes a single indicated target, curiously leaving everything else untouched.
Level 1: Talk to Wind
- Range: Self
- Duration: 5 minutes or until finished
- Effect: The caster may ask three questions of the wind. The wind can tell you what things upwind of you look like, the way they were going, et cetera. It is not very clever, however - and it can't tell you anything about things it has not seen. If the air has been still - and inside buildings - you can expect the air to have a vague memory of the last hour's events or so. Elemental wind tends to lack the imagination to lie.
Level 2: Spark
- Range: Target
- Duration: Instant
- Effect: Call "Target, BLUE SINGLE THROUGH" as a spark of Air magic leaps out to strike their target.
Level 2: Winds of Disarming
- Range: Target
- Duration: Instant
- Effect: Caster may call "Target, DISARM that [item]!" as the air itself tears from their hands one item the target was holding.
Level 3: Gust of Wind
- Range: Target
- Duration: 30 seconds
- Effect: Caster may call "Target, REPEL 30" as a hurricane-force wind pushes their target away.
Level 3: Wind Bow
- Range: Touch
- Duration: 5 minutes
- Effect: The winds will guide the arrows of one bow you touch to their target - touched bow does +1 degrees of damage. Note that this damage is not Blue damage as you have not enchanted the arrows but rather the bow.
Level 4: Zap
- Range: Target
- Duration: Instant
- Effect: Call "Target, Blue DOUBLE THROUGH" as a small bolt of what looks like lightning leaps from your finger.
Level 4: Jump Self
- Range: Self / 30 feet
- Duration: 'Instant' - move straight from where you cast the spell to where you wish to go
- Effect: Caster may put their finger in the air, move up to thirty feet, and then return to visibility: they have been borne up into the air by strong air currents, and set down in the place they put their finger down in. Once they start moving they must keep moving to the point that they designated at the time they cast the spell (it should be indicated when casting) at a reasonable pace.
Level 5: Evasions
- Range: Self
- Duration: 5 minutes or until discharged
- Effect: Caster may ignore the next three hits they take as swirling winds deflect them. (This acts as DAC.)
Level 5: Blast of Wind
- Range: Mass
- Duration: 30 seconds
- Effect: Caster may call "MASS REPEL 30" as they summon a fountain of magical energy down from the sky, blowing outward from them in every direction.
Level 6: Lightning Bolt
- Range: Target
- Duration: Instant
- Effect: Call "Target, BLUE TRIPLE THROUGH" as a bolt of forked lightning leaps from your open palm to strike them in the chest.
Level 6: Variations on Choral Harmonics
- Range: Mass
- Duration: 30 seconds
- Effect: Call ‘MASS SILENCE 30 as the air around you stills so that voices do not carry through it.
Level 7: Storm
- Range: Target (many times)
- Duration: 5 minutes
- Effect: Caster calls a storm with 6 charges: one charge may be spent to do one of STRIKEDOWN, DISARM that [item], BLUE SINGLE THROUGH or REPEL 10 to a single target by the call "Target, call" with a six-word vocal, as a specialised lightning bolt or gust of wind strikes the target. The storm dies down after 5 minutes have passed.
Level 7: Tornado
- Range: Self
- Duration: 5 minutes
- Effect: The caster is immune to ranged weapons and resistant to (takes one less degree from) physical damage due to the protective tornado surrounding them. They may cast spells, but may not reach out of the tornado (for example, to attack, or touch allies, or fire ranged weapons).
Level 8: Lightning Blast
- Range: Target
- Duration: Instant
- Effect: Caster may call "Target, BLUE QUAD THROUGH" as lightning bolts crackle from the caster's hands and the sky to strike their unfortunate opponent.
Level 8: Lightning Storm
- Range: Mass
- Duration: Instant
- Effect: You call a storm of blue magic down from the sky to strike out in all directions - call "MASS BLUE TRIPLE THROUGH!" as lightning bolts strike everyone nearby.
Priest/Miracles? Trees
Level 5: Regeneration - Either call "CURE 8" or regrow a destroyed limb or organ
Smite body
Replace the current smite body tree with
Level 1: Spiritstrike
- Range: Target
- Duration: Instant
- Effect: A low-ranking spirit of your deity delivers a stinging blow to your victim. Call "Target, SPIRIT SINGLE THROUGH!"
Level 2: Spiritsweep
- Range: 'Self' / next target struck
- Duration: Until discharged
- Effect: The priest's weapon of choice (or their hand) is briefly empowered to deliver a spiritual strike that forces their victim away from them. The next time their hand or weapon touches anything with a spirit, they may call "REPEL 10 SPIRIT SINGLE!" This replaces the weapon's damage call, if any.
Level 3: Spirit Hammer
- Range: Target
- Duration: Instant
- Effect: You call on a spirit of your deity to deliver a painful blow that knocks your target to the ground. Call "Target, SPIRIT DOUBLE STRIKEDOWN!"
Level 4: Spiritsever
- Range: 'Self' / next target struck
- Duration: Until discharged
- Effect: Ungentle spirits of death and righteous destruction are brought forth to enwrap the priest's weapon, as they deliver a strike capable of felling a stout yeoman. The next time their hand or weapon touches anything with a spirit, they may call "Target, SPIRIT TRIPLE THROUGH!" This replaces the weapon's damage call, if any.
Level 5: Spirit Bolt
- Range: Target
- Duration: Instant
- Effect: A mid-ranking spirit of your deity carries your wrath to its deserving target with a hammerblow that inflicts near-crippling pain. Call "Target, SPIRIT QUAD STRIKEDOWN!"
Level 6: Smite
- Range: Target
- Duration: Instant
- Effect: You call upon a spirit of your deity to deliver a blow that will drop all but the toughest opponents. Call "Target, SPIRIT QUAD THORUGH!"
Level 7: Lordly Wrath
- Range: Mass
- Duration: Instant
- Effect: You call down the wrath of your deity to scour those who displease you from the world. Call "MASS SPIRIT QUAD THROUGH STRIKEDOWN!"
Replace the current backstab 1-5 with
Backstab 1-4 (8xp) [Requires Subterfuge 2, 4, 6, 8]
The character knows how best to strike an opponent who isn't expecting it, or is otherwise engaged. To backstab, you must be standing behind the target and strike them in the rear of the torso with a weapon less than 18" long (but see Improved Backstab). After backstabbing, you may not backstab that target for ten seconds - people have an inconvenient tendency to flail around in agony, which really spoils your aim.
- 1.Your blow gains one natural degree of damage, and is converted to THROUGH damage for a sharp weapon, or SUBDUAL for a blunt weapon.
- 2.Your blow gains two natural degrees of damage, and is converted to THROUGH or SUBDUAL as for Backstab I.
- 3.Your blow gains three natural degrees of damage, and is converted to THROUGH or SUBDUAL as for Backstab I.
- 4.Your blow gains four natural degrees of damage, and is converted to THROUGH or SUBDUAL as for Backstab I.
Replace Targeteer with
Targeteer 1-8 (4xp) [Requires Wilderness 1-8]
You have received specialised training with ranged weapons. You gain the following abilities at the given level:
- 1.Gains the ability to call SINGLE THROUGH or SINGLE STRIKEDOWN with a bow or a crossbow.
- 2.Gains the ability to call DOUBLE STRIKEDOWN with a bow or crossbow.
- 3.Gains the ability to call DOUBLE THROUGH with a bow or crossbow.
- 4.Gains the ability to call TRIPLE STRIKEDOWN with a bow or crossbow.
- 5.Gains the ability to call TRIPLE THROUGH with a bow or crossbow.
- 6.Gains the ability to call QUAD STRIKEDOWN with a bow or crossbow.
- 7.Gains the ability to call QUAD THROUGH with a bow or crossbow.
- 8.Gains the ability to call HEX STRIKEDOWN with a bow or crossbow.
- If you wish to take the Targeteer skill, you must first pass an OOC safety test, as LARP bows are the most potentially dangerous of all the LARP weapons we use.
Effect on Current Characters
All current characters may restat within reason to the same xp to take into account the changes, ref discretion and rule 7 apply.
Should the Level 6 Smite Body miracle be a call of "Target, SPIRIT QUAD THROUGH"? --
- Yes --Tea
- Just for clarity as it hasn't been edited: it's currently missing the "Target" part. --MorkaisChosen
- The miracle range is target, so that bit's implied. Level 3 doesn't have that bit either. Under rule 7, I'd say the "target" part isn't *strictly* part of the call but good pratise anyway. --Chevron
- Fair point, but I think we should try to be consistent on the site, and most of the spells and miracles have "target" in. --MorkaisChosen
- Aha, I see. I thought you were questioning the damage grade. Futzed. --Tea