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I've just realised I am missing the clarifications page on the new site.

However, most of these are out of date, and by out of date they refer to things that have either changed again, or say they have changed something but there is no way to tell what they have changed from or - the old version of the rules has been lost, what is on the website simply "is".

Thus when I transfer it I intend to ditch everything from the page older than September 2010. Points will be incorporated into main rules pages where appropriate. Post September 2010 will also be incorporated where possible but will be kept as a record.

This is your page to request that some things stay on the clarifications page with reasons why. Anything not mentioned in the below sections you can assume is going to disappear.


You cannot use poisonned weapons unless you have an appropiate skill that allows you to use poison, doing so may well cause you to poison yourself in the process. (Very bottom of the page)
I can't see it being repealed anywhere. I assume it went away with the rework of alchemy into potions and elixers?

Being folded into other rules

Alcohol does not count as poison when using recognise poison. Someone who is drunk in character will be acting drunk, and you can always ask them if they smell of alcohol. (older clarifications)
Move into rec poison.

any call that is not nothing breaks a halt, including Strikedown and Repel. Strikedown/Repel? are not interrupted by halt, but halt also applies, so you may not be able to move during the period when you are halted.. (older clarifications)

Move into system calls (are the mechancis of break halt and break casting the same? If so can we unify?)

Blade venoms and similar (i.e. blade potions) count as unatural weapon buffs and cannot be used with other unnatural weapon buffs. If in doubt ask a ref. (clarifications)

Move to somewhere in alchemy

Moved into other rules

The effect of prayer: Michaelmas 2009

Move this paragraph into spirit rules.

When wielding a staff or other polearm, the weapon does not count as two handed when wielded from the middle. You should not add damage from two handed in this situation (older clarifications)

Move into 2 handed weapon skill.

In general, the Refs do not report on one character's activities to another. If in downtime you burn down the marketplace while standing on the roof cackling about the destruction of mankind, people will hear about it. If you do something directly involving another character, then one or both of you might get information pertaining to the other. However, by default the Refs do not tell other players what you are doing. This means if you are a member of an organisation such as the Mercenaries, the Militia or the Army, and you want the other members to know about your movements, you should report to them in character, either by email (CC it to the refs please) or in uptime. (older clarifications section)


If you are sending a downtime, and refer to an NPC, it can be helpful to include a quick reminder of who they were, sometimes we ask our monsters to make names up for themselves, or players mishear what we call ourselves. It can be quite mystifying trying to figure out who "Winkie" is.

Move into downtime

There has been some confusion about what interrupts casting, and what doesn't. To clarify: if a weapon or effect, or any call strikes you while you are casting, you are interrupted. You must start the vocal over, but do not lose any magic or spirit. The only exception to this is if the call is, precisely, "NOTHING". This is very strict, so a RED NOTHING will interrupt anyone, even a pyrokin, as it is not a "NOTHING" - the reason being that even that effect is distracting enough to break your concentration. This means you are interrupted in all other situations, for example if you DAC a blow, or you have magical armour. You are not mechanically interrupted when someone distracts you, say, by throwing a bucket of water over you, however you should feel free to roleplay losing the spell or miracle and starting over. (bottoms ection)

Will move into casting. Note that this is very explicit that ANYTHING that is not nothing, including SUBDUE NOTHING will break casting.

You can't parry when casting, it's as good as an interruption. You can hold your weapon out in front of you in a vaguely threatening manner, but you can't move it around to parry, or push against an incoming blow, without losing your spell. (bottom section)

Will move into casting.

When responding to a Rec Magic call targetted at you, your response is a list of all the rec magic responses you give. Therefore, if you are a aerokin warlock carrying a wand and the star of Akana you would respond "Aerokin, Warlock Focus, Air Elemental, White Point, Black Point, Blue Point, Green Point, Red Point, Brown Point" (in any order.) (Clarifications)

Update to be more relevant and move into Calls section.

Unconscious characters are unconscious, please be accomodating to players who tell you they are doing something to your body, namely, you don't have to roleplay a full body search, and you don't actually have to physically drag a body around, the unconscious player should never say "you can't do that, I'm too heavy" unless they actually have a good reason. (penultimate paragraph)

Will fold this into the hits rules.

FOO NOTHING upgrades to HALF when vulnerable to FOO. Yes, this means a frail person could just about hurt a hydrokin with a flaming knife. However if you are frail and wielding weapons you're probably not roleplaying the disability well, especially if you don't drop the weapon when striking something or parrying. (older clarifications section)

Will move into system calls/where-ever we define vulnerable.

Clarifications from Michaelmas 2010

Put this under the metal limits section in magic rules. Get clarification from refs of exactly what has what metal limits and add them.

Put into the safety page under Physical and emotional wellbeing.

What should be kept on the clarifications page

Put your requests here

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Last edited March 28, 2011 11:26 pm by Drac (diff)