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The Glossary is a bit out of date, I am only picking out things that I notice here.

Change Requests for the Glossary

Changes now applied to the Glossay

Background: Even though you may just have invented your character yesterday, supposedly they have been alive for a decade or two and in that time they might have done interesting things which shaped their personality. The more rich and colourful the background, the easier it is to roleplay the character and the more "alive" they become. You can email your background to the refs, or just keep it in your head to apply in-character. Backgrounds that have been used in the past include "just graduated from the seminary in Londinium, coming up here for my first posting", "ran away from my stuffy parents to study magic and music here", "I'm a Grob-worshipping shady pirate necromancer" and "everyone I know died in mysterious circumstances and I found myself here, I don't really have a job yet, do you need a mercenary?".

Should this be You should email your background to the refs, even if it just a few lines/ideas, and can always ask them for suggestions

Bastard sword: A bastard sword is a LARP-safe sharp weapon of exactly 42" in length. It may be wielded in one hand and treated as a one-handed weapon for the purposes of skills, or in two hands and treated as a two-handed weapon for the purposes of skills. The wielder may always choose to treat it as a one-handed weapon if for some reason their damage call would be greater if they did so. The weapon length limits in TT are slightly flexible; 5% each way is a good rule of thumb. See 'longsword' and 'two-handed weapon'.

I would like to remove the rules related text here as it is a duplicate of things in the actual rules section and thus gets out of date.

Canon: Most LARP groups have an archive of past happenings and plots, which may also supposedly sketch out the history of that universe. This provides a valuable and interesting resource for players writing new plots.

Does not explain what cannon is to my mind: aka something that is a true fact?

Cosh: A cosh is a LARP-safe blunt weapon of 18" or less in length. The limit of natural damage with a cosh is SINGLE. The weapon length limits in TT are slightly flexible; 5% each way is a good rule of thumb. See 'dagger'.

I would like to remove the rules related text here as it is a duplicate of things in the actual rules section and thus gets out of date.

DAC: Dexterity Armour Class. Each point of DAC allows you to ignore the first hit you would otherwise take in a combat encounter. A minute without fighting causes this effect to refresh. Although the third level Blessing miracle has a similar effect, it does not grant true DAC as this protection refreshes only at dawn and dusk.

GRRR ANOTHER DAC description. Would change this to Dexterity Armour Class, representing a characters ability to dodge blows.

Dagger: A dagger is a LARP-safe sharp weapon of 18" or less in length. The limit of natural damage with a dagger is SINGLE except in the case of the Backstab skill. The weapon length limits in TT are slightly flexible; 5% each way is a good rule of thumb. See 'cosh'.

I would like to remove the rules related text here as it is a duplicate of things in the actual rules section and thus gets out of date.

Invisible: While invisible, an entity is immune to targeted effects (but not Mass or Wide effects), touch-ranged effects and weapon damage; invisibility is not distinguishable from not being there, both of these being denoted by putting your hand or finger in the air. If you are invisible you are not inaudible - you can be heard talking. Invisibility is broken if you attack anything, you begin the vocal for any spell or miracle, you are within the area of a Mass or Wide Detect spell or miracle to which you must respond, or you attempt to take an item from someone's hand.

Again would like to remove the rules definitions (invisible makes you immune to weapon damage? cool!)

Level: In many LARP systems, the structure of a character sheet is based on levels. This is a hangover from table-top systems, but it works (mostly). The level of a character denotes its strength/power/age; therefore a sixth level character is pretty tough and established while a first level character is a new player. Confusingly, skills often also have levels denoting ability in that skill, which bear only a passing relationship to the level of the character using the skill. Therefore a 5th level Mage who had Elemental Skill level 6 could cast a 3rd level spell on a 2nd level Warrior, or something. It is generally obvious from context which meaning of the word 'level' is being used. Character level has no in-character effect, and is not in-character obvious at all; it is purely a book-keeping device to prevent characters from becoming too unbalanced due to Treasure Trap's experience system.

Would like to take out the sentences starting from "Confusingly" all the way to the one starting "Character level has no in-character effect"

Light Armour: Armour composed of either unhardened leather or fur, not reinforced or studded, which grants 1 point of armour. Some skills in the Subterfuge and Wilderness trees only work in light or no armour. The 'Fur and Leather Hardening' skill allows one to create light armour which grants 2 points of armour per location.

I suspect tyhis is horribly out of date. Light armour now is in fact "any non rigid/metal armour"

Location: As well as the usual meaning of "a place", a location is an area on the body distinct from other areas. Each location has a number of hit points representing its health and vitality. These go down if the location is injured and up (but not beyond the normal maximum value) if healed. If hit points on a location reach zero, bad things happen, but not as bad as if they go into negative numbers. See the 'Hit System' page for more details.

Want to remove "negative numbers" bits

Short mace: A short mace is a LARP-safe blunt weapon between 18" and 36" in length. The limit of natural damage with a short mace is DOUBLE. The weapon length limits in TT are slightly flexible; 5% each way is a good rule of thumb. The refs would like to encourage clear demarcation between coshes and short maces; rule 7 applies. See 'shortsword".

I would like to remove the rules related text here as it is a duplicate of things in the actual rules section and in this case is out of date?

Shortsword: A shortsword is a LARP-safe sharp weapon between 18" and 36" in length. The limit of natural damage with a shortsword is DOUBLE except in the case of the Backstab skill. The weapon length limits in TT are slightly flexible; 5% each way is a good rule of thumb. The refs would like to encourage clear demarcation between daggers and shortswords; rule 7 applies. See 'short mace'.

I would like to remove the rules related text here as it is a duplicate of things in the actual rules section and in this case is out of date?

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Last edited March 28, 2011 11:25 pm by Drac (diff)